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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1740887 No.1740887 [Reply] [Original]

What's the ideal age to move out of your parents house according to /biz/?

>> No.1740894

When youre able to buy your own place :^)

>> No.1740899

Why would I cuck myself by not renting?

>> No.1740901

Suck on the titty til the titty goes dry.

>> No.1740906

What's the ideal number of times for you to keep making this thread

>> No.1740907



Any older than that and you are missing out on valuable life skills that will make you independent

>> No.1740910
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>> No.1740964


>> No.1740971

I was 21 and it felt like the right time.
I could finally have all the sex i wanted and do all the drugs i wanted and sleep at weird hours.
By sex i mean masturbating untill my arm dislocated itself (true story) and by drugs i mean smoking pot all day

>> No.1740973

It's not an age thing, it's based on financials

>> No.1740976

What would you do differently this time around

>> No.1740980

never, if you can help it

rent is a huge drain on finances and lmao if you think youll get a mortgage straight out of your folks' house. stay living at home as long as you can. it's not like previous generations didnt do it, moving out ASAP is a boomer thing from an era where houses were incredibly cheap and jobs were genuinely shifting away (physically) from where they once were.

>> No.1740982
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>> No.1740983

Im 29 and wouldnt do anything different.
Well i would do a lot of things differentlly if i could have the oppurtunity but not the moving out part. 21 is a good age but like anon a few posts above me said its all about your finances

>> No.1740988

WHEN you have no debt and can live comfortably in your own home.

>> No.1741002

But it sucks

I don't enjoy it

>> No.1741007


>> No.1741077

I moved out at 14

>> No.1741099
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I moved out, out of my parents house when I was one year old. Took care of me ever since.

>> No.1741114

Until they kick you out. Having parents who are willing to provide for you past 18 is truly a blessing, you can do so much without having to pay rent/mortgage, and you won't become lonely.

>> No.1741141

18, builds character and makes you appreciate how comfy you had it

>> No.1741162

If you have the financial means to move out for college, do it then. If not, move out right after graduating college.

>> No.1741513


>> No.1741551

Depends... I'm 24... Still at home... Mom and dad are gods... They have medium/low salary... Never complain... Mom cooks cleans all the Mom type shit... Have younger brother... We prob earn more than parents... pay low rent monthly... 15% of income... Doesn't want me to leave... I don't want to leave other than to make getting sex easier... Don't really have anywhere near enough for own home... Will not rent another property like a cuck... Will probably stay till I can buy own property outright.. But expecting to leave around 30