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17407562 No.17407562 [Reply] [Original]

When the stock market inevitably crashes and the second great recession begins, how high will gold go? Will we see $3000 USD an ounce eoy?

>> No.17407647

>how many squares of toilet paper will an ounce of gold be worth?

>> No.17407662

gold could unironically go to 100k when fiat collapses

>> No.17407990

in a recession gold takes a dive hard

>> No.17408096

>When the FED ends their ponsi scheme of printing hundreds of millions of dollars out of thin air, a flu virus especially harmful to the elderly magically disappears, and people see value in the shiny rocks you find in 3rd world shithoes THEN gold will boom, anon! :)

>> No.17408099

why did the gold standard failed?

>> No.17408106
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Im so fucking Ready

>> No.17408124

inflexible supply

>> No.17408137

Not if there is a panic caused by a debt crisis, especially a sovereign debt crisis like the one that is coming.

>> No.17408146

It failed because Governments wanted to spend more than they could afford so they printed more cash than they had gold to back it.

>> No.17408153

It didn't give the govt enough money for endless wars, so the govt cancelled it and cracked down on gold like a motherfucker.

>> No.17408154

Nice decade old fud retard

>> No.17408177

>Decade old

We're still in the same business cycle with the same problems only now they're worse.

>> No.17408186


>> No.17408201

silver is the fucking worst man.
i bought both gold and silver gold gave me about 10% annually so far silver however barely caught up with the premium costs and taxes. so basically it's at breakeven.

physical silver is retarded.

>> No.17408217
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>measuring gains in fiat clowndollars

>> No.17408234

it's the weak-hands tax that feed coin shop employees

>> No.17408276

Just a dream I had once

>> No.17408330

>It didn't give the govt enough money for endless wars
and why there is so much talk about gold standard + stable coin or bitcoin. What is the advantage to peg a stable coin to gold?

>> No.17408415

it's true the spread on silver is insane. buying physical silver is very expensive but when you sell it it's fucking nothing. 22% is the premium on physical silver when you get the best deal this includes differential vat and coin premium plus costs of handling and shipping.

>> No.17408432

Tbh I don't think it is an overall win, but that's because I see crypto's main advantage as being unfeasible to regulate/confiscate.
Theoretically in a world where that wasn't a factor, it would be nice to have crypto's price pegged to a solid asset where price was reliable and predictable. You wouldn't see 20% monthly swings on BTC if every time someone wanted to 'mine' a new coin they had to actually go swing a pickaxe and sift gold nuggets.
But again, I don't think it is an overall win. I guess maybe just by virtue of existing as an alternative it could act as a check and balance to prevent too much volatility in hash-mined crypto.

>> No.17408436

if i include taxes on ""gains"" i'm still not breaking even lol especially considering inflation by standard rates.

>> No.17408458

Sounds like you're buying like an idiot though.

>Start a C-Corp in the US in a non-income-tax state like NH
>Have your PMs shipped to a PO Box
>Classify their purchase as a business expense (if you really want to be safe just open a shitty resell website)
>After you've owned your C-Corp for 5 years you can sell the entire company for up to $10m federal tax free with the qualified small business tax credit
>Even if you do sell any gold/silver in the meantime, so long as you use the money to re-buy or buy another 'business expense' it's tax deductible

Ta dah. No more shipping fees, sales tax, VAT. You need to stop thinking like a normie.

>> No.17408517

The when a currency collapses, you don’t use that currency as a standard of measurement anymore.

>> No.17408533

>because I see crypto's main advantage as being unfeasible to regulate/confiscate
You are a fucking idiot. The IRS is already completely up the ass of every major marketplace. Try not to pay your taxes and see what happens.

>> No.17408571

is it worth to buy an ounce of plat and palladium respectively purely for the purpose of owning more than wagies ever while

>> No.17408580
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>IRS is already completely up the ass of every major marketplace
>Using marketplaces with KYC
No wonder you're so mad. If I was as dumb as you I'd be seething too.

>> No.17408614

are you talking about taxes on gold?
Many people avid paying taxes making a donation to their no profit association

>> No.17408710

Uhh more like 10k-15k, anon. If a global recession of that magnitude occurs--there will be blood in the streets. Gold is too scarce for most to own and will be unattainable in a few years.

>> No.17408798
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Like it or not, gold does limit economic growth. The economy will be limited to the what the supply of gold is. Our current economy is based on debt spending and using cheap credit to spur growth.

With the current system, you want to might borrow $20,000 to start a business. The bank will likely comply if you decent credit and a solid business plan, so they'll give a loan with low interest because credit is cheap. You're also comfortable with it because $20k in debt doesn't really mean much if things go tits up, and the low interest rate means you can pay it back eventually. If we're on a gold standard the bank might unwilling or unable to offer the loan, or they might do so at higher interest. A higher interest rate would make borrowing less attractive, and saving a better way to protect money.

A gold standard is the difference between whether you prefer to grow your wealth or preserve it.

>> No.17408828

you're fucking retarded

the economy is only limited by the supply of goods and services
a definite money supply yields definite pricing
interest rates are a product of the supply of goods and services, not the value of a unit of currency, that is unless you're in a jewish system where the value of currency is a service that is provided at the pleasure of some elite cabal of kikes

>some retarded story with many cherrypicked variables
take a bunch of pills and watch anime until you stop breathing

>> No.17409083

Do people avoid taxes creating a no profit company and donating the sum to it?

>> No.17409117

yeah genius, and where does this low interest and debt expansion come from? the money created ex nihilo calls for real resources to be employed doesn't it, you can get away with it for decades it appears, but not forever and how do you know forever isn't now?

>> No.17409132

>implying fiat is worth as much as something useful as toilet paper

>> No.17409207

this pleb picking gold? rhodium and iridium are way better, i wish i bought some last year would have doubled my money

>> No.17409282

Prove it.

>> No.17409312
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>> No.17409328
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>> No.17409348
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>> No.17409978

all dependent on industry that will halt

>> No.17410018

Gold and Silver make up the largest short positions on the comex by the big banks. They are holding down the prices of the paper derivative while accumulating physical. Metals like palladium are a much smaller market on the comex and there was far less pressure exerted on them by the large banks hence why they are mooning now. Gold and Silver will eventually break free from the comex shorts either because the banks let it happen or because they are overwhelmed by consumer demand. This party hasn’t even started.

>> No.17410632

jewish ways

>> No.17410690

Shill me on why I should pick up gold vs BTC. Theres clearly a winner in the long term here, BTC.

>> No.17410711

or buy SLV/GLD and leave out all this hassle
newsflash: if the banking and fiat system do actually collapse (potentially jeopardizing ETF holdings) your physical silver isnt going to stop someone breaking into your house and taking it at gunpoint

>> No.17410841

Isn't it funny that we bought shiny rocks awhile back and now people will pay us more for them then we paid? They are literally the same rocks. Now I don't look like such an idiot for telling my family to buy gold at Thanksgiving.

>> No.17410891

Your stonks will be worthless when HSBC admits they don’t have your metal

>> No.17411012
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This. You need a macro and micro look at things. Drivers of price, demands, future demands, economic outlooks, etc. With your thinking process, it's like buying a car that has a high probability of being worth 50x what you buy it for in a decade or less. But because of your lack of understanding, you only look at current/past performance, and you sell. But I'm not against you selling. Because the more people that sell, the lower my buy price is. So go on. Sell it all.

>> No.17411053

After bitching about it for 3 years my mother finally thanked me yesterday for spending $150,000 AUD of the family estates money on Rhodium, Palladium, Gold and Silver.

>> No.17411072

Congrats, anon

>> No.17411117

quote seems legit, not fabricated at all.

>> No.17411182

Jared Venett of precious metals. Cheers mate.

>> No.17411191


Probably even 100k for every central bank in crisis

My only regret is that I spent the last year paying off all my debts instead of stacking. But if a crisis really is on the horizon, I want to make sure no corporation or government is breathing down my neck

>> No.17411216

Weird considering the United State's most unprecedented economic growth actually occurred during the late 1800s while on a gold standard.

>> No.17411229
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If they still exist. Take em to court with pic related. Accounting is your friend.

>> No.17411549

Then why isn't it popping like gold is? Literally no reaction to these headlines. It's whale manipulated garbage.

>> No.17412420

There were multiple "gold standards" historically but Keynes said the gold standard only worked when it was run by the British because they were more sophisticated.
After WWI most of Europe was heavily in debt to America because they either had to borrow heavily to finance the war or had reparations imposed on them. Gold would of had to flow out of America to Europe for Europe to pay America in gold to settle all that debt but the Republicans in America wanted to keep all that gold in America and imposed tariffs to stop foreign goods competing with American goods but kept insisting on foreigners paying off their debt which was obviously impossible since they were also making it impossible for gold to naturally flow out. This system obviously couldn't work and it's what lead to the rise of stuff like National Socialism in Germany to disrupt this system and try bilateral barter arrangements and such throughout the 1930s.
After WWII the Americans tried to setup a liberal internationalist system again with Bretton Woods which was the design of Harry Dexter White (a Soviet mole FYI). Keynes was there and wanted to create an international currency outside the control of any one state but Harry Dexter White insisted that the US dollar function as the world reserve currency and would be convertible into a fixed amount of gold. This system was doomed to fail because of the Triffin dilemma:

>the economy is only limited by the supply of goods and services
If everyone barters goods maybe but goods and services are bought and sold with money in reality.

>Weird considering the United State's most unprecedented economic growth actually occurred during the late 1800s while on a gold standard.
That's not true, post-WWII was the biggest real growth ever experienced. Go read anything from that era, business wasn't optimistic.

>> No.17412433

Buy ammo and beans.

>> No.17412507


>> No.17412582

>If everyone barters goods maybe but goods and services are bought and sold with money in reality.
no, foreigners need more money then, and that's why the jews brainwashed your dumb ass to say these stupid things

>> No.17412637


>> No.17412744

It "worked" somewhat in the 19th century because no one put forth an alternative and it was being managed by somewhat honest internationalists. It totally failed in the 20th century because it was being managed by Americans who didn't care about anyone but themselves really. America didn't want to give all their gold to Europeans and Japanese in the 1970s when they started to build up trade surpluses and America went into deficit so the system was suspended. That shouldn't really be surprising.

>> No.17413004

I have 100 oz. silver and 0 oz. gold.

I have 0.8 BTC, 1100 LINK, 8 ETH, 12 LTC

I have 35k in 401k, 2500 in Robinhood that has some shares in GORO, HL, MSFT, AMD

I am 28 and back in college to finish my bachelors

I can use 500-1000/month to invest if I only pay minimum on my current debts.

What the fuck am I doing/should I be doing? I have had my 401k for about 4-5 years now, the rest I've accumulated since May 2019 for the most part. Help me frens

>> No.17413859

what if you had silver instead of gold?

>> No.17414130
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Drew this 19 feb. Would still love to see Low-Mid 17 tho.