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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17407794 No.17407794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How hard would the economy crash under a Bernie presidency?

>> No.17407802

Presidents don't actually effect the economy

>> No.17407808
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>retarded opinion

>> No.17407816

Ewww I'm dealing with retards.

>> No.17407831

depends how much he subsidizes minimum wage. i think 1500 $OGN/month for every American would be more than enough for financial freedom

>> No.17407837

Markets would crash the moment he became president elect. During the first couple years or maybe even the whole first term things actually wouldn't be that bad, but then all the gibs programs run out of money and US gets breadlines/food riots.

>> No.17407847

The fed is pumping stocks. Really they will crash soon enough.

>> No.17407848

Shoo shoo, paid shill. This is not a thread about crypto.

>> No.17407869

i will sell all my us stocks if he wins

>> No.17407871

There's no difference, they're anagrams

>> No.17407879

MFW you're all in UND so you win either way.

>> No.17407882

It has nothing to do with bernie. the economy will crash the second the banker kikes deem it appropriate to do so for their own interest.

>> No.17407905

It’s the latest shitcoin ppl are paid to shill here...

>> No.17407907


>> No.17407930

Right, there the same thing. Same hyperlink, same thing.

>> No.17407934

Bro you're killing my thread with one stupid comment after another. Never post again.

>> No.17407960
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It will be like the Venezuelan stock market.
Nominally, as measured in fiat, it'll be at all time record highs with everyone making huge gains.
And in reality, USD won't buy you 1/10th of what it used to.
At first the media will be in absolute lockstep to pretend it isn't happening, and denouncing anyone who says it is as conspiracy theorists.
Then it will get so bad, even they will have to acknowledge it. They will blame it on everything from 'greedy billionaires' taking their money and fleeing, to Russian/Chinese interference, to 'capital flight' or 'mass money laundering' (people using non-USD and non-fiat options).
They will initiate capital controls. Mandating that people sell gold/silver/BTC to the government for a set price, with the exception of foreigners.
The federal govt will have lost de facto control over a significant portion of the US (geographically) anyways with the black market becoming a larger part of day to day life than actual regulated products.
Industries will get nationalized, and then mismanaged into the ground, and then literally Atlas Shrugged style taken over by mobs of angry workers who sell raw resource extracted materials for basic necessities and non-fiat currencies.

Or it'll just be 4 years of terrible recession and then a Republican (probably Dan Crenshaw) will win in a landslide and restore market confidence without actually addressing any of the core underlying problems.

>> No.17408019

Suicide would be the only alternative under that scenario.

>> No.17408026

I'm not your bro, you dumb socialist

>> No.17408038

>Markets would crash the moment he became president elect.

They said the same shit with Trump, when will you guys learns ?

>> No.17408061

>how hard would investors crash the economy if we elected someone who didnt allow them to artificially control the economy anymore?

>> No.17408080

because of your grammar mistake i believe you are wrong

>> No.17408081

>who didn't allow them to artificially control the economy anymore
If you are actually dumb enough to think Bernie Sanders will not result in, at best, a consolidation of power from the capitalist 1% to the military-oligarchic 0.1% you must have never read a history book.

>> No.17408087

>he thinks bernz will challenge his jew cohort
ah to be this naive

>> No.17408089
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>> No.17408092

universal healthcare is actually better for businesses because they dont have to spend a fortune on paying for healthcare for their employees

the taxes for a UHC system are less than premiums by far

charlie munger says exactly this and hes a literal boomer republican

>> No.17408093

the state of the "economy" is how the FED whats it to be

>> No.17408119

>It will be like the Venezuelan stock market.
imagine jews allowing this to happen

>will you sell your LINK stack if sergey was a jew

>> No.17408159


>> No.17408180

Jews will be the only ones benefiting.
Inflation, when funneled through hedge funds, banks, and financial instruments before being distributed to common people as debt, benefits the ones at the top.
Double the money supply, give 60% of it to your friends, and loan the rest out to the remainder of people. It's the oldest trick in the Banana Republic book.

>> No.17408188

The market is overdue a recession regardless, and when it happens it will be blamed on the next president when the real issue is Trump's bullrun is artificial and the product of his 2017 tax cut that has given the markets a temporary boost, along with the feds refusing to increase interest rates because they're scared of what will happen if they do.

There's going to be another recession eventually, it's just inevitable whether it's this year, next year, or the year after that, it will happen, and infinite growth is a meme anyway, you can't have infinite growth on a planet with limited resources and an impending ecological and environmental climate catastrophe combing with overpopulation and resource scarcity in the next 2 centuries.

>> No.17408199

>overdue for recession when market hasnt even recovered after last one


>> No.17408207

the only bills he's managed to get through congress involve naming post offices.

he's a terrible politician and won't have any effect on the economy.

>> No.17408229

Bernie winning is bullish for crypto because when the economy tanks & the stock market becomes bearish thanks to him, then it’ll pump up crypto. That Jew rat bastard Bernie could very well make most of us very wealthy men.

>> No.17408264
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Brainlet tier take

>> No.17408283

Implosion of stocks crypto real estate tbonds
gold and silver moon, metalchads inherit the world

>> No.17408301

because people knew with Republican control of the house, senate and now presidency they would enact massive tax reform to save these gigantic corporations billions of dollars that they could use for stock buybacks and re-investment. It's really not surprising that the stock market loves Trump's admin, he has given them free money for nothing.

>> No.17408334

Ask this guy in the video I am posting. A person who is a Vermonter.


>> No.17408402
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>tax breaks
>literally just the govt taking less
>he has given them free money
Why are you so retarded biz

>> No.17408696

This would have happened anyway

>> No.17408730

This. I want trump to be reelected to dispel the myth he's good at managing an economy. All he does is bitch at the fed to keep this ponzi going as long as possible

>> No.17408776


>> No.17408795
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He can't even control his own microphone, there's no way he'd be able to stand up against wall street. In a roundabout way, a vote for Bernie is a vote for the corrupt establishment because he's too fucking weak to stand up for himself let alone power hungry psychopaths that fill Washington. Trump is the better choice, but only by default. The Democrats are an absolute joke this cycle.

>> No.17408802

increased freedoms for workers and business as they wont have to bear the burden of the private insurance scams?

>> No.17408805

If this idiot wins, USA is fuck unironicaly and the rest of the world aswell. Putin is awaiting for that so he can take over Belarus and the rest of Ukraine, maybe some other post soviet countries.

>> No.17408829
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>universal healthcare is actually better for businesses because they dont have to spend a fortune on paying for healthcare for their employees

If a business spends $10,000 on your healthcare then suddenly UHC is implented and now they have to pay $12,000 for the new healthcare tax instead, nothing was really accomplished was it?

>> No.17408888

if Bernie wins, the economy will crash, but not so much because of his victory as much as Trump's QE strategy to artificially pump the stock market till after November will no longer keep this moribund over-inflated stock mania alive.

>> No.17408968

jews win in that scenario

>> No.17408997

What makes you think the taxes for UHC would be more expansive than the current cost of your bloatlord corrupt system? Literally every developed country in the world has universal healthcare and spend half as much per capita. And the overall quality, efficiency, outcomes etc. are much better in the comparably wealthy ones while being much cheaper, just look at any healthcare index.

>> No.17409030
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>Bernie Sanders


>> No.17409033
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>> No.17409049

>using tier redundantly
you want to be accepted so bad

>> No.17409065

>What makes you think the taxes for UHC would be more expansive than the current cost of your bloatlord corrupt system?

>The fact that there is no control on the cost of pharmaceuticals or healthcare.
>The fact that the only countries for which it works as you claim are very rich in resources with very low populations comparatively. i.e., the Nordic countries. Germans pay more in related taxes than all but the most sick patients "get back" from healthcare.
Take your pick. The fact that more Europeans resort to going to Asia for medical care than Americans do is telling.

>> No.17409106

If you don’t think Bernie wouldn’t go full WWIII you’ve got another thing coming. M4A and full employment economy here we come.

>> No.17410243

Markets would improve and trade would actually pick up. People would be much more productive and the markets would reflect that. Plus Tesla would shoot to $1500

>> No.17410304


Possibly the only intelligent post in this thread full of conservatard dumbfucks spouting establishment talking points.

>> No.17410397
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>Under the Sanders proposal, trades would be taxed at a rate of 0.5 percent for stocks and 0.1 percent for bonds. A stock trade of $1,000 would thus incur a cost of $5.
>On the one hand, it will raise the cost of investment," he said. "It's going to be a little bit more costly to get capital to businesses and others who have got useful things they want to do with it, and that's a cost to the economy.
>"On the other hand, to the extent that it discourages unproductive trading ... that's a good thing for the economy."
Every trade taxed 0.5%.... the stock market would crash

>> No.17410415

Bernie would have no effect short term. It all depends on what the fed decides around interest rates. Long term Bernie would be great for the stock market because his policies would build an incredible strong workforce and vastly increase production.

>> No.17410454

I'll be hilarious when the stock market fucking crashes under Trump. "How hard would the economy crash under bernie," Its like you retards don't pay attention to what presidents are good / bad for the economy and stock market.

>> No.17410457
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>> No.17410465

People like you are a diamond dozen

>> No.17410558

The federal government can't just "run out of money", pea brain

>> No.17410582

No wonder he likes Bernie. Tiny brain

>> No.17410617

>t. Unironic Trump supporter

>> No.17410630
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>but then all the gibs programs run out of money
this is what brainlets still believe, even as the fed is printing out hundreds of billions of dollars to keep the repo market afloat and no one bats an eye. holy fuck this board is full of low IQ monkeys.

>> No.17410644

Yup, they're absolute brainlets. They need to look up MMT

>> No.17410645

Pretty fucking hard desu

>> No.17410648

Day 4 of the exact same BS post

>> No.17410662

Alright, I'll take the bait. It's "a dime a dozen" you absolute fucktard.

>> No.17410664
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I remember when this shithole site was antiestablishment. Now all these mouth breathing faggots post literal propaganda for the vurrent government. At least they are getting paid for it, you all do it for free

>> No.17410672

He should of not posted.
People really take the ability to NOT post for granite.

>> No.17410682

Top Zozzle®

>Getting trolled by obvious trolls

>> No.17410748
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> The fact that there is no control on the cost of pharmaceuticals or healthcare.

Which is exactly what Bernie and anyone else with a brain is proposing, and is what every developed country in the world already does.

>The fact that the only countries for which it works as you claim are very rich in resources with very low populations comparatively

What in the fuck are talking about. It works in every developed country, not just norway. pic rel.

You think Germany France and the UK are richer than the US? you think populations of 60-80m are "very low"?

And muhh population is the dumbest argument I've ever heard, it works just fine in countries with 1m pop and it works in countries with 80m people like Germany. it will work in the US.

> Germans pay more in related taxes

But the cost is lower, whether it's coming out of your taxes or out of pocket.

> The fact that more Europeans resort to going to Asia for medical care than Americans do is telling.

It's called geography. How many Americans go to mexico for treatment vs Europeans? Dumb argument.

Look at any healthcare index. The US is lucky to get top 10 in any of them.