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17407536 No.17407536 [Reply] [Original]

Did he have a point about Marxism?

>> No.17407549

>unironically believing any of that dribble
What do you think retard?

>> No.17407610

Hey guys is there something wrong with my 4Channel client if I can't see the image? It comes up all blurry and I can't read it clearly. Is there a mod I can PM or something to get this sorted out?

>> No.17407634

Yeah, type in a post :bigtext: and it should work fine.

>> No.17408462
File: 67 KB, 569x802, MV5BNTMwZTVhZjMtZTM4ZS00Njg1LThiNWQtZDViOGExZDEyY2JiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjYyMDAxMTY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17408472

Hey guys
Is there something wrong with my penis if it gets hard around women
Send help

>> No.17408500

It's rigor mortis, see a doctor