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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17406434 No.17406434 [Reply] [Original]

Warnings have been ample.

>> No.17406663

Finally saw the truth and bought 21. It's pretty obvious what's going to happen.

>> No.17406675
File: 433 KB, 815x541, 51823E0C-21EF-4DE7-8D7A-948C065B97E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice suicide stack poorfag

>> No.17406756

I'm waiting for link to moon to buy more. What's the bsv make it stack?

>> No.17406786
File: 608 KB, 2000x1664, AFB313FE-5983-4C34-B349-4FCADDBEC411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

210, always has been. But 21 is a long term make it stack too, you’ll just be waiting a while. The 210 stack is generational wealth if you’re autistic enough to hold for 20-30 years

>> No.17406787

>orginal bitcoin
>has less hashpower

>> No.17406796

This is for >>17406756

>> No.17406805

>just elected president
>hasnt removed the swamp out of office and executed Hillary on day one

>> No.17406848

Thanks. Should be easy enough to get to this year.

>> No.17406905

i only have 3.08 bsv (never selling, will literally go to prison before i do)
will you guys let me in the citadel

>> No.17406925
File: 953 KB, 600x800, C7E11BE6-B576-4412-8AD8-6A5A74137B63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you’re just a bit above citadel janny
Citadel will have bots for janitorial work, but we make the 2.1 BSV holders jannies to clean up messes, just because we think it’s funny. You have to wear a silly suit for 2 hours a day 3 days a week. We through half empty milk cartons and spaghetti on the ground.

You are millionaires by usd standards, so you’re a lower class citizen of the citadel, but you still enjoy all standard citadel freedoms and rights.

>> No.17406945

We can cope together my poorfriend, I am at 4 bsv
Also fuck citadel residents, i am going to build my own mini-citadel

>> No.17406947

>original bitcoin rules

>> No.17406954

Having enough disposable income to piss away 7000 dollars on a wildly volatile emerging asset class puts that "poorfag" in the top 3-5% of wealth in the world.

>> No.17406960

>imagine not buying SUTER under a $2M cap.

>> No.17406975
File: 19 KB, 242x246, 08E3E173-9F9D-46D2-AC84-E9AC9DBFDE66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope some more poorfag, we told you to buy when a 21 stack cost 1-2 grand

>> No.17406983

BSV will fulfill the bullrun that BTC was always meant to go on.
BSV will literally rape BTC in May/June and all hashpower will go to BSV.
I sincerely hope the BTC faggots who doubted Craig and hate Trump kill themselves painfully.

>> No.17407045

Based and redpilled. You have passed the IQ test

>> No.17407198

I've been slowly accepting this since I started actually researching which is why I FOMOd in. It's tough to tell exactly when the shift will happen but the George Gilder endorsement sealed it for me. If link goes to $10 in March I'll get another 30 or so then.