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17405865 No.17405865 [Reply] [Original]

This is insane. I literally bought the top. When I mean top, I was actually the very last person to buy before it started going downhill. See pic. I market bought at the top of the wick on the 1 minute chart. I think this is a sign from God telling me to move everything to SP500, stop active trading, and get out of crypto for good. Have you ever been this unlucky? I'm just completely stunned.

>> No.17405877
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>> No.17405879

Lol just hodl bro

>> No.17405884

sucks for u bro bitcoin is never going above $10k ever again

recoup your losses while you can

>> No.17405891


Get fucked OP

>> No.17405894

Get away of your computer a few days, bitcoin is not going away soon.

>> No.17405905

Hmm. Nah, it's going to be back over $10k in no time. I'm not going to get stop hunted.

Then again, my misfortune...I can't help but think that this is divine intervention.

>> No.17405906

stop being retarded, buy and forget, the bots will always win

>> No.17405908
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>> No.17405909

what were you trying to do? buy the breakout? next time try buying the break of the bullflag with a stop set underneath the last low

>> No.17405919

Majority of crypto coins are sitting in the Blockchain orphanage waiting for adoption. I'm sorry but no one is coming to get you.

>> No.17405920
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>> No.17405931 [DELETED] 
File: 2.76 MB, 1600x1080, hair hyojung190616 오마이걸 효정 (HyoJung) - 다이어트 중이라 배가 많이 고픈 효토끼 - 부산 팬사인회 [직캠 _ FANCAM] [4K]-kJArhi8JViY-[01.36.029-01.41.535].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made 50 dollars the first week of crypto and then i stopped making money the second week

chain link is not going up

it's fluctuating between 4.10 and 4.40

i bet it's gonna further down as time goes by. i think chainlink is done for

>> No.17405953

Buying the top of a 1 minute candle chart is seriously impressive.
Congrats, OP.

>> No.17405994

chainlink lost 12 cents this week. it's no wonder i am not making anything

i am guess i am gonna have to hodl

>> No.17406001


>> No.17406004
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>> No.17406091

I looked into stocks/options for the first time around November when I saw posts about the Robinhood bug And honestly I've made more money in option calls than I have ever made in crypto.

>> No.17406097
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>> No.17406107

My losses aren't that bad desu.

>> No.17406117
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this. To be a patrician-level biznessman you have to sell the bottom wick of the 1-min chart. Good luck anon, we trust in you!

>> No.17406130
File: 130 KB, 1503x810, wave 5 over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn Elliot Wave so you know when not to buy.

>> No.17406131

>buying the top of the dead cat bounce
>must be God

Are you retarded or is it your first day on crypto?

>> No.17406206


>being mad you bought the top of a chart that literally doesn't even span one day

Much to learn, you still have

>> No.17406236

>divine intervention
Bruh, I believe in God. But thinking you’re the center of the universe, and that the charts tanked especially to send you a message a bit self-important dontcha think?

>> No.17406249
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>> No.17406493

You should have sold as soon as btc dropped below 10k

>> No.17406526

Wait for $8500, it's a comin

Maximum R/R

>> No.17406527

You know, if you're looking at anything lower than the 1 day candles, you're doing it wrong. But that said, you fucked up and should sell quick.

>> No.17406550

I set it to 1 min on the screenshot to illustrate that I actually bought the top you tards.

>> No.17406552
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This is what an unregulated, manipulated market looks like.

>> No.17406558
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>> No.17406611

bart fucks margin traders in the ass.

>> No.17406624

sell now!! you have been warned

>> No.17406640

Bro just sell when you want to buy and buy when you want to sell. Easy as that. Any questions?

>> No.17406653

Why are you even fucking with BoomerTitsCoin? Yes, move your money to boomer markets when there are literally EASY 10x's like Nervos sitting in front of you within 6-12 months. Good idea. Dummy.

>> No.17406772

You're probably a dumb nigger anyway. Faggot

>> No.17407323

You can hodl it out as long as you have atleast 1500$ til liq or have enough colleteral to hold out the 8k retest. You will get absolutely rekt by funding fees but thats the price of margin trading

>> No.17407405


>> No.17407543

OP will single-handedly crash the SP500

>> No.17407712

I know that feel. I believe I was the last person to buy BCH at it's ATH back when it went to 2k then 4k or something. I bought 1 BCH for .245 BTC.

>> No.17407741

Nice reading comprehension retardo.

>> No.17407745

Literally all the time. Literally just when I buy, theres a massive dump within a minute and opposite when I sell (when I sold algo yesterday or day before yesterday, it fucking mooned hard within a minute).

It's not you. It's god trying to get in your way. Basically we can do everything right and it wont matter because god targeted us. He's a bitch.
Also stocks are a bubble thanks to all the money printing

>> No.17407756

>buys thing
>thing goes down 2%
>has a meltdown

honestly yes, you really should move everything to SP500. Crypto is not for you.

>> No.17407759

No. god is a bitch and loves to fuck with people

Nother note, so long as you didnt long and just bought, youre fine.

>> No.17407782

>so long as you didnt long and just bought, youre fine.
You are retarded

>> No.17407806

Why, retard? Are you saying you would have liked to have longed that wick? Are you fucking stupid? Are you that fucking stupid, you dumb mother fucking bitch?

>> No.17407814

I bet your dumb motherfucking ass didnt even realize I was referring to margin trading. I bet you dont even know what margin trading is

>> No.17407883

longing is the same buying. retard.

>> No.17407937

you dumbass bitch.
You can buy on spot. Margin trading is completely different due to liquidation prices, you DUMB bitch. When people say "long", they dont usually refer to spot trading, they refer to margin trading, moron

Obviously by long I mean on margin. If you had a fucking brain cell, you would have seen that, you ABSOLUTE DUMB MOTHER FUCKER

>> No.17407962

don't move to sp500..shit gonna crash... it's at all time highs.. you simply don' t overleverage on bitmex

>> No.17408018

Every single day, there has to be someone who takes the longest shit of that day. Does that make em special? Hell ye

>> No.17408024

>Does that make em special? Hell ye

>> No.17408051


You’re a trader and you bought the top of a rally... literally why did you buy at that moment? Genuinely curious... did you not see what happened last week? Did you not look an hour before? I don’t get it, I literally shorted 100x at that exact spot...

>> No.17408151


Ok, so now you buy some more at a lower price and your average price drops

>> No.17408529

I longed on margin at the very top...

>> No.17408719

3x you'll be positive in a month
5x might get liq, rip

>> No.17408868
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>trying to outsmart AI
>not gonna make it

>> No.17409697

You need help

>> No.17409950

stop trading 1 min charts you dumb fuck