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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.17392810

1st for recession

Did a fucking mod delete the last one?

>> No.17392831

We gonna use this one? I'll delete the other.

>> No.17392833

which one >>17392816

>> No.17392834

jannies are crypto faggots that love shitcoin

>> No.17392856

The one that wasn't anywhere near bump limit went poof

>> No.17392863

Anyone get some BRKB? Announced 2019 numbers and its hot. Calls were super expensive Friday but I picked some up, already +10%, will be huge green Monday.

Pajeets paying them in shitcoins so they get mad when their shill threads are kill.

>> No.17392865
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because someone FUDed tesla, and that weirdo obsessive probably asked the jannies to spank him.

Check warosu, it checks out.

Gene Wilder is top kekker and anyone else can get the neckker

Fuck yeah I'm in BRKB, got in at 199 and 219... wish I'd bought more.

>> No.17392880

I was going to post the yield curve inversion study before the interruption. Here it is:


>> No.17392887
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Place your bets!

>> No.17392893

Stock discussion is verboten. Just work hard and put money in bank, citizen.

>> No.17392895



who the hell are these people?

>> No.17392901

Heavy weight boxers pounding each others skulls in for your entertainment.

>> No.17392922

and for tons of money and glory and pussy?
Endorsement deals? Signature sneakers?

>> No.17392936

Fury by hitting him with his appendages.


>> No.17392940

I don't even have things against tesla I just think you're obsessed

>> No.17392941
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>> No.17392943

Long term investing is not a meme but going for index funds is, in my opinion.
Why invest in Ford, KHC and Macys through SPY, when you can buy some AMD, NVIDIA, AMZN, MSFT or any other stock that will continue to shoot up over the next few years? Even Lockheed has beaten the market over the years.

Is the risk bigger? Sure. If computers, servers, AI, wars and online deliveries all stop existing. But then my main issue would not be the stock market, but my involvement in our new agrarian utopia.

>> No.17392958
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Here's some Sunday education on China:


>> No.17392986

I bought some because I think its bottomed out, good time to buy for cheap dividends.
Don't care
RIP lol
Its ok I guess
Very yes
Its ok, has been flat for a long time

>> No.17393008
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Forgot about muh JET PLANES

>> No.17393009

You've made an enemy for life, pal. At any moment I could teleport behind you and slice you from that one loose brain cell floating around in your cerebrospinal fluid to your taint.

>> No.17393028

They are good too, but I'm in SPCE. Its going to be $50 this summer (first flight) and $80 EOY.

>> No.17393033
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>muh tism

>> No.17393041

Hedge funds have iterated that exact thesis thousands of times, but the vast majority of them are proven wrong. One reason I believe is because all these companies are fundamentally entangled. A series of failures or economic headwinds in one sector affects neighboring sectors, and those neighbors etc. Really all we are doing is investing, by proxy, in the US economy by purchasing equity in a large cap stock, and the performance of that stock is a function correlated to the index as a whole. That's why when S&P has a red day, every stock is red except for the few that are affected by specific news events. I think the modern propensity in sitting your savings in a broad index fund multiplies this effect. I think if a company like AMZN, MSFT, or AAPL becomes insolvent we'll have another financial crisis because of this.People thought the big banks would never go under, it was impossible in their minds, yet Lehman Brothers went to 0 in one day.

>> No.17393069

Can you make a trip so I can filter your posts easier? I can usually tell by the obnoxious weeb shit but I want to make sure. Don't @ me.

>> No.17393083

I went out of LMT when the Burn started winning votes.
He will not stop the army, but it will drive the stock price down probably.

>> No.17393109
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eww faggot you're actually encoraging that shit?

Just post elon's cock in your mouth in every post so I know you don't care abut stocks, just one company.

Don't talk to me or my son ever aggain.

It's possible...
But I'm a buyer not a smeller

>> No.17393123

Looking at the last 10 years this random mix of AMZN, MSFT, AAPL, AMD, NVIDIA and LMT would probably still have beaten the market.
No share can escape a panic sale, but I trust in my ability to identify failing and thriving industries.

Thats easy to say after the fact though, so only the future will tell if I was right.

>> No.17393129

Honest question, given the increased spreading of the Coronavirus in South Korea and japan how likely are we to see a recession. Also how would one short those countries.

>> No.17393143

You're right on a lot of that, but the opposite is true:
>AMZN, MSFT, or AAPL becomes insolvent
They can't, at least not in a way that can crash the market, precisely because everything is tied together.

>> No.17393155

You actually seem to be upset that I'm helping people here by giving them great stock picks with good entries and randomly bringing up putting cocks in mouths makes me think that you're a repressed homosexual projecting. Do you have anything to add besides being a crab in a bucket and posting off topic attention whoring images without any substance to your posts?

>> No.17393159
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Ok, straight up is this the most important movie of the 21st century so far? I'm almost 100% sure the absolutely massive consumer base for super hero movies would not exist without this movie, and it's a trend that has been going on for 11 years now. The other movie that comes to mind is no country for old men, but while it's a good movie I don't think it's a massively important movie like TDK was.

Also something I found really funny, there's a scene at the beginning of the movie where the clowns are breaking into the bank. They are disarming the silent alarm and the clown notes it was going to a private number not the police. This is implied to be batmans phone number, and we can further assume they are sure enough he will come that they feel comfortable linking his phone number. So the idea that batman is being contracted out to protect the mobsters money in the bank is pretty funny, it is some subtext that shows he might not be as omniscient good as he wishes and might in fact be protecting the criminals, likely unbeknownst to him though. Just the fact that batman is a superhero that protects banks in general is extremely funny.

>> No.17393162

Companies that grow faster also shrink faster when economic slowdown happens. That's why that idea of picking high yield winners doesn't always beat the market. You're entering the investment after some of that very high growth has already happened.
There's also the idea that the S&P 500 can't possibly have 500 companies worth investing, and theoretically you could analyze the 10-Ks, and executives of each one, and by process of elimination have a short list of companies worth investing in.
On the other hand, we're small retail investors and can make bets on low liquidity, low capital opportunities that large funds don't waste their time. So it is possible to beat the market, but you have to find non-conventional strategies.

>> No.17393176

Its actually really hard to tell, but I think the market is already slightly suppressed from it. But theres still a big question mark, is this just another cold? Or is it something more? The reaction from China seems to point to something more, but its hard to tell since theres so few infected outside of China, and China is known to over react to events. Their overreaction probably has to do not with how dangerous it is, but that it was developed in their new disease research lab.

So in the end, nobody really knows yet!

>> No.17393210

The market has already priced in at least one rate cut this year. So, either the market is vindicated and the fed admits the possibility of a recession by cutting rates, or the market is wrong and markets dip anyway because they priced in a rate cut.

>> No.17393222

This is going to be a historic year for the market, theres really no better time to get in than now.

>> No.17393237

ok thanks for posting

>> No.17393273

But getting back to the main point how can one benefit from this. What I’m trying to understand is how to purposely play against economic growth in SK, japan, Italy and Egypt since a corona outbreak there would be significantly bad than say in the US. Do I just by etfs and short sell, puts, or is there bearish stock? I never done that before and believe that this is a great opportunity given how bad it’s probably going to get if this keeps spreading and China lies

>> No.17393274

Japan is already in a recession
>Short the Nikkei
>Long the USD/JPY
>Short the Koreans, if you can
>Get gold
Though some anons say silver is better, or mining company stocks.
>So it is possible to beat the market, but you have to find non-conventional strategies.
I think even a small retail investor can beat the market by looking at good fundamentals and general trends in the populaton.
And the companies I just named are already big players with a safe standing in the market. Sure, AMD could go bust, but the chance of it beating the market by a sizeable amount are making that up for me.
Its all about the risk we want take

>You're entering the investment after some of that very high growth has already happened.
True. But we should invest in companies that already have grown a good amount. Long term investing should be based on good fundamentals, future developments and stability.
Some Taiwanese chip maker we never heard of may be the most profitable company of the 2020s, but there are 20 that go bust in the meantime. I would rather wait for a solid base to stand on than get these first pumps.

>> No.17393276
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>it's not, you can delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but there is no debate
crim had drank the potion by then, so it's debatable

>> No.17393280

I'm just saying. Give it another decade or two and a couple more pop culture cycles and it might be a real contender for some non-meme top 100 lists.

>> No.17393327

>Just the fact that batman is a superhero that protects banks in general is extremely funny.

Banks are FDIC insured though... protecting banks (and the civillians wrapped up in that shit) is protecting the tax-payer.

Also, law and order is one of the things that makes US investible. Knowing that your shit might end up stolen or confiscated is why big investors are reluctant to gamble on investments in south america, africa, etc.

More insightful is the shit with the chinese villain... I'm surprised they got away with that.

>> No.17393343

I mean, it's already a legend of a movie. Every time I watch it it's like it's my second time watching it but this is something you'd type out in a /tv/ OP

It was a different time

>> No.17393345

Demons starting to appear everywhere. Which stock should I go for come monday?

>> No.17393348

You can try I guess, maybe there are very short term opportunities. But there are many stories of people who saw massive bubbles and crises a year before they happened, took short positions and became insolvent. The safest thing if you truly do fear something in the future is to take profits sit in a stable asset but leave some invested.

>> No.17393390

I get that, but it just strikes me as more funny that he considered something like protecting banks from robbery a high priority task. If I had to guess I think this movie is just probably just linked very closely to anti-bank sentiment for me because I saw it days after Lehman collapsed. Savings banks just didn't seem like something Batman would do, and I never caught that part of the movie until I watched it today.

/tv/ is full of low IQ virtue signaling.

>> No.17393513

You forget the part where Bruce Wayne was a /biz/ shitposter before he left us after he made it. Where do you think he got his money from?

>> No.17393602

>is this the most important movie of the 21st century so far?

>> No.17393603
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*ah CHOO*

>> No.17393623
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better movie next time please, preferably Synthetic Sin starring colleen moor

>> No.17393632
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nooooo stop my bull market

>> No.17393638
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Portfolio almost at $4.6K. Huge dip due to BTC. Trying to create some sort of long term divvie portfolio. Any tips? Currently I got SPY, SPYD, and F.

Only made $26 in divs though so kinda fucking gay

>> No.17393658
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Hey kid, you're gonna be alright just remember this:

Buy the dip
Drink water
Don't skip the gym

>> No.17393659

Why doesn't everyone just sell F? That company is on its way out. Are the dividends that good or am I missing something?

>> No.17393661
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Just to put this in perspective: since 1998, China has deficit funded massive infrastructure projects, including the relatively recent construction of 162,000 kilometers of highway projects, enough to circle the world four times. This was a high risk move for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), because if large returns on these investments fail to manifest through aggressive economic growth, the state will hurdle over a fiscal cliff.

So, if China halting their economy when their state is predicated on growth means that shit has hit the fan.

As the coronavirus spreads, we are going to see how dramatically the Chinese have underreported the death rate of this illness. This is a regime that has a recent track record of misinformation (e.g., the Uyghurs), was rejecting the help of the WHO for weeks, and, mostly importantly, has a critical interest in maintaining the confidence of foreign investors and trading partners.

We are going to see a significant pullback in the coming week(s). But there is no way of telling how bad things are going to get by relying on the fake Chinese numbers. All we know is that it has already shut down the global supply chain for a month. Buckle up gang.

>> No.17393669

Divs are 7%. It was tempting but 7% of nothing is still nothing.

>> No.17393676


I noticed that too. Downward trend last 5 years. I might want to find some TIPS or a REIT honestly

>> No.17393689

>Buy the dip
>Drink water
>Don't skip the gym

Its pretty amazing that these 3 simple things can improve your life so much. And yet, most people don't do any of these.

>> No.17393698

Just wait until the divvy cuts friends. People think they can just autopilot a divvy portfolio and ignore the price of securities until they die. F is a few quarters of bad earnings away from not being able to keep up with debt obligations. It's cheap for a very good reason.

>> No.17393712

we'll see, I'm getting very fed up with your rat taste!
Time for lifties ^_^

>> No.17393732

>started working out because the schizos in 8/pol/ were freaking me out
>got into intermittent fasting after shitposting on /fit/
>started lurking /biz/ recently and now I finally have something to look forward to
For a website full of depressed assholes, you can sure learn a lot here.

>> No.17393751


I don't think Robinhood shows the relationship between equity and debt, but it does show market cap. I'll take that into account while looking into other stonks

>> No.17393762
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Coronachan is starting to scare me.
>There’s 15 military bases across the country set up for quarantine
>CDC put out quarantine plans for multiple cities
>FBI ordered $40,000 worth of face masks and hand sanitizer. They gave 3m and the other suppliers ONE WEEK to fill the order.
lmao it's just the flu bro

>> No.17393782

>$40,000 worth of face masks and hand sanitizer
that isn't very much lol

>> No.17393790
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>basic things like fitness, health, history, business, finance, taxes, law are not taught in school
>you have to go to fringe image boards on the internet to learn important life knowledge
honk honk!

>> No.17393864
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well it is too cold for walkies...

500 air squats GO!
Wallsits if you can't handle it!

That's not entirely true, if people actually followed the advice in the standard health class they'd be far healthier than average. At least, the basic bullshit healthclass i took at city college was pretty solid.

But we don't take that shit seriously because it's not going to help us get into good schools and good careers and shit.

Honestly if they taught stocks in school, I'd probably find them a whole lot less interesting.

>> No.17393873

this but unironically

>> No.17393893
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8 billion waiting room

>> No.17393899
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>Honestly if they taught stocks in school, I'd probably find them a whole lot less interesting.
They wouldn't teach anything fun. It would be a lot of diversify, buy index, buy bonds, hodl. Bunch of painfully boring fundamental analysis probably.

>> No.17393923

My high school econ class had a mock stock market project, basically just paper trading. We were taught the basic investment types but not given any recommendations. Looking back it was a lot more applicable than my college econ class, which was strictly just theory.

>> No.17393933

I know a lot of kids always ask: why learn math? Its a good question that schools never address, and the answer is money. When you want to buy something from a store, when you need gas for your car, why you get paid that much at work, why you pay taxes, how to budget food and rent, weighing the risks of not buying insurance, whether or not you need that medical treatment, if you want to save money or invest, if you want to use credit cards or take a loan, how a mortgage works, how to buy and sell stocks/bonds/funds, the cost of owning vs renting.

Math is everything yet in school we pretend its nothing.

>> No.17393970

In (at least my) American health classes its a combination of propaganda and passing standardized fitness tests, which is all dumb. They dont teach you basic things like drinking water.
Sure, they say drink enough water, don't get dehydrated! But they need to actually start class with drinking a cup of water. Make it a habit. Saying things without context might as well be white noise.
Then theres the fitness tests, which they train you specifically to do that test, and anything else thats not that is worthless, even if its not the type of regimen that works for you. Some of my favorite classes where the ones where you would learn a few different sports because then you got variety and learned something instead of just going through the motions. It wasn't about whether you were good at the sport, only that you tried it and played with others.

>> No.17394126

>here's how you do an exercise
>how much of this exercise can you do?
>here's how much of this exercise a healthy person your age be able to do
could be worse
I meant more in that it would turn it into "work"
theres a mindfuck I do to myself where I swear if I like a book and want to read it, it would be much less appealing if it were assigned.

>> No.17394181

>I swear if I like a book and want to read it, it would be much less appealing if it were assigned.

>> No.17394276
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>> No.17394298

Are you elderly or immunocompromised? Do you have a transplant organ or AIDS?

>> No.17394340
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diversifying is fun
buying index funds and bonds is fun
fundamental analysis is fun

if you don't have fun with these things you aren't doing them correctly

>> No.17394431

ive got two babies. but there is plenty of young people in the victim list and we dont even know the actual lethality because china has been lying out their ass the entirr time even at best estimates its multiples more lethal than flu and at worst its fucking super aids mixed with malaria and that doesnt even start the break dowm of society or.loss of income im about ti endure. oh and deadly secondaey infection fuck that sgit i almosy died from leptospirosis in 2015 and if you dont know what it feels like to be killed by a fever you dont know hell

>> No.17394706
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>ive got two babies
You got that milk then sempai?

I can understand wanting to protect your babies, but for whatever reason the young people don't get it as often and don't get it as severely.

Yes this is questionable because most of what we know is from the Chinese, but that trend has held true so far. Plenty of families were/are on board that diamond princess ship and plenty of kids seem to be doing just fine.

If you're a worrier, then you're going to worry and I guess I can't help you. But there is very little information to indicate you need to be extremely worried. But do please take all precautions especially with infants.

>> No.17394740

>high school stock game mire applicable than uni econ theory
Stock market, bond market, to a lesser extent the futures market, they're all just games at the government run casino

Understanding real econ theory means understanding how a bunch of hairless apes were able to take over the planet

>> No.17394759

>stocks are gambling
This meme needs to die. Just because some degenerates play it like that doesn't make it true.

>> No.17394760


Yep, SPY is for poor people and boomers. When people mention F, KHC, and Macy's, I gotta wonder, "How old is this fuck? Have they paid attention to their surroundings in the last twenty years?"


>> No.17394808


I bought some because I think its bottomed out, good time to buy for cheap dividends

F is heading toward zombie status and will likely never recover. The only Ford anyone but the government buys is the F-150 and an occasional Mustang. No one wants these cars. In fact, Ford was left with a 1 million surplus of unsold vehicles last year. Pathetic.

Better companies with better dividends out there--and with growth to boot. Plenty of them. Ford is shrinking and is too boomer-minded to pivot back to any level of dominance. It will take 20-30 years, but Ford will be dead as you know it today. A brand used by another company, at best.

>> No.17394829

It is true when 80% of the trades are "high frequency" trades aka day trading aka gambling, that's just an objective fact

The intention of stocks may have been a government regulated means for individuals and firms to invest in a company without going through the traditional process of being "an investor" (read: putting up a big share of the money and having a formal contract and owning a significant portion of the company) but that's not how it's used.
The INTENT may have been a sort of proto crowd funding but the REALITY is it's purely a means for speculation aka gambling

>> No.17394831

Yea Ford is obviously dead, but like you said it will take time and it can easily be repurposed. I'm not planning on holding it like a boomer.

>> No.17394873
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Hey guys what about ordering puts on Disney first thing monday?

All the millennial nostalgia is running out.

Get woke go broke.

Paedowood mainstream attention.

Technical analysis shows clear linear downtrend.

In times of economic turmoil who has cash for this shit, especially w/ today's stagent wages?

Looking for liquidity in a troubled market? Why not pull entertainment stocks.

>> No.17394882

Just saw the SMT thread title and decided to post for the first time after lurking for about a year.

Also, I need to learn more l. Was up a total of about 4% this week, and now down by a dollar. If I keep at it I'll make it one of these days!

>> No.17394892

"Its a bad company but the dividend is good" Is a trap, I'm speaking from experience on that one
The dividend is good because the price is low, the price is low because they don't make enough money (the specifics may vary but that's the bottom line), they don't make enough money so they won't be able to keep paying the dividend, when they slash the dividend all value in the stock will be gone, when all value is gone the price will head to 0, as it gets close to 0 it will be delisted

That's the life cycle for how a good stock becomes a penny stock
Ford went super nova, what's left behind is a super dense core don't stick around for when that core implodes into a black hole; there's no escaping a black hole

>> No.17394917

man sentiment analysis has really fucked my algo up the past few weeks, it's useless in times like this

>> No.17394925

If your play is China woes sure, if your play is Disney is creatively bankrupt then no, pixar et al are still where western talent goes
The SJW shit is something they can change in an instant, if instead there was a broader mismanagement thing going on AND a real competitor and/or some criminal shit going on (money laundering, lying about streaming sub numbers, cooking the cooks) then sure
But "their recent films have been shit so they'll be shit forever" seems suspect reasoning for a 96 year old company

>> No.17394931

Also, for someone totally doing this with a small bit of fuck around money to pass time, would you invest long term or just FOMO into memes? Please explain the ins and outs like I'm retarded

>> No.17394957

No. Some companies you don't bet against. If they were going to go down from those things, it would have already happened. I would however also not bet on it going up.

>"Its a bad company but the dividend is good" Is a trap
This is true, but thats part of the risk of investing. I think there is some turn around potential if they decide to take the company in a radical new direction, or they will make a deal with another company (buyout or merger or primary manufacturer or cross over). I believe there is more potential upside than downside at the moment.

How much is "fuck around money"? Talking 200? 1k? 10k? 40k? 100k?

>> No.17394977


Whats inevitable mean? A short buy the dip thing?

>> No.17394985

The trouble with the FOMO is timing and trade restrictions
How do you KNOW you aren't buying the top? I almost got memed into 901 tsla because "it will surely go higher"
That might make you think "so then it will always come down so I should play the downside aka short it" but then sometimes it goes up or it goes sideways and you lose more money than you have (shorting requires a margin account)

A computer with a margin account can buy the FOMO make 1.5% then sell but if you buy then sell the same stock in the same day too much you'll be marked a pattern day trader

>> No.17394992

Just go to a casino. Hard to win with that mindset

>> No.17395007
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>> No.17395017

Inevitable means "a certainty" as for what happens if there's a global pandemic Wikipedia Spanish flu and black plague

>> No.17395032


>> No.17395047

As of right now just 1k. I have a 401k and a job with great profit sharing long term. I started getting into this about a year ago and tried to learn as much as possible before going in, but after a while figured I may as well just sign up with RH and see how I do.

Could have just threw it in my savings account and let it collect 1% interest a year dust, but if I can better myself even just a little then why not?

>> No.17395052

Guys help

Shoukd i trust buy the dip trader bulls predictions

Or people with twenty years of epidemiology saying its a pandemic?

Not sure.

>> No.17395059

Oh wait i made this choice in early jan because not dumb as rocks

>> No.17395077

If you want low risk, buy something like McDonalds or Coke, or Microsoft, or QQQ.
If you want high risk, buy SPCE, AMD, or TSLA.
Just pick one and put it all in there. Then when you get another 1k, pick something else.

>> No.17395085
File: 2.72 MB, 684x456, GayTrains.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait wait wait, pandemic doesn't mean deaths on the scale of spanish flu and black plague necessarily.

Let's be a little more precise with our language. Swine flu was a pandemic.

>Pandemic is an epidemic of disease that has spread across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or even worldwide.

>epidemic is the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time, usually two weeks or less.

Oh yeah? How much cash you got on the sidelines? You got a whole lot of money saved up for cheapies?

>> No.17395110

No cash
Raking in on asia puts
Even did some retard.riding on nvda calls sold them thur morning before dip kek

>> No.17395136
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>Don't diversify
>go all in at once
this is setting yourself up for psychological devastation if that one company happens to get hit

>no cash
I know Dalio said cash is trash, but it's nice to have that liquidity.
>asia puts
oh right, you're the guy betting against japan, thailand, and the other asian countries.

I got fucked on my YINN puts because china banned shortselling and large sales of stocks... pretty incredible, glad I didn't do anything crazy like double down.

>> No.17395138
File: 7 KB, 609x387, x1ak8oi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone gotta hold my empty bags kek

>> No.17395142

somehow I sold a lot of my china shorts before then... got lucky

>> No.17395147
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2020-02-23 at 1.08.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PsychoPass Season 3, Episode 2

They break down the subprime lending crisis possibly even better than The Big Short.

>> No.17395155

also bought 67.5 AMD puts thursday morning to sell friday afternoon.. lucky timing

Buy to Open
Trade Details
AMD 03/20/2020 57.50 P

>> No.17395161

Robinhood sounds like crap based on all the complaining people do
Open a TDa or Schwab account they're both zero fee

>> No.17395169

this trade worked too, used up my margin

Trade Details

friday it closed 69.70

>> No.17395197
File: 334 KB, 500x1194, you-cant-give-her-that-its-not-safe-its-a-59821333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversifying 1k is pointless. If it fails, its an important lesson. If you want to diversify 1k, the only options are broad ETFs, index, and mutual funds, which means you get 2-6% per year, AKA Boomer tier gains. At least its not a savings account though.

>> No.17395216

Its already a pandemic as for epidemic it's hard to talk about what "a lot" of deaths are in a world of 7 billion compared to a past world of 2 billion

I don't think nCoV2019 will kill 10% of the population, I think we're better than we've ever been at understanding and controlling disease, but I think even the effort of keeping from getting sick is in itself a cost and economically disruptive
In other words it doesn't have to be the black plague to cost a lot of money

>> No.17395231

It's pretty simple

1 case - scary
10 cases - okay
10,000 cases - okay

1 death - scary
5 deaths - okay
10 deaths - oh fuck shit
100 deaths - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.17395248

The psychological reaction will be erratic and also based on whatever propaganda writers are mainstream write into the headlines.

I'd say we are at some stage of under-fear in USA. Not sure about the rest of the world.

>> No.17395249

Did they cover credit default swaps? Because "poor people buying big houses" is only part of the story

>> No.17395253
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>feel nothing when positions surge 10%
>feel personally attacked when positions drop 3%

>> No.17395254

wonder when China's economic disaster will get movies and coverage like this

>> No.17395283
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Anyone looking at TSLA, take these in to mind.

>> No.17395302

It's at 900

>> No.17395307

So much shit goes on in China but somehow only us 4channelers seem to pay attention
Whether it's huge empty cities with "marble" made of cardboard and painted stucco
Or the Tianjin explosions, shit gets reported filmed then ignored except by a bunch of nerds on a tuvan throat singing enthusiast electronic bulletin board service

>> No.17395334
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>Boomer tier gains
He buys a few shares of a few good companies or etfs, and makes a list of companies he wants to buy on dips, and if the shit he buys dips he can buy more.

I dislike the logic that if you only have a small amount of money to invest in stocks, you have to pick the ones that are lottery tickets. Especially if you're young, you might be glad you picked some steady stocks many years down the line.

That definitely looked like a Pratchett quote, I guess the death font gave it away. Damn was that series enjoyable.

Well reasoned.
The question is, since the market is a "discounting mechanism," how much of this will it discount in favor of future earnings, on the other side of flu season?

Sort of, they don't use any fancy language beyond "financial instruments" or "securities"

Shit, once you start calling it a "collateralized debt obligation" or "credit default swaps" I'm not actually sure I understand it anymore.

But they talk about how the mortgage lenders sold the uhhh I think they're called tranches of loans to other investors looking to collect the interest payments, and that credit agencies OK'd those.

There are a lot of people involved in American finance who are interested in exploring what happened and getting the word out there. China looks to have very little transparency in their financial system, and anyone who revealed its inner-workings might end up being mailed to all chinese journalists in a whole bunch of tiny wooden boxes.

>> No.17395345
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2020-02-23 at 1.47.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it wrong pic

>> No.17395350

and is going up. Read he links

>> No.17395354

It's not that actually.

You see how dynamic change happens is via disruption. You can see this dynamic change in the rise of silicon valley and technology influence. This influence was not 80 year old boomers, but younger leadership.

In technology you got a shift in the dynamic in societal leadership. This happened in USA predominantly and then in China with their technology rise. This could not be done by existing power structures of leadership so it led to a natural dynamism in power in China and USA.

A disruption so to speak.

A disruption that would not happen except the inability of existing power structures to know shit about tech, they are tech illiterate. So Xi Jinping couldn't run Huawei etc.

This naturally creates a problem though in who controls such technology, the government or existing power comes back in over the top to "clamp down"

You can see this happen in the entire world not just China's power structure: AKA existing power in USA mad at twitter/facebook for Trump, existing power in China trying to clamp down on social media there. Youtube clamping down and only returning blue check mark existing capital intensive media rather than dynamic content creators.

This shape of system is at the root of things.

hopefully you can extrapolate a few more leaps and find what I see.

>> No.17395355

But what are you selling Yen for? Francs?


>> No.17395360

I already know all of the stuff you linked. How much did TSLA rise on autonomy day with impressive chips and Karpathy talking about AI?

>> No.17395375
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>Tesla battery day in April
I swear to god Elon you better not put that shit on April 1st and then Harambe everyone by making it just your baby announcement or some shit

>> No.17395377

Actually in many ways USA and the west is making same mistakes as China on technology. pretty hilarious the "open" societies are blundering horribly.

Did you see the EU AI regulation?

>> No.17395388
File: 91 KB, 576x1728, koishi very long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you only have a small amount of money to invest in stocks, you have to pick the ones that are lottery tickets
There was a long time when I believed this but I don't think it's true anymore. Getting 70 bucks a year off 1000 while working and scrimping is way better than digging yourself into a hole right off the bat
Also maybe I need to watch this :o
I've already watched my quota of two animus a year though. A rapper I like said "financial instruments" in a song and it sounded cool

>> No.17395394

I'm not 100% sure but I think they just kept building infrastructure thinking that it would increase their GDP enough to service the deficits they would run way past the point it did increase GDP. Like you imagine building a city from scratch in a place where people are living in huts for 100km and they're poor as fuck, they would flock to those apartment blocks and make it work. This worked well for China for ages. They got 90% of the people out of poverty by their standards at least. But now they don't know what else to do and they keep building shit but the GDP doesn't come in and so they're drowning in debt.

>> No.17395409

so the point is the main problem in china is that they are building a prison nation. The structure solidifying and becoming crystalized.

You can also say the same about America/Europe with the efforts of the power that be fearful of any ussurpers.

Boomers gotta cling

but China is building a slightly more crystallized prison than the west. Instead of crying about election results they face losing everything.

>> No.17395475

You can watch the first 15 mins or whatever of this episode without watching the rest of the series if you just want to see that part. The rest of the series isn't about finance at all.

Though this season so far definitely has a number of elements of finance.

>Getting 70 bucks a year off 1000 while working and scrimping is way better than digging yourself into a hole right off the bat
Agreed. There will always be people who'd rather buy lotto scratchers though.

Too bad the state has a monopoly on lotteries.

>> No.17395548

everything besides checking and savings accounts is speculation, and should be taxed accordingly

>> No.17395865

how ppl make money out of dividends long term? there's some fixed interest on all your investments or something? 5% dividend of 50-100$ share seems pretty low, very new here tho but wanted to start off with ING

>> No.17396018

>If you want high risk, buy SPCE, AMD, or TSLA.
why is AMD high risk? it has a much lower marketcap than Intel and better CPUs + both next gen consoles.

>> No.17396195
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>> No.17396296
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Uncle Powell is truly a chad

>> No.17396355

Reliable companies generally increase the dividend payout per share every year. The yield percentage you see associated with dividends is only a function of share price. Companies don't decide "we pay 3%" but instead decide "we pay 80 cents per share" then next year 90 cents and so.

For example the shares of Coca Cola Warren Buffet bought in the 70s have a yield of 60% nowadays in relation to the money he paid back then. That's the long term appeal.

>> No.17396378

Will still crash with market. Its buikt on future expextations

>> No.17396398
File: 67 KB, 1909x802, spcebutterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are riskless trades in all of those stocks and fortunately most people are completely oblivious to them. Here's a risk free butterfly vol arb I did the other day on SPCE.

>> No.17396572

I believe it when I see it, I know there's a shit ton of hipsters out there but 500k? Nah

>> No.17396611

Wondering if anyone here invested in a company that had to be delisted?

>> No.17396644


>> No.17396673
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>> No.17396686

Well I know a lot of people got fucked with the whole Dean Foods mess. They bought into the stock then wham, the bankruptcy notice went out. So the stock turned into a worthless investment. I kinda knew it was fucked, I mean hell one of the largest milk producers and the stock was pennies a share. Kinda tells you something is rotten.

>> No.17396737

>ctrl-F "green"
1 result
>ctrl-F "red"
16 results

Green day it is, always do the opposite of what /smg/ says.

>> No.17396746

wuhan is doing well guys


Happy times in China

>> No.17396759

It'll probably be red for a lot of smg because of the amount of people who buy meme stocks after they've already peaked.

>> No.17396765

seems like people making the best of a bad situation. Just joking around yelling out of the windows hah.

>> No.17396773

kek imagine walking across the empty street

too bad they are cracking down so much probably some kino videos to be made

>> No.17396783

I mean, that would be pretty spooky but people do taht shit all the time in large apartment complexes.

>> No.17396846

/smg/ how many different stocks do you hold and whats your total portfolio worth? do you go all in, hold about 5 or a lot?

>> No.17396866

So those old dividends are higher than current ones? I'm interested in the hold strategy for long term rather than buy and sell, also yields are related to stock value?

>> No.17397009

>So those old dividends are higher than current ones?
No, I said dividends increase over time. Decades ago Coca Cola paid 3 cents per share. Today it's 40 cents. Shares entitle you to receive the current dividend no matter when you bought them.
>also yields are related to stock value?
Yes. If a company pays 1 dollar in dividends in 2020 and one share costs 100 dollars the yield is 1%. Then the market crashes and one share costs 50 dollars. The 2020 yield is now 2% even though you still only get 1 dollar in dividends.

>> No.17397010

Basically you want to bag a stock as cheaply as you can get it so that way during normal daily/monthly movements of the price you'll still be in the green instead of being in the red. This china shit is a prime buying op. Sometimes companies will have lackluster earnings and so the following day investors will sell in a panic. Course they don't bother to read the fine print, where it states " we actually brought in more revenue (profit) than anticipated" or some other shit. Then companies will be in the mist of a turnaround so in that case you have to trust the ceo,board,etc can deliver the goods. The stock will be down of course cause investors don't have faith. This is your time to strike.

>> No.17397066

>Asking for portfolio worth
Come on bro, didn't your parents teach you it's nasty to ask how much people make or how much money they have?
Long term investment portfolio, 12 stocks, 2 funds and 3 ETF's. I do have a high yield savings account aswell which is why I went the "very risky" route according to boomer analysts and what not. I don't think the world will go into a 50 year long recession though so there's no reason not to be risky long term.

>> No.17397068

GI!!! PHUK YU!!!

>> No.17397078

>over 100 cases of coronavirus in Italy
This gets me worried about Argentina. People travel to and from Italy all the time and Argentina is likely not prepared for an epidemic.

>> No.17397087

Is this the nvidia dip I should be buying? Still unsure about how far out on calls I should be buying

>> No.17397101
File: 44 KB, 800x450, ArgentinaIsWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Argentina ever been prepared for anything?

>> No.17397115

>No, I said dividends increase over time. Decades ago Coca Cola paid 3 cents per share. Today it's 40 cents. Shares entitle you to receive the current dividend no matter when you bought them.
oh I get it now, sounds like some kind of adjusted for inflation
To be honest I was thinking about investing 1k per year for retirement in 20 years or so but don't know if worth it.

>> No.17397116
File: 1022 KB, 1703x2140, argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yes, shut u-up

>> No.17397118

>people thinking it's the end sell everything and buy metals for the 5th time this year
Explain why it's different this time

>> No.17397133

>he's not all in on silver
not gonna make it, bro

>> No.17397199

On my trading account I DCA into leveraged ETFs for short to medium term swing trades - focusing on one instrument at a time.
TQQQ was my go-to for a while but SOXL has been the shit lately (thanks SOXL shill).
I'll go all in if I can but it depends on the timing, can't force it.
Only been doing actively trading for a couple of years, but I've played with a variety of strategies and this seems to be the one that jibes with my psychology - consistent high percentage returns and a minimum of stress.
As far as total portfolio value for my trading account, I'm looking forward to testing some day trading strategies soon.

>> No.17397209

Why the fuck did I just get a nostalgia trip from the bottom right picture? I've spent too much time on 4chan, jesus..

>> No.17397217
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>boomer news is shilling AMD
might want to put in a limit order for those bags

>> No.17397227
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>> No.17397275

weekly ATH on the back of it's a sniffle
meanwhile asia and eu sliding into recessions

>> No.17397309

Industrial metals are always going to be a safe bet anyway. It's not like silver and gold are in a risk of crashing.

>> No.17397312

basically I wanted to go neutral about April to June

Then a pandemic possibility came onto the table.

Why would I not shift my probabilities even if I'm watching ATH after ATH?

It was almost completely ignored except a sharp V, which quickly made it ignored again. There's virtually no logical way I can remain bullish into this world situation.

>> No.17397344

Why are Chinks so melodramatic? Literally the opposite of anglos.

>> No.17397346

Let's see

Sanders much more likely to be president than a month ago and heavily favored for dem nominee

A pandemic becoming more probable each day

ATH stock market


>> No.17397394
File: 192 KB, 1085x1080, 1B943D6F-E664-43D1-8EF3-9BEF1C5C52FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn’t going to president and the virus is still nothing kek

>> No.17397396

Lets remind ourselves how aggressive CDC is testing cases to catch this early

12 from Monday-Friday of last week
12 total tests for USA

>> No.17397399

>buying puts on Disney
Maybe if they're a year out, I wouldn't bet on them shitting the bed any time soon.

>> No.17397506

Disney short term? Yeah they are hurting due to the loss of tourist at the China park/virus fears. But least we forget all those summer movies right around the corner and all those tourist at the other parks during summer. Which will bring in Profit out the ass. Oh and the Dis+ customers still flocking to it in waves.

>> No.17397511
File: 451 KB, 986x1164, coronawithlime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Officials in Ebetsu City in Japan's northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido say a woman found to be infected with the new coronavirus works at a local elementary school. She is responsible for delivering school lunches to classrooms.

The prefectural government announced on Saturday that the woman in her 50's is a part-time worker in the city.

At a news conference on Sunday, city officials said she wasn't involved in cooking the meals, which is done at a different location. They said she was wearing a white robe, facemask and gloves while at work.

They said she came to work on February 14th, despite having a sore throat the day before. She stopped coming in on February 15th after developing a fever of over 37 degrees Celsius.

The city has told two of her colleagues to stay home for observation until February 28th.

Officials say no one else at the school was in close contact with her, including students and teachers.

>> No.17397543
File: 22 KB, 430x301, KO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people paying fortunes for options on meme companies when you can get rich buying KO leaps at a bargain price?

>> No.17397591

Buffet-san, don't you have anything better to do than shill your favourite drink company on a taiwanese stamp-collecting forum?

>> No.17397600


>> No.17397633


>> No.17397649

I have 100 shares of a small mining company that might go bankrupt at some point if they can't pay their debt. They were cheap as fuck though so it's not really a big deal if they do.

>> No.17397660

Shorting Korea is a much safer bet, the Japs know how to handle disasters pretty well, the gooks are fucked though.

>> No.17397667

where are the tripfags when we need them

>> No.17397799

Are April GLD calls worth it or is the market going to rally for absolutely no reason again

>> No.17397859
File: 1.14 MB, 2500x3017, disney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd bet against all of this?

>> No.17397875

Did u see gdp print injpn

>> No.17397975

>still the most boring stock despite having this monopoly
truly astonishing

>> No.17397976

I'm basically the opposite of a hipster as an old trekkie, and I want one so fucking bad. It's 2020, we should all have scifi looking shit by now, it's about time someone started it.

>> No.17397978
File: 111 KB, 360x360, Mickey_Mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dumb stupid son of a bitch

>> No.17398062

Can you even imagine being the CEO of DIS? Like how ths fuck do you juggle all of that? That's just too many resources, I'd drive myself crazy wondering if I'm using them together the most effective way nonstop.

>> No.17398063

Lads, are you hedging with precious metal ETF's or physical shit.
I've got a bit in gold/silver mining/holding funds
Nice, I picked up a nice dib on Friday, was worried I wouldn't get a quick pump. Gonna drop that shit as soon as boomers lose their enthusiasm

>> No.17398104
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>> No.17398126

Same, got some cheapies Friday, now I might buy a weekly call on Monday if the boomers are hyping it. I know it will bounce back, it's just a matter of when.

>> No.17398128

Aww do I have to?

>> No.17398139

I don't have cable
redpill me on the newest fud

>> No.17398155

I don't have cablejew. Can you elaborate?

>> No.17398172

That's because you are weak. If I were the CEO of Disney then Disney movies and stories would have a plot again instead of shit just happening.

>> No.17398197

Had some puts on AMD last week, made a few bucks, might switch over to calls this week.
I've got a couple calls on TSM too, I'm thinking they should really be tracking the success of AMD, but it hasn't worked out that well yet, seems more dependent on Apple. Think that might change when boomers realize TSM is instrumental to anything AMD does, and is also undervalued.

>> No.17398214
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>> No.17398216

You are a cuck and don't have the longevity to make it. Sorry faggot.

Mindset > everything

>> No.17398229
File: 7 KB, 285x177, 594F3BE3-1B9A-4019-AF80-755A6A79F524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South Korea, which has more than 600 confirmed cases, President Moon Jae-in empowered his government to lock down cities and restrict travel.


>> No.17398241
File: 60 KB, 750x200, B8CE782B-06A9-4659-BC17-A2588872FA54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck CNN

>> No.17398244

Is it about berbie sambers? If he wins president i short TC energy. ezpz.

>> No.17398256

Most of that is probably algos

>> No.17398285

No, that's just because you think too small. I'd be constantly thinking thinking about using my massive resources to better support other parts of the organization, you'd be thinking storylines. You wouldn't last a week.

>> No.17398314
File: 48 KB, 518x363, 1579908772484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.17398332

Coronavirus strikes down the old people, opening up the path to employment and advancement for the young. Coronavirus reduces our expenditures on long term health care. Coronavirus reduces our "need" to import the third world into our country to fix the demographic imbalance and pay for social programs. Coronavirus is BULLISH AS FUCK in the long term

>> No.17398363

I think the basedflix market is losing momentum, ngl
If I recall right the last couple of star wars films didn't perform as well as the previous ones.
surely capeshit has peaked too.

>> No.17398367

Fun thing to remember. Just because you view a company is going to shit, doesn't mean it forgot how to get money. Look at activation Blizzard. Even running as a soulless automaton devoid of everything that made Blizzard a good company, the stock is still on target to reach back to were it was. Why? Because Activation wants those yummy 3 jillion population bug-men pesos.

>> No.17398370

iger just looks good and smiles for the camera

>> No.17398373

Short all of these for easy money.

>> No.17398464

Vote Bernie Sanders for a monthly stipend of Chicken Tendies courtesy of Tyson Foods

>> No.17398493

I only have 3k in the Stock Market, I feel like I'm just in out of FOMO and because I won't really pay attention long term if it isn't my real money on the line. I just got my first okay paying job at 75k a year, so I don't know if there is even a point in me investing before clearing my debt. But grinding away my debt feels so soul crushing compared to investing. I will literally need to throw money into a jew hole for 2 more years just for the reward of not paying it anymore.

>> No.17398497

Why would I do that?

>> No.17398547
File: 431 KB, 467x458, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see the stock market crashing when Bernie wins. His socialist policies will for sure tank the economy. This is why the liberal elite are on a panic after Bernie sweep Nevada. When that man take his pen to sign an executive order that mostly benefit ilegal immigration and lazy people the American economy might never be able to recover even after he's out.

>> No.17398557

Bite the bullet faggot. You've got a really good starting wage (assuming you're an american, not a canadian). Pay jew his due and free yourself from the shackles of his shekel siphoning machine. Be grateful for your due diligence in acquiring a degree/diploma/cert that provided you with such an opportunity. Hell, all my degree did for me is boot me out of my house and offer me a piece of paper to post up on my shitty studio apartment wall.

>> No.17398580
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, 1574819370971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Bernie wins
I'm still not worried

>> No.17398589

Borders wil open
No ice enforcement
Debt forgiveess
No enforcement of medi al debt

Berne can ruin econ so badlol

His chances.spikijg should effect market

He can win

>> No.17398605

Realize after paying it off
If you save and grow you get to be on the other side

>> No.17398617

>Bernie bought Tyson

We all know the only companies are goign to profit under a democrat is being in their pocket.

>> No.17398619

Not that great of a start, I turn 30 in a few months. So it's still depressing as fuck. I am also in a really unstable field to the point where I am considering building an alternate career option or side gig, like learning to be a barber or something. It's very possible for the company I work at to downsize around june.

>> No.17398644

Always clear your denbts first
What's the interest rate on your denbts? If you don't pay it off you essentially have to subtract that interest from the return you would have gotten in the market. It's probably not worth it.

>> No.17398651

You really think CEOs of companies that large manage anything? They hire teams of people and consultant to analyze information 40 hours a week and send him a 2 page report suggesting what to do and any alternatives plus their potential trade offs.

>> No.17398687

5-8%. I've resolved not to pay anymore into debts. Right now I'm to afraid to drop a large sum on the loans, because my career field is super unstable and I could easily go without a job for a few months if recession hits.

>> No.17398705

This. Top level people usually have one skill in common. Good judges of people. At a certain point if your company keeps scaling you literally cannot physically manage anything but the most meta level.

>> No.17398715

1. Build emergency fund (6x monthly expenses)
2. Clear all your debts
3. Build stable base portfolio to secure money when your old (ETFs)
4. Expand into more risky but also more rewarding areas as you gain experience

You can thank me in 10 years.

>> No.17398730

bruh its the internet and on other sites (the site with the reddit) people give out all literally all their finances so i thought it cant hurt to ask

>> No.17398735
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What kind of logic is that?
Do you think your debts will disappear in a recession? The money you put in the stock market is much more likely to disappear, and then you will be stuck with interest you can't pay and major losses in the market. You're doubling down on losses.
Use your head man. Get that 3k out of the market and into your loans.
Think about it this way. You have a GUARANTEED 5-8% return just by putting that money in your loans, that's pretty fucking good. In this uncertain market you will absolutely crush the returns you would have gotten in the stock market.

>> No.17398757

Should I just take my money out of the market? I only have about 15k in savings, and I am about to get hit for 5k tax jews, because of my side freelancing. I also let someone talk my into buying 1k of bitcoins and now that investment is making me uneasy because the more I learn about Bitcoin, I feel simultaneously good and bad about it as an investment.

>> No.17398772

im sitting on 80% of my stack in cash rn waiting for the collapse.

>> No.17398779

I put in 3k into an IRA, and got it up to 3640. How hard will the tax jews hit me if I pull out now?

>> No.17398795

Dont touch your IRA. That remaining 20% of my total money is in my IRA

>> No.17398819

>I only have about 15k in savings, and I am about to get hit for 5k tax jews,
How much money do you spend on a monthly basis? 10k for an emergency fund doesnt sound bad.

>Should I just take my money out of the market?
Yes. You pay 5-8% interest on your loans.
The market average is 8.5% per year.
So you would need at least an average performance just to offset your interests.
If you were to pay off your debts, you basically have 5-8% "guaranteed".

The 1k in bitcoin doesnt matter. Since Bitcoin hit 20k max last time, theres a bunch of bagholders at that level. Its currently expected, that if BTC surges again it will stagnate there due to bagholders selling.
So in the absolute best case you are just winning 1k in the unknown future.

>> No.17398830
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What are good etfs to profit of greta thunberg and the save the planet trend?

Global Clean Energy UCITS already performed well this year, theres also New Energy UCITS and Global Low Carbon UCITS

>> No.17398832



>someone in this thread doesn't have a stockpile for corona

>> No.17398862

This just looks like a Walmart in burgerland on a Sunday night lmao

>> No.17398869
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>> No.17398873
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She looks like a talking head from Fallout

>> No.17398891

Corona is a nothing burger.

>> No.17398914

The sooner you understand this the sooner you start making money. Is corona actually going to cause an apocalypse? Fuck no. But the retarded normie brain thinks it's a good possibility so they freak out like a flock of seagulls for a week and then things go back to normal. Buy the dip boys.

>> No.17398915

how do I short italy? does it even produce anything?

>> No.17398924 [DELETED] 
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top kek

>> No.17398926

You're on the right track with renewable energy stocks. There are a couple canadian ones i've been swing trading; Ballard Power and Transalta Renewables. Pretty volatile.

>> No.17398933

Short spaghetti and pepperoni.

>> No.17398950

Just ran it through a calculator, looks pretty bad (like losing close to $1000 on the $3000), maybe don't do that, but also don't add anymore to that IRA.
In general, before doing any sort of new investing, make sure the rate of return is higher than it would be for the loan. If it isn't, pay the loan.
do exactly as >>17398715 said, down to the word.

>> No.17398956

Anything that touches the Mediterranean is a debt farm for Germany and France

>> No.17398975
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>> No.17399086
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this is all basic personal finance. these are the questions I'd expect from the basement dwelling gambling addicts on this board, not a productive member of society.

>> No.17399102
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Anybody have CD project red stocks?


>> No.17399181

I'm genuinely worried about my stocks right now because of the corona virus, sucks if we go into a recession because of it. Anyone here considering shorting? And i think it's a fair question, it's spreading really fast and creates a lot of fud in the market

>> No.17399193

Long parmesan futures.

>> No.17399198
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Bearnie has no chance against Trump. Twitter does not represent Americans, 2% of USA is on twitter and 10% make 80% of the posts.

Most likely the Superdelegates will sweep in and prevent Bearnie from even facing Trump. The real thing to worry about is how much terrorism Bearnie supporters will perform when they lose yet again. Many of his supporters have nutty ideas while believing they are on the side of good, a bad combination.

>> No.17399201

A flu is not going to send the economy into a recession. This is a purely temporary dip due mostly to exaggerated boomer fear. In under a month we will have completely forgotten about any of this.

>> No.17399211

No shorting yet but i moved back in to defensive mode on Friday. Sell risky shit, buy more recession resistant like utilities. No gold but if this gets worse fast i will probably regret that.

>> No.17399241

Are we going to open red on Monday? All this bat virus flu FUD and the jewish market being in the red points to a red day tomorrow.
Also, is dollar going to get stronger? It kinda seems to grow with the fud because everyone is looking for "safe" bonds.

>> No.17399275

>In under a month we will have completely forgotten about any of this.
In a month there will be thousands of more confirmed cases across the globe and the market will have comtinued downward
There won't be a crash or a recession, but this virus is a big deal and isn't going away soon

>> No.17399316

It depends what stocks you're in.

>> No.17399332

Virus is priced in, any dips will be 2 day at most. They will use literally any excuse to take profits and then buy the subsequent panic dip kek

>> No.17399356

Went somewhat heavy into SQQQ Friday. Accelerating my monthly purchase of physical silver by 50%. Not touching my Roth or reallocating 401K because they some some bond protection along with some value plays that are already paying off, and will keep investing as normal in both of those accounts. Closed several SPY puts on early Thursday morning, so fucking regretful as instead of a 15% gain it would be more like 700%. Live and learn.

>> No.17399365

Should I just buy a bunch of Clorox stock?

>> No.17399376
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>still only 27% that have recovered according to official numbers
>trusting any numbers coming from china in the first place

>> No.17399425

Nobody has the ability to tell you what is going to happen monday. My own personal prediction:
>anything in metals rises
>tech dip bottoms out
>anything particularly volatile dips
>NASDAQ drops another 1-2%

EOW things will be on the rise again.

>> No.17399440

Yeah it is a flu, it only kills elderly and people with compromised immune systems, it has killed less people than influenza so far this year. It's a complete fucking clown show.

>> No.17399452

Short their banks and denbts

>> No.17399465


Don't worry. Democratic party Super Delegates are waiting in the wings to pin his ears back. Just like in 2016.

>> No.17399507

Heavily adulterated Mafia-owned olive oil that is labled Extra Virgin but is actually dirty slut half canola oil

>> No.17399537
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yeah sure buddy, you're in china now as a doctor and have all the data. meanwhile the rest of the world have no idea about how bad this thing is because they have no data at all. this thing is new and people that dismiss it as being the flu needs to catch corona themselves.

>> No.17399560


>> No.17399575

Worldwide: Red

USA tech might increase but I think people are gonna start not viewing USA as much of a haven after stupid shit like 14 coronavirus cases allowed on a random flight to USA full of healthy people in Cali and texas

ppl gonna start doubting the myths and lies.

>> No.17399592

Also people are buying the containment myth. It's a pure myth. At some point it's just a way to hopefully slow it down a few weeks.

Read a bunch of communication studies and guidebooks for pandemic and realize what authorities mean with containment.

>> No.17399612

Let's say for instance USA hospitals

Where are they gonna order and receive excess PPE from? Is China gonna give any? How many USA hospitals are even properly preparing?

the idea that this shit is being handled competently in America is a huge myth. Maybe, maybe, slightly more competently than Japan but even if you thought China's strategy was working, that type of lockdown and control of population will not work in USA.

>> No.17399618

Jesus you conspiraboomers have brain rot. Whatever, sell your shit and run to gold, I'll get my cheapies and you'll get your false sense of security.

>> No.17399630

If I wanted to long utilities, how would I do that?

I want to hedge against corona by putting about 3-5% of my portfolio into longs on stuff I think would do well in pandemic and shorts on everything else.

I'm thinking of primarily doing it via options. I first thought of buying spy puts but I worry that spy contains pharma and biotech too, which I don't want to bet against.

Are there a bunch of other industry-specific funds? Where do I find them? Ideally I'd find a set of ETFs or something that covers the entire spy but split into sectors so I can just buy calls on biotech and water/electric utilities and puts on all the other ones.

There's also some crazier stuff I'm thinking of like buying VIX calls a few months out but I'm an options newbie.

>> No.17399638

Would you say renewable energy indices/etfs are a good long term hold? lets say over a few years

>> No.17399643

The fix is in anon.

>> No.17399652

If PG&E survives California's effort to collectivize it, you could probably make some good returns

>> No.17399663

lets do a simple case study investigation into competence

Japan: Patient arrives at hospital with flu like symptoms. Patient is tested for FLU and found not positive, so told all clear for a 3 day bus tour trip. 4 days later she tested positive for ncov after traveling around japan without mask

USA: 14 positive cases flown home on commercial airlines from Japan. No word told to other passengers about the situation. Healthy, full planes into Cali and texas


where are people getting this competency idea from? Is the solution gonna come when we shut down LA and texas for a month with no one allowed to leave their homes? Think thats gonna be pretty?

>> No.17399667

smg fags, comment on pic related

>> No.17399673

I'll also add that even if you're right, the virus is going to be priced in Monday upon opening if it hasn't been already. If your plan was to dump and run you're already too late to save anything, might as well just hold for a month and wait until cooler heads prevail.

>> No.17399693

seems legit to me

>> No.17399695

CDC: Casting a wide net?

400 tests, 14 in monday-friday of last week.

hmmm, that seems like a wide net?

Let's see other examples

Korea: Fatality from coronachan: then decide to test 8000 and catch 500+ cases

Japan: Fatality from corona then start actually testing and find tons of cases


Italy: Fatality then test lots of casts, tons turn up

anyone see a pattern? anyone? do you think it's gonna be a trickle? or 500 over 3 days when we catch a cluster?

>> No.17399699
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forgot pic related, lol

>> No.17399725

Complete QAnon-tier bullshit.

>> No.17399729


I hope lots of boomers see it

no comment on accuracy

>> No.17399730

I thought about it a while back but it seemed like more of a pain in the ass than it was worth getting onto a Polish exchange just for that.
To be fair though, Cyberpunk 2077 is looking like a huge success and the company is pretty solid overall with a lot of growth potential.
Gonna be some very happy Polacks over the next few years.

>> No.17399847

what are some shorts and longs one can do to profit from the corona?

>> No.17399851

Still not worried. Plus this was from like 3 weeks ago and pretty much nothing happened.

>> No.17399856

I spend 1300 rent + utilities/travel (Work in JewYork, living in believe it or not a low price apartment with 40 mins). I also drop a few hundred on the girlfriend tax every month, but without her I'd probably have killed myself by now and we aim to move in together next year and eventuality pool our money into an exit plan to gtfo of NY and move toward developing Richmond. So I'd consider her a good investment.
Current dropping 800 a month in loans, but I feel safer saving up and dropping big chunk on loans as my savings build up. I pay at least 10% above the recommended amount on all my loans each month and I try to completely kill them once the are in the sub 5k range and my savings feel safe.

I spent two years at my last job, and I never should have taken it because the pay was so low and my boss would literally steal my money. I don't want to put myself in a position where I have to take the first job offer if I get laid off, because I probably will lose more money by taking a lower paying job than from stocks or loans. I have more experience and connections now so I feel slightly safer, plus NY hordes all the jobs in my field and I am in somewhat high demand as I am on the higher end of skills/execution. I am hoping I can stay with this company at least a year and move onto a larger company two of my work friends just moved to for better pay.



>> No.17399865

Well Italy and Korea are both freaking out like retards so short their ADRs.

>> No.17399876

update a boy on GILD

>> No.17399919

It's hard for me to give advice on this because I actually de-leveraged some of my shorts on Friday and already rode some of the good wave up from GILD.

IT depends how it proceeds from here.

I think it's more important not to be leveraged long, but you'd already be hurt if you didn't remove that leverage on wednesday/thur morning.

If you are long only then you can do some slight hedge with puts, not going too negative though if you are worried and want a more passive response, wherein you wouldn't sell on the downturn or try to time it at all because it's going to be volatile and unpredictable.

The common response an average portfolio should take, assuming it's nothing but long position in shares, is just buy some small puts if you want to hedge against the downside.

For actual aggressive trades it's more difficult and risky.

>> No.17399933

my snappies finna pop off senpai!

>> No.17399935

Some Chinaman came out and said "blah blah we are in testing and can't say anything because it's in clinical trials"

"but... it inhibitis coronavirus nicely from what we have seen"

>> No.17399945

hence the 70.30 afterhours price

guess people noticed, funny.

that was fri morning

they also have another drug being tested potentially for coronavirus

>> No.17399955

also if you're listening to me on GILD

just know I have not looked at the PE, market cap, or literally any variable you would expect from DD.

>> No.17399990

typically I buy 1 or 2 of every share mentioned on here just in case it moons like SPCE or TSLA. if it dumps i'll only have lost like $100

>> No.17400007

I'm just saiyin, I didn't know it had a dividend or whatever. I don't know what they do. I don't know anything about Gilead except remdesivir and that it generally should do well as a company on pandemic fear increasing.

>> No.17400016
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just dislike ignorant people running their mouth about things they know little about

i'm not dumping a thing and corona won't crash the market. it just isn't a fucking flu.

>> No.17400022

>Italy panicking
Easy shorting right here

>> No.17400023

Kek this is /x/ tier schizophrenia

>> No.17400079

You are the devil if you try to profit from the current corona crisis

>> No.17400087


>> No.17400095
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already did, back to leftypol

>> No.17400113

what a cuck

>> No.17400120

You can always bet on Italians overreacting to everything.

>> No.17400125

I am the devil and I am here to do the devil's work

>> No.17400131


>> No.17400139

Why? Retards panic sell, I get cheap shit, I make money on absolutely zero-risk puts, what is not to like? I'm just tired of people thinking there is going to be a complete market collapse apocalypse scenario because some people are getting some sniffles.

>> No.17400140
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Sir, this is /biz/. If you want to discuss moral dilemmas, go to /d/. They've got a surplus.

>> No.17400164

Profiting and profiteering aren't the same thing.

>> No.17400168
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it's actually a moral imperative sweaty

>> No.17400186

nigger i live in fucking spain

france, germany and italy have fallen. please i don't want my gym to close for chingchong virus

>> No.17400198


the market is supposed to accurately predict this things and properly alert authorities. Instead we hit ATHs and people felt safe.

The bears are doing god's work

>> No.17400236
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Too late. Hope you have some gains at home in case of emergency.

>> No.17400273

isolationism was more popular after the spanish flu, maybe a good byproduct can be had

>> No.17400284

seriously every fucking time i see the news or even check /biz/ i get fucking anxious as fuck for this. i swear to god this terrifies me anon.

>> No.17400308

It hasn't even begun.

When the dead die in their homes and the 911 line rings endlessly is when should really get anxious.

ECMO and ICU will be rapidly out of supply when it hits. Korean hospital beds in affected cities are already over capacity.

>> No.17400317

>Tfw work in a hospital and will be completely fucked if it comes to my city

>> No.17400320

The hospitals and ambulances will need military escorts and guards. Imagine telling someone the hospitals are full no care for your family.

>> No.17400342


They basically stuck sick people in China in gyms and stuff with no care. Just a bed and someone to check on them.

Probably easier to get the bodies out instead of having to go home to home.

>> No.17400348

I actually have a flight to Sevilla in two days
First time I ever think of canceling a flight because of external circumstances. And I have been to some shitty places.
I feel for you. At the beginning 99% will just have the flu anyways.

>> No.17400391

if you sell on monday at open you are a gay and I will make sure you regret that decision.

>> No.17400392

you may not get corona from seville but jesus fucking christ why did you have to choose andalucía anon, it's the worst place in spain

seriously visit the north if you're fond of tourism. southern spain is just full of literal goatfucker moors. they bring a goat with them when they do parades because they genuinely used to fuck them

>> No.17400412

I figured I'd be safeish being extra reclusive in a small college town surrounded by countryside, but my roommate's a medical student.

>> No.17400422

Hey /smg/ I have a quick q - my mom (I know, I know) saw my robinhood account and asked me to take over her Sink or Swim. She started with 6k and is down to 2k.

Anyway she says I can keep anything above 3k - so my question is - what can I yolo on monday to try and get as much out of it as I can

>> No.17400432

just follow up - its 2k in buying power left - her meme stocks are all penny stocks now and practically worthless

>> No.17400435

Well Facebook is getting sued by the IRS. Seems they owe a few billion in back taxes.

>> No.17400438

Ok but you're wrong. You don't even understand what HFT is if you think its day trading. You're just a degenerate gambler.

>> No.17400441
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>She started with 6k and is down to 2k.
>what can I yolo on monday to try and get as much out of it as I can
Like mother like son I guess

>> No.17400458

If it's a YOLO then buy weekly SPY puts

>> No.17400461

ya you know it - its funny cause shes a savant in her own field but is retarded at everything else - I just don't wanna carefully grow it when Im workin my own accounts

>> No.17400480

>Its actually been around for a while now but we only noticed when we looked because we thought it was normal flu

>> No.17400504


>> No.17400515


>> No.17400539
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if even the dead starts dying i would get really worried too

it's not a flu

>> No.17400553

1: NEVER YOLO. Research what the fuck you are buying.
2: Why would you not just invest her into what you have already researched and bought?
3: If you're still hellbent on the "YOLO" idea, your timetable is important. How long do you have to make money? SNSS is a strong bet to more than double by mid-march.

>> No.17400581
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That actually does look pretty cheap. Interesting. Pity I didn't see this in November when KO was at 53

>> No.17400596

hey SNSS anon - love you haha

Idk cause I don't wanna babysit her account. fyi I already have a few hundred shares of SNSS on my own accounts.

In terms of timetable I am developing some real estate properties this summer and would like to be able to afford better contractors than last year.

>> No.17400600

I mean 0 dollars today is a lot worse than 1000 in a year tbqh
just throw shit in an etf and change your moms password so she can't dump in 100000 shares of SNSS
unless your mom gave you a timeframe for that money lmao

>> No.17400625

Good time to get into oil?

>> No.17400632

Then yeah, fuck it, YOLO into SNSS it has a very high chance of %200+ gains well before your cutoff point.

>> No.17400637

Is it too late to short the shit out of Asia?

>> No.17400658
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Have things happened yet?

>> No.17400659
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From my phone - some of her losses

>> No.17400660

Maybe, shorting China is a surefire way to get fucked since Commies don't care about fair markets.
I think the nips and koreans have already taken a huge hit, it still might go down a bit though.

>> No.17400680

Holy hell
Please never let her trade again

>> No.17400698

Korea shutdown hasn't been priced in yet, neither has Italy or Japan, Korea will be the worst of the 3 though.

>> No.17400708


New Bread Go


>> No.17400710

>It's all fraction of a penny stocks
Dude your Mom... your Mom was playing a slot machine. There is no way much thought was put into any of that, she was pulling levers and hoping for a jackpot.

>> No.17400718

Bro I have seen people lose a couple hundred on penny stocks but never this much, holy shit. What was she thinking?

>> No.17400992

We're waiting for futures to open. 2 hours and 35 minutes

>> No.17401127

I have no idea. It depends on the tech and the political zeitgeist of the era. There is a cyclical nature to climate change hysteria.

>> No.17401159

no u

>> No.17401188

God i hope so. I went in pretty heavy last week.