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17394835 No.17394835 [Reply] [Original]

I wish i was fucking dead

>> No.17394841

What's wrong anon?

>> No.17394848

well are you a dreamer or a doer?

>> No.17394852
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nobody would miss you, anyway

>> No.17394861

give me your remaining crypto. I will properly invest it.

>> No.17394939

ignores a kind gesture. just kys already op

>> No.17394946



>> No.17394951
File: 140 KB, 840x436, 453-4532841_view-frens-apu-apustaja-finland-clipart.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up fren

>> No.17394961

coronachan will take care of that for u...and if u live post apocalyptic world could be fun

>> No.17395006

Existence is fucking rough man

>> No.17395014

Don't worry, if God is kind to you, he would grant you some terminal disease and let you go to heaven faster.

>> No.17395022

kill urself lol

>> No.17395039

11/10 post
Put your dreams into your hands and change the world

>> No.17395048

> censoring the arm pits and navel but not their beautiful hair

>> No.17395049

Me, too, Anon. I had a horrible childhood. Neglected. Isolated. But the internet was always an acceptable retreat. Now it has been invaded by deluded feminazis and other shits invading literally everywhere. I'm not sure how much longer I can take this agony. What's the better solution? Living a perpetual nightmare (and I am starting to be convinced of this universal existence being a nightmare) or offing yourself?

>> No.17395090

dont off yourself anon, that will just set you back

>> No.17395102

Both of you stop being suicidal! Go pickup the Holy Bible both of you! Read it and be saved. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life.

>> No.17395159

Do you have to really believe or can you just pretend?

>> No.17395293

I love you

>> No.17395320

Well a lot of Christians touch little boys so I think you’ll be fine if you like cartoon girls

>> No.17395549

Tell us, it's anonymous

>> No.17395592

>I love you

>> No.17395674
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Don't just dream about it anon.

>> No.17395948

I wanna kms too Anon. I would believe in God and the bible if I could anon, but it just seems like a larp to go around saying "repent for the kingdom is at hand, God exists and you better repent bla bla bla blah"

>> No.17396251

are you the italian poster from int?

>> No.17396392

Are you me?

>> No.17396401

I'm going to guess you have never been in a situation you can't get out of. Or had to deal with a psychopath daily.

>> No.17396548

why yes, i too post advice on an indonesian shell collecting forum on a board covered in indian poo and thot asses 24/7, trying to convert them to the LORD

>> No.17396555

Kys kike