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1739410 No.1739410 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently speaking to two recruiters about joining the military, one Naval Officer Recruiter and one Marine Officer Selection Officer

I'm really into the idea of building a ridiculous resume (degree in finance, minor in comp sci currently) before I head off to law school, on top of enjoying the idea of going officer for 5~ years of my life.

Now, normally this decision would be a no-brainer and I'd go for the Marines due to the weight that the branch has over the others, but I was recommended to speak to a naval recruiter for something that has equally drawn my fascination -
Become a JO (jr officer) on a Submarine.

I qualify for the program with my score on the ASVAB (and on the other hand qualify for interesting Marine officer positions like intelligence), and the Naval recruiter is suggesting that I'd be good at it if I can stick to heavy, heavy studies during my year of training.
Which one would YOU choose if you were in my position?

(My thoughts in the next post)

>inb4 die mil
>pic unrelated, just draws attention with the gut check hatred

>> No.1739417

Now, this is how I have everything broken down:

>Cons of SUB
I would be able to have several years worth of nuclear/engineering certifications by the military.
>due to the continuing education nature of submariners, I would be in for a minimum of around 7~ years
Working on a nuclear submarine as an officer is a POWERFUL fucking resume builder
>life is miserable on submarines while deployed underwater for potentially months at a time at sea/under the surface
>the daily schedule is hell, practically no sleep and 24/7 work and study while deployed
Its a cool story
>promotions only occur from continuing education

>Marine Cons
Marines carry a more masculine sense of respect, which is a valuable tool in the law world (planning on law school as my final plan for life after service)
>Marines are also seen as brutish jar heads despite looking like a leader
My tolerance for stress and other people will be at all time highs after Marine service
>High potential to be promoted, minimum of two guaranteed promotions in my first 4 years
Wider network of 'friends' and connections, vastly more marines than submariners after all

>> No.1739567

If you can stomach the sub work and lifestyle, that wins hands down. Most employers would hire you from genuine curiosity if you ended up switching from "nuclear engineer" to lawyer

>> No.1739585

Basically you're a huge fag for wanting to go straight into being an officer. Either way you'll be an intolerable human if you don't die. Learn some some humility, Elliott. Pick the path that will teach you that and hopefully die

>> No.1739586


personally, would see marine on a resume as a minus. Don't need employees with latent ptsd.

>> No.1739590


>> No.1739646
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canuck NCM here

do it, but consider whatever the US uses as a reserve force instead so you can also go to school or get a real job in the meantime. most people don't have much understanding of how military duty works or when you'd go to do stuff, so you're free to fluff it up or outright lie all you want while still having it on your resume legitimately.

from my experience, people don't really understand the difference between an officer and a non-commissioned member (or w/e yankees call non-officers) so it's up to you to choose which one you want. officers make more money but their jobs are a lot less fun. you're basically choosing between being middle management as an officer, or a tradesman or technologist as an NCM.

>Marines due to the weight that the branch has over the others,
nobody likes the Marines since they are (rightfully) seen as rude dudes with a needless 'tude. Go Navy. people not only like them better, but the jobs are cushier and more related to civilian work. e.g. a comms guy in the marines will work with outdated radios, a comms guy in the navy will work with Windows 10 and a bunch of CISCO shit. which one would you rather hire?

requires too much training to be a quick thing. you'll be in for a very long time, especially if you're in the regular/full-time force, since you likely have to go through the normal ship training and then get more to be trusted on a submarine. as anything that doesn't normally get high clearance, you'll have to get that as well, which can take years.
>Working on a nuclear submarine as an officer is a POWERFUL fucking resume builder
not really since as cool as it is it doesn't really say much about your skills. and ~le hard lyfe~ is irrelevant to finance and comp sci, if not a detriment (since it's that you spent 5-10 years NOT doing finance or comp sci, so not only are your skills eroded but being off in the ocean for months at a time will mean you're probably not up on latest tech)

>> No.1739655

>Marines carry a more masculine sense of respect,
literally no one likes marines (not even other marines) and no law office wants a wound-up potential ptsd gont postal case on their hands. even if you spent 10 years in an air conditioned office pushing papers, that stigma is there

>Wider network of 'friends' and connections, vastly more marines than submariners after all
most marines, and most military people in western forces in general, are a collection of sad, fat drunks going nowhere in life. there's a reason people join the military. t. part time military

i really recommend you go for a more technician focused branch like the navy or air force, and do some kind of part time plan if the US affords one so you can remain in school or the civilian workforce while accumulating military experience. don't look at the military like "it will give me discipline and connections!" look at it more like "i get to be trained on common computer and engineering systems literally for free instead of going to school for it"

like, real talk, naval communicators just do modified CISCO certifications for training. we don't get actual certs for it but it's literally the same course with the same books, some modules are just cut out for time. being an Information System Administrator is just being a sysadmin with the same ol' Windows Server 2008r2 that every office uses, modifying account info with Active Directory. if you plan to milk the military for resume fodder, at least go into a trade that will give you relevant training instead of the fucking marines or some shit

also, idk about the US, but here in Canada only one naval officer trade has the chance of seeing a ship bigger than an Orca. Officer is a bad way to go if you want sailing time. idk how the infantry works but I imagine it's fairly similar. Officers are managers, not tradesmen

>> No.1739688

I didn't think people had such poor opinions of marines desu... it really seemed to me that being a marine but still a well rounded person (they exist in comissioned officers, NCO's are the psychotic PTSD laden ones.

If I wanted to do engineering or some sort of skill to have in the future, what do you recommend? I've looked through many positions in all of the branches but never really found an engineering/technical skill teaching job that's caught my eye. I want to have an interesting experience despite the awful life conditions during service,

>> No.1739715

>NCO's are the psychotic PTSD laden ones.
nah, NCOs would have been in long enough and progressed beyond combat roles long enough ago that they'd be rough around the edges but have either killed themselves, gotten the help they needed, or simply not gotten PTSD'd up long ago

how is that supposed to fit into finance or comp sci? your plan to fluff your cv with military experience is very flawed, my man. i say again,
>~le hard lyfe~ is irrelevant to finance and comp sci, if not a detriment (since it's that you spent 5-10 years NOT doing finance or comp sci, so not only are your skills eroded but being off in the ocean for months at a time will mean you're probably not up on latest tech)
go for a comms or IT/IS trade you idjit

anyway I don't know the specific trades in the US but that's something to talk to a recruiter about. but every branch has stuff that needs servicing so each should have a few mechanic-like trades.

>awful life conditions during service
this is a meme, basic is probably going to be very bad but after that it's just a job. at worst you'll have to share a room with other dudes, but it's not much different from american university dorm housing

im going to work now but if you have more questions ill answer them later

>> No.1739742
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Obviously the sub work will give you unique skills & experience... but again, the Sub life is not for everyone.

>> No.1739748
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>NCO's are the psychotic PTSD laden ones.

You'd be surprised.

I have 2 cases where kids were suffering PTSD just from doing UN support work... the stuff they've seen...

>> No.1739757
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This is my resume, will Barnes and Nobles hire me?

>> No.1739876

But if I can stomach it I will have that pride for life

>> No.1740133

Navy has more prestige and is regarded as more professional and technical than Marines.

>> No.1740404

download any shitty template first, just don't get one that was designed by a retarded graphic design faggot.

then plug in your shitty info