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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 1300x1000, 1574237773231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17386554 No.17386554 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of health insurance if socialized healthcare exist?

>> No.17386598

I don't get it, is this artist implying American imperialist wars are necessary for comfortable middle class, homeownership lifestyles?

>> No.17386657

he can really generate a hell of a piss stain.

>> No.17386839
File: 651 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-02-12-10-45-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american in favor of socialized healthcare
>want to punish both yourself financially, and punish the people who are suffering from diseases and disabilities as a result of misfortune and have no other choice than to go through the ungodly brain-destroying mess of anti-choice and extreme taxpayer expenses that is the government healthcare system for the problems of fat people being fat, stupid people being stupid, and drug addicts being drug addicts
pic only mildly related, but good comedy from the 2017 bullrun
t. canadian with extreme envy for more economically free countries and states

>> No.17386968

4 shekels have deposited into your Good Goy™ account for protecting Dr. Steinbergs profit margin.

>> No.17386993

if people weren't such fat fucks and cronyism wasn't rampant in the medical legislature our healthcare costs would be a lot lower

>> No.17387022

there will be supplemental insurance programs to pay for things the universal healthcare won't cover. this is already how medicare works. but yes, the industry is going to contract, and boohoo to all the HR roasties who are going to lose their paper pushing jobs in insurance.

>> No.17387037

>hurr durr healthcare is only expensive because INDIVIDUAL CHOICES LIKE FAT PEOPLE EATING TOO MANY CHEESE DOODLES.

>> No.17387426

You have to wait long time to get treated.
You can't choose your own doctor.
You can't have a second medical opinion.
You've got limited treatment options.

>> No.17387462

To get better care. Unless you have a traumatic event, insurance is a scam because cash gets you in and out with doctors who don't fuck around.

>> No.17387498

oh no, so baaaad.
in our current system:
>people with diseases like cancer who have no health insurance are routinely left to die
so fuck you.

>> No.17387669

Maybe if you spend money on health insurance instead of the BMW.

>> No.17387719
File: 32 KB, 603x691, buch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking that the corrupt, overly bureaucratic, constantly (and comically) over budget, and kike-owned government is the most fiscally responsible and efficient option for solving rising health care costs.
kill yourself.

>> No.17387735
File: 9 KB, 225x225, depression_toad_suspicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are his pants yellow?

>> No.17387766


how many of /biz/ is fat?

probably most?

>> No.17387848

If absolute american muncher. You know we don't have "socialized" all sectors of healthcare in Europe either? For example animal healthcare is mostly private in my country, and it is also covered by insurances. Guess what, it is expensive as fuck.

Insurances make things expensive. Nobody gives a fuck about the costs because they aren't the ones paying it, but the insurance is. Slowly the price of insurance creeps up, but what can you do? You need to buy it anyway, because the price of treatment is already too high to deal without it. You're already paying fat peoples obesity problems through your insurance anyway.

I mean why are we even speculating this? It has already happened. USA has the most expensive healthcare by a mile. And it isn't the most efficient. It is just expensive. Government controlled healthcare is better and more efficient in every way.

>> No.17387881

this. health insurance itself is just one big scam

>> No.17387883

Yes, so instead of kike-owned government you're rather leaving your health care costs directly on the hands of the same kikes you claim to control this government?
Do I understand correctly that you prefer being controlled by the kikes directly, instead of having to go through all this democracy and voting stuff in between?

>> No.17387886

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.17387921
File: 154 KB, 1054x698, nigger btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No where near the levels of murican niggers.

>just pay for adipose laden, oppressed nogs


>> No.17387927

>Insurances make things expensive
Ah yes, so let's make it mandatory spending. It's not like medical costs would rise because they would know that uncle same would foot the bill. It's not like big pharma wouldn't be salivating at the notion of having priced in sheep who would now be forced to buy their drugs. It's not like congress isn't already insanely corrupt.
>Slowly the price of insurance creeps up, but what can you do?
Have a free market. Allow generic drugs. Allow free market solutions that don't have to abide by bureaucratic (jew) laws. Allow options for stripped down health care plans. Allow doctors to not get sued out that ass for malpractice. Allow insurance to be bought over state lines. etc.
> You need to buy it anyway, because the price of treatment is already too high to deal without it.
And now you are forced to buy (((government sponsered))) options. Google the student debt bubble and why the government giving out loans like candy has contributed to the crisis.
>USA has the most expensive healthcare by a mile. And it isn't the most efficient.
I agree. Now tell me again about all those government programs that are efficient, under budget, and not overbloated schemes to reign in votes during each election cycle...

>> No.17388720

i think all healthcare should be illegal.

>> No.17389892

Pretty much this but promising retards free shit from rich people is way easier

>> No.17390813

Right choice of which insurance scam to pay for plus deductibles, copays, time lost waiting and finding which doctor takes your insurance, cost of medication inflated by pharmaceutical companies.
Socialized healthcare benefits all of society. Gut insurance scammers in their entirety. Fuck em

>> No.17390870
File: 29 KB, 753x960, 1582219469455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17390927

I am from Finland, and we have one of the best socialized healthcare institutes in the world and I still have health insurance.

Why? The doctors and the overall service is much better on the private sector. In public sector the doctors and staff get paidan by the hour, in private sector they get paid by the customer. Nothing motivates people like money, Hippokrates's oath or No.

>> No.17390940

imagine using unemployment as an insult lmfao

>> No.17390979


>> No.17391027

Ahh yes the conservative "everyone is a millionaire they just misspend their money" defense. Now all we need is someone to shill for Social Darwinism and the thread will be complete.

>> No.17391035

I pay for people's medicaid AND my own private insurance. what a fucking scam

>> No.17391058
File: 22 KB, 364x364, 1582271052069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit being a statist bootlicker

>> No.17391083

>I don't get it, is this artist implying American imperialist wars are necessary for comfortable middle class, homeownership lifestyles?

I think they meant *Star Wars

>> No.17391114

>the Bernie-bro doesn't know that kike-owned health insurance companies regularly leave cancer patients to die anyway, delaying or denying treatment in hopes the patient dies before they don't have to pay out
"Death Panels" existed long before it was invented for jew propaganda.

>> No.17391239

Theoretically, what would happen if you had private healthcare but banned health insurance? Wouldn't healthcare providers be forced to provide lower prices and adequate care or their customers would all die? I'm a bit drunk so excuse me if this doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17392244

what conservatives don't get is that universal health care is just private health care except instead of a direct payment its using your taxes and youre also counting the COUNTLESS millionaires and billionaires that live in the United States would be paying taxes. Also even a 1% cut of that god damn ridiculous military budget would help millions of Americans. You remember when the US spent $1 trillion on a fighter jet that didn't even work? Yeah conservatives want you to forget that.