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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17385869 No.17385869 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17385888

We apologize for difficulties sir please continue purchasing while we sort out the problem

>> No.17385889

If you're not buying the dip I don't know what to tell ya bro. Do some research. Don't be late to the train station if you catch my drift.

>> No.17385940
File: 42 KB, 1111x572, snibsnab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes 3x in 1 month
>10-20% pullback
REEEEEEEEE WHYY IS IT NOT GOING STRAIGHT UP????? Look at shit like VIDT and MPL, once those things dumped, they dumped and they are on legit exchanges with volume. PNK dumps are literally on 0 fucking volume because the orderbook is so thin, pic related.

>> No.17385955

Not that I like or hold Kleros, but you actually can not expect a coin to never be in the red.

>> No.17385970

you guys literally told me to buy at 0.03 saying this will be the floor

you just don't know anything you motherfuckers

all in all nobody can predict the future and I bet you are all so happy now with my 2 eth .... fuck you guys. just fuck you.

>> No.17385972

Omg - Kleros has a unique working project and on its way to top 50 it dips now 15% after 250% pump.......
panic , scam, scandal

>> No.17385980

You are actually a pajeet aren't you?

>> No.17386036

How can i? Pajeets are not in Kleros
look here:

>> No.17386079

This is nothing to cause concerns and if you are selling now you’re a fucking idiot as we will see 0.05 soon.

>> No.17386094

there is no 'next link'
there is only link

>> No.17386101


>> No.17386105

Please tell me you didn’t sell retard. You don’t lose money unless you sell. If you did your research you would know this shit is worth much more than 3 cents, so just have some goddamn patience until people actually discover the project...

>> No.17386112

more like 0.005
don't forget we still have march news coming around the corner and i know damn well you will all sell at that time. I was hoping to get on the pump, but obviously i was wrong...

fuck you one more time for good measure. I'm out with a slight loss, at least I won't lose my entire bank.

>> No.17386134

>he actually bought high and sold low



>> No.17386145

I am a a risk taker...

>> No.17386150

we'll see who is laughing when the whales dump this down to 0.005 nigger

>> No.17386166

He's just a seething pajeet, curry is very bitter today

>> No.17386169
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>> No.17386170

Don't be salty because you missed and now you are a sidline cheerleader stinky muff

>> No.17386183

>sidline sir
>you're just sidline you hear me?

>> No.17386196

pls to be informed dump is coming sirs, pls sell on unsiwap so village can accumulate

>> No.17386222

They are trapped in their own scam, literally no liquidity to get out, do you realize that?

>> No.17386241

Big news next week.
Next leg up.

>> No.17386280
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> hohohohohohohohohohohoho
Not if we cause panic into your pathetic "information channels" and make the fools run away.

>> No.17386299

I’m getting a little concerned here.

I believe in the project, hold 1.2m (sold my link for it) and haven’t paid much attention to all the scam bullshit being posted everywhere but I woke up with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my gut...

The dump has done little to allay my concerns and I’ve seen a lot of people selling their stacks today.

Could someone please slap some sense into me and convince me this is still the dream I was sold?

>> No.17386316

>I believe in the project, hold 1.2m (sold my link for it) and haven’t paid much attention to all the scam bullshit being posted everywhere but I woke up with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my gut...
No no, just go ahead, you deserve this project earnings

>> No.17386317
File: 196 KB, 750x963, EE88E1B9-204E-4EA2-AEF9-37A6928449F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the power of kek we will prevail

>> No.17386342
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just be a man and hold ffs, I have 61k atm and keep just 2k on metamask for swinging, look at the user cases on kleroscan.io and see for yourself what is happening.

>> No.17386351

Don't worry, everything will be fine. Keep in mind that it is still only at 12m marketcap, and that no one outside of 4chan knows about kleros. Once it hits mainstream crypto NPCs, there will be insane growth and it will likely hit $3.00 at the very least. Just have patience, don't be like the retarded weak-handed sissies that panic sell. The only action to take now is to hold or buy more.

>> No.17386368

> that id color
my poop is this dark when i feel sick, you should see a doctor

>> No.17386389
File: 136 KB, 360x270, Darth PNKious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your FUD campaign has lost. And your friends in the satsgang false flag operation will not
survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The FUD will die...as will your friends.

Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your Ether!
Swap it to Kleros with all your hatred, and your journey towards the pink side will be complete.

>> No.17386408
File: 890 KB, 1125x1907, 7AAA8E83-B1ED-4F25-82E4-DAEC7B8DC7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies. I found cucks!!!!! Fucking scam coin..... rip

>> No.17386431
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u deserve to remain poor

>> No.17386444

Dude nobody who has responded to has your best interests at heart. Sell this fucking scam man. There has never been one more blatant.

>> No.17386455

see you in a week

>> No.17386485

Why this over Aragon? Tim Draper just invested a million dollars into it, and they are more developed than Kleros? Enligthen me please

>> No.17386494
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yes sirs check the numbers sirs please to be sell sirs and make village money sirs I beg you sirs it will fall sirs do not believe sirs you will take my cousins Rahamanasatishitanas job in customer support at amazon sirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17386506
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>retard jumps in the thread without reading it

>> No.17386512

yes i am here of helping you. project is scamless.
do not have pitted gut.
You are safe in hands

>> No.17386540

buy more sir they are not to coin dumping to us

>> No.17386837

Nobody knows what will happen anon , it is my research which I have done to even go further balls deep with this dip. I feel comfy but it is my decision what you will do is your choice... And nobody is to blame, read a bit about the project and don't listen to anybody, all of us have biases.

>> No.17387558

holy shit hahahahahaha

>> No.17387586

didnt read any of the replies to your post just came to say you're fucking dumb if you buy a lot of anything and consider selling after a correction that followed a 5x.

>> No.17387729

If you actually bought Link back at the beginning, you would know it had long periods were it would drop or crab and there was nothing on /biz/ but fear and dispair. If you held through those times, it was either because you were smart enough to see the vast potential of the project before everyone else could, or you were foolhardy enough to trust in memes.
At the time, I was filled with doubt and worry. I knew the value of the idea, but I was afraid that too many people had bought because of partnerships that might fall through or fail to materialize (e.g. Swift), that the impatience of retards on /biz/ would cause a correction to cascade into free-fall, or that normies would be permanently scared off by the community and boycott the project. Now in retrospect I see how immaterial those worries were, and when I see the same dynamic play out with PNK, I feel totally at peace. The only thing I am worried about is the value of the idea, and no one has managed to shake my confidence in that one jot.
Warren Buffet famously said that “The stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient.” This market does much the same. You will make money if you are patient and calculating. You will lose everything if you react with fear or greed to every market movement. In this way Kek uses chaos to create justice in the world.

>> No.17387781

I hope idiots like you are trolling. I hope newfags this new aren’t here

>> No.17387795

No sell. I only got 150k in the Sell and I definitely won’t reach 500-1m at these prices

>> No.17387822
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Say hello to the next chainlink NuLink

>> No.17387839

Sats gang are getting ready to turn the sell bots on

>> No.17387923
File: 1.18 MB, 963x730, ITSMYLIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink ID and dubs, you are fine sir.
How much pnk for a girl like this? Is 10.000 enough?

>> No.17387943

Bad ass wannabe typing the n word. Get fucked racist pig

>> No.17387960

Only 500 PNK will make a nice third world dowry. After the Golden Bull Run, that will be enough to start staking on the general courts, bringing in a steady income to support a family.

>> No.17388009

Please, give us a good old market sell, sir. Some weak hands panic selling a few hundred thousand pinkies doesn't suddenly make Kleros not viable.

>> No.17388047


>> No.17388699
File: 44 KB, 311x388, 1580645974556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dUrrRRR indian pajeet coin
>duRrrr BSV

>> No.17388742

Precisely. The fud jewed me with link, but Jew me once? You can’t jew me twice.

>> No.17388997
File: 335 KB, 1392x1617, boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he is salty sperm man with bloody menstruation bags and a boner

>> No.17389013

You're such a genius because you can see the brilliance of "decentralized courts" dude, wow, you're such a fucking visionary! It's such an amazing idea, but you need at least 150 IQ to see it. Only an idiot would think it's the dumbest fucking idea they've ever heard of.

>> No.17389016

>retard falls for flavor of the month shitcoin again
Faggots like you deserve to be poor

>> No.17389051

You unironically have to be an idiot to think it's the dumbest idea you've ever heard of. Also, ever heard of Vitalik Buterin? He created this weird thing called etherium. and he doesn't seem to think it's such a bad idea. huh. how bout that?

>> No.17389083
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>buy high, sell low!

>> No.17389238


>> No.17389336

Here's something for you two genius visionaries to consider: >>/biz/thread/S17307906

He did a good job of articulating my gut reaction to the idea, which is "wow that's fucking stupid and obviously flawed".

One thing I learned from that thread which I wasn't aware of before, is that you're actually punished if you vote "wrong" ie. against the majority. If you don't see a problem with that, then, well, good luck with your "investment". You will be very rich soon.

>> No.17389350

mmm 8/10 FUD pls to be selling your tokens sirs

>> No.17389356

Yeah just handwave it away as "fud", that really helps your case.

>> No.17389378
File: 328 KB, 750x502, 0947BB11-9E16-4341-81FF-82599BE58C33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s up 4x in a month and down 10% today. You fudders are hilarious. Unironically neck yourselves. All you need to do is search tyler technologies.

>> No.17389399

>arguing with pajeets
Why do you waste time with that.
Those retarded answers to your objections prove that this board is infested with paid streetshitters.

>> No.17389422
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>> No.17389452
File: 140 KB, 900x675, EGw9VeRUEAAGHNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You there! Yes, you!

Don't you dare lose FUCKING faith!

*teleports behind you*

Heh heh, I could've killed you just now! Let that be a warning to you, sir.

>> No.17389463

They need to be more Indian


>> No.17389478

Ah YES! This is the guy who thinks kleros will be used in actual judiciary courts for killers and rapists.
It’s for retail how can you not see the potential in it, holy shit.

>> No.17389504
File: 3 KB, 112x112, 540DECCF-0D31-4D54-B682-A6A8E42BC8CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this low iq bait. Unironically going to buy more.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you’ve done 0 research. Congrats

>> No.17389520

This. The former director of online disputes for PayPal and eBay even said it was a great idea and that he saw a lot of potential in it within this field

>> No.17389564


>> No.17389576

why do i get the sense that you are the OP of this thread you're citing, anon.
I'm not smart like Clement, but having nothing at stake seems like a very bad idea to me.

>> No.17389582

Those are fair points and I get that reaction.
However think about the he game theory for a moment though.
- You lose money if you vote against the majority.
- Say there is a court for electrical engineering and circuit design.
- Usually revolving around cases where somebody hired a contractor and is not satisfied with the result.
- Judges have to decide based on provided design and contract who is right.
Would you sign up and stake your pnk to judge on that subcourt if you don't have any knowledge about ee?
If you do, do you think you can just randomly guess which way the majority will rule?
If not you will loose your pnk.
So this meme floating around of neets judging cases in their basement will probably not happen.

>> No.17389785

omfg who could have seen this coming

>> No.17389790
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>> No.17389808

what about tyranny of majority, though? The financial aspect introduces an incentive to pick the option that will get you money as well as to pick the right choice.

>> No.17389866
File: 173 KB, 1190x1190, FEE8D707-763E-4E3B-B1DF-CCFFA4BBCE8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checks id
DYOR and have sex

>> No.17390170

Ok Big Hot 1

>> No.17390277


>> No.17390503

why would you be incentivized to vote incorrectly if all you know is that the other jurors are being incentivized to vote correctly?
The only scenario I can think of is if a person or group controlled a majority of the staked tokens. Then you could try to vote like them, but at that point, the system's already compromised. And even then, you would have to know who that group is and correctly guess how they would vote every time.
And now we're really talking about the general problem of sufficient decentralization, which every crypto project struggles with.

>> No.17390548

Kleros is just another scam,

This board is literal shit now

>> No.17390707

rude don't you think

>> No.17391240

Its literally only on two exchanges. Neither which allowed Americans. You are buying from pajeets and chinks. You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.17391250

>the next link
You deserve to lose everything

>> No.17391956

I warned you retards to take your gains before the dump. Biz has had tons of shitcoin pump and dumps. If you are up 50% on some random shitcoin biz shill you need to get out and trade for legit crypto’s like Eth or Btc. Most shitcoin are just for a quick buck to add to your long term holds

>> No.17391969

ill help you out. Use uniswap. that's where the action is happening.
actually decentralized so americans can use it.
automated market maker contracts so there's higher liquidity.
underground enough that newfags will fuck themselves by trying to use idex instead.

>> No.17392238

>buy my bags

>> No.17392254

the number one post is very good sirs continue buying the tokens for moon mission

>> No.17392864

checked sir

>> No.17392881

>please buy PNK sir
>please buy MATIC sir
>please buy CHX sir
>please buy HOT sir

>> No.17392907

checked sir

>> No.17392917

>the ATH us the floor

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.17392934


>> No.17392952

Lol projecting this hard
sorry you paniced

>> No.17392970

the nulinkers are fudding hard