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17385326 No.17385326 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have friends obsessed with billionaires? I got a buddy that always shares "inspirational" videos and images with quotes. He doesn't actually create or invest in anything

>> No.17385377

advice and quotes is meaningless if all you do is share them and not actually work towards improving your situation

>> No.17385400

he actually works like 10 hours a week tops, this is bullshit to raise the productivity in tesla factories and so on

>> No.17385459

And why do you care? Just scroll past if it bothers you lmao, I’ve unfortunately got a few friends like that as well but it’s whatever. Also
>putting in 80-100 hours a week
Maybe when he was still working on PayPal. Ever since he cashed out on that and he’s just been essentially being given credit for the work of scientists much smarter than him at his companies by normies and dickriders. He’s obviously a very clever guy but if I see one more person talk like Elon musk designs the Tesla cars and the rockets and the solar panels etc himself....

>> No.17385468
File: 74 KB, 497x375, cargo-cult-plane_497x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cargo-cult thinking; people think that fortune will shine on them if they think the same thoughts as the fortunate, even if those thoughts have nothing to do in practice with money-making, or if nothing they do actually improves their life situation. Like tribesmen building facsimiles of cargo planes hoping it will bless them with more cargo planes bringing them stuff.

See also: the whole simulation hypothesis meme. No one would have thought twice about the simulation hypothesis if Elon Musk hadn't mentioned it. But people really think that occupying their thoughts with shit like this will bring them closer to Elon Musk money, just because of its proximity to Elon Musk.

>> No.17385483
File: 15 KB, 644x800, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work 10 hours a day for my boss
>because of elon musk motivation videos
>my only purpose may be buying iphones and teslas but that will be worth all the debt I put myself in

>> No.17385547

Elon musk designs the Tesla cars and the rockets and the solar panels etc himself.

>> No.17385582


>> No.17385627

>Work like hell
Or just buy Link

Choice is yours.

>> No.17385704

don't get me wrong, the stock is going over 1 trillion for sure because of this cuckery

>> No.17385717

>100 hour week
>14 hour a day
>8 hour sleep
>2 hour to shit/piss/commute/eat
So basically work and sleep

>> No.17385723

the jews are right
goys are cattle

>> No.17385724


>> No.17386207

They all fall for the entry level shit like Tai Lopez etc. I mean yea if you never thought about life, then their basic advice is good. Last year I had a guy I knew and used to be good friends with since we were in the same football team, shill me some card bonus thing, basically you had to give out cards that people could use to get discounts at certain places. With every card you gave out you got a tiny percentage of every purchase. Like very very small amount. Basically you'd need to give out a fuck load of cards and the cardholders had to buy shit for you to make any money. Told him nah I don't have time for that (was in HS and exams were coming, same for him) and I already made some ok money from crypto. He asked how much, I told him roughly $10k and he was in awe. He asked me more about crypto and I basically shilled him LINK and gave him all the links and details so he could research more himself. LINK was at $0.4 then. During the card shilling he told me how it's better to work for yourself and imagine working for someone else and all that entry level shit.

>> No.17386240

This is the recipe for suicide

>> No.17386309

I feel bad for anyone who falls for this absolute bullshit. Yes, working hard does you some good. But these billionaires consider every waking hour of their day "work". At most, they do a few hours per day.

>> No.17386392

Most of people live like that till the death.

>> No.17386412

Usually they're an avid consumer of self help books too.

>> No.17386417

People get rich by being smart and lucky.
Elon didn't get his gains by working hard, he got his gains by inventing fucking PayPal

>> No.17386430

guess its enough for a cab to the airport and a sandwich

>> No.17386999

I see this a lot with wannabe youtubers and streamers, they load up on a ton of advice and then they don't do anything with it
I get the impression that the feeling people get from listening to inspirational videos is similar to the feeling of accomplishing a task that's why they don't accomplish tasks.

>> No.17387038

100hr a week is justified if you run your own business
100hr a week as a wagie is just stupid, nobody gonna pay you more just because you do more stuff

>> No.17387048

Unironically this

>> No.17387071

>nobody gonna pay you more just because you do more stuff
Except ya know, overtime pay

>> No.17387755

Thought experiments aside regarding the "likelihood of being somewhere in a chain of simulations", the holographic principle and beckenstein bound related concepts which describe the mathematics that define our universe are really worthy of consideration. Mathematically speaking, it is valid to describe our universe as encoded in a lower dimensional space acting as a "surface" bounding the 3d spacetime we perceive. Also considering apparent proven absurdities like nonlocality and non-determinism, I'm willing to entertain the idea that the truest representation of our universe is not 3d spacetime, but rather a more abstract definition beyond the limits of what can be perceived from within the universe. My guess is the universe is one small part of a meta-simulation of physical laws, and we exist at a special point in the design space where entropy can occur. We just happen to be lucky from our own perspective that life emerges from entropy given sufficient time and resource stability, since life is (counter-intuitively) a more efficient means of effecting entropy than random chance. Point being, it's fair to consider the possibility of our universe as part of a simulation, regardless of what Musk says.

>> No.17388074

This is correct. Had a friend who was reading how the chinese millionaires organize their life and he was going to set up a similar schedule to be more focused and get more done. No idea if he ever did it but i do know hes on twitter for 10 hours a day so i imagine he isnt.

People think they can just copy what successful people do without realizing whats under the hood. Its not meme "optimization" schedules its intelligence and focus on the important stuff.