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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17381845 No.17381845 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at 6 months at the moment, looking to stock up for 2-3 years.
>he doesn't know how bad things really are

>> No.17381932

you know water is free right? why stock it up?

>> No.17382080

Do you know how taps work?

>> No.17382088
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>> No.17382510

Do you know how potable water gets delivered to your residence?

>> No.17382538

just live near water and invest in filtration system.

>> No.17382555
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also bought physical gold and silver, solar panels, power storage, weapons. what pysical assets would also be good for a crisis? thought about storing a room full of sugar packs.

>> No.17382565

I have a filtration system for emergency but I really don't want to leave the house if shit hits the fan, for reasons.

>> No.17382574

i wouldn't be broadcasting that information if i were you. if shit really does hit the fan you will be the biggest target ever.

>> No.17382576


>> No.17382581
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>> No.17382595

i bet you'll poison yourself with your stored water.

>> No.17382597

solid advice thanks.
bro just fuck off I have done my research and I love my life and will protect it. better be safe than sorry

>> No.17382606

Your meme, but unironically.

The world has been ending every year as long as I can remember, and I'm 46.

>> No.17382608

I have normal pet bottles stored in a cold room. any advice?

>> No.17382616
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>bro just fuck off I have done my research and I love my life and will protect it. better be safe than sorry

>> No.17382623

fuck off boomer your generation will be the first to get wiped out if this is the spanish flu 2.0

>> No.17382661

You're somehow the smartest one in the thread
These other schizo faggots are wasting their time, lack of brain power, and money

>> No.17382687

>sugar packs
sugar is literal poison, switch to a ketogenic diet and stock some protein/fat-rich foods

>> No.17382708

Hope you have some opiates stored like lots of them. You're gonna get a tooth infection with no dentists in sight you're gonna blow your brains out with your AR 15 to stop the pain lmao.
Also hope you stored lots of tv shows anime and manga for entertainment or putting the gun in your mouth will become your favorite activity after sitting for months inside your bunker.

>> No.17382745

honestly, no. but depending on a standing water supply is very risky and requires continuous attention. personally i will just do a hero if SHTF, but this won't happen because of this little virus here.

>> No.17382778

I agree, but I store it as a tradeable asset. everyone needs calories and it has unlimited durability. top tier crisis asset if you ask me
painkillers should do the thing. will stock up on entertainment thanks for the reminder

>> No.17382793

its not though

>> No.17382807
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this is all just a meme right though?

the other day when we had that /bizpol/ crossover thread and all the /pol/ guys were talking about how crypto will be worthless when all of society collapses and that you should stock up on ammo and food.... that was all just a 4chan meme right?
please.. please fucking tell me they were just being autists like us with 1000 eoy, and that /pol/ isnt genuinely that shizo

>> No.17382823
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imagine wasting time & money "stocking up" shit.
If shit hits the fan it's not your stocked up food that is gonna save your ass.
Admit it you're doing this shit just to feel safer, but in reality, you're not.

>> No.17382825

Over the counter painkillers are trash, you need prescription painkillers if you care to deal with the amount of pain you'll inevitably be in living in an unsanitary bunker with no medical assistance for years on end.
But don't take my word for it, at least you'll have an "exit plan" nearby at all times hahahahahaha

>> No.17382864

Fuck it I'll bite. What actually saves you in a SHTF situation?

>> No.17382880

I made it in 2017 already with crypto, I'm not working and have a shitload of cash. is it really that stupid in my position?

>> No.17383120

Yes just a meme
Nothing is going to happen
Regardless of that, it's always good to have some
water, canned food, ammo, and a couple firearms
But fore sure nothing is going to happen anyime within the next seeral years

>> No.17383180

Yeah I recall how 10% of the human population is put on lockdown every year. Stupid fucking boomer

>> No.17383387
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To all the retards saying theres no point in prepping because is not a big deal/nothing is happening,
consider the following:
>10% of the worlds population is currently under quarantine
>this segment of the population is part of a country that only cares about money and it has willingly shut down its own economy because of how devastating this pandemic is
>the virus has only begun accelerating worldwide in the past 3 days or so and if you had your ear to the ground you'd know this is real
>realize that this virus doesnt even need to kill 10% of the infected in order to completely fuck up as a much higher % of infected still require intensive care
>hospitals are not even slightly ready to treat everyone that will get sick
>at least half the population WILL catch this bug simply due to how infectious it is, its possible the most infectious virus in history
>you already cant get your hands on entry level breathing protection as these ran out of stock weeks ago

when the panic starts in your country and the rush on supermarkets begins the same way it did in china you'll either join the mob and increase your chances of infection 50 fold or be left out, even if you do join the panicking mob theres a limit to how much stuff you can get in such short notice while everyone is doing the same as you are, does it really seem all that outrageous to buy the same food items you were going to buy over the next few months right now in one go?

i already have enough non perishable food and water to last me a few months, canned tuna, sardines, rice, bread flower, these are all things i usually buy on the regular and simply bought a stock so i wont have to visit a potentially infectious crowded place, of course i also bought masks and eye protection since masks alone are simply not enough.

>> No.17383471
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unironically based and redpilled

>> No.17383519

>is it really that stupid in my position?

Reread >>17382823 until you get it, you incel.

>> No.17383612

Nothing really. If society breaks down your chance of dying increases. This can be some random infection, accident, hostile activity, wildlife fucking you up or your food runs out and society still aint back. There is nothing saving you at this point you will die one of these days and it will only get more likely. Even if you stock up if this is really the pandemic the (((happening))) homos say you will just slightly delay it. If it is not you wasted time and resources better spent elsewhere

>> No.17383656

>but I store it as a tradeable asset
tobacco is the best tradeable asset. there has been a lot of events where money-based economy was almost non-existent (europe after WWII, west berlin blockade 1949, collapse of the soviet union) and tobacco always emerged as one of the most demanded tradeable goods.

>> No.17383675

>normalcy bias

>> No.17383682

Why? Is it just because it's addictive?

>> No.17383686

Water is a human right gauranteed by our government you nazi retard, meaning we can never run out of it

>> No.17383791

>at least half the population WILL catch this bug simply due to how infectious it is, its possible the most infectious virus in history
you guys are fuckin retarded if you believe this sentence

>> No.17383827

Dont listen to this idiot OP. Keep stocking up. Peanut is very calorie and nutrient dense for its volume and has a long shelf life. Keep some jars of that.

>> No.17383986

lmfao you really believe the bullshit you're tryping
lol schizo happening faggot

>> No.17384178

thanks for the tip. will stock up on tobacco
I'm thankful for the non-hapooners they are the reasons the warehouses are still full. thanks for the advice
not sure if stupid or a paid shill

>> No.17384199
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only two things can bring the /pol/ endtimes
>super rare but inevitable cataclysmic event
>nuclear purge
(((they))) ultimately need people alive, so (((they))) don't seem to want to nuke us all
a sun flare or meteor would be most likely event, but still too rare reasonably to care about, especially if you're likely gonna die in the event anyway
other than that, there's no fucking way the power's going out. sorry /pol/anski

>> No.17384233
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look up the ukranian purge and famine under Stalin, there you will see the true form of a collapsed society with little food
only the most brutal and desperate would survive
nice people get eaten

>> No.17384259

Things people actually need like food and medicine is always going to be better. The price stuff like alcohol and tobacco is nothing compared to bread in Venezuela for example.

>> No.17384277

Sugar is a nutrient

>> No.17384282

There's going to be an absolutely incredible famine when global supply chains break down. You are going to want ANY calories.

>> No.17384310

If it can happen in other countries why cant it happen in america? No such thing as magic soil

>> No.17384312


>> No.17384331

lighters, alcohol, cigarettes, candles, soap,condoms, tampons, band aid kits, small sanitary packs are all better than good for trade.
never ever tell anyone about where you get it.
read about the wars in exyugoslavia in the 90's for more tips about how such shit goes down

>> No.17384338
File: 251 KB, 929x606, Screenshot from 2020-02-22 07-54-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would get these 50 lb bags of rice

>> No.17384461
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it's much more addictive than most people realize, you just don't see smokers acting like retarded crackheads in public because they have constant access to tobacco and can afford it. They freak out once there's no supply. there were some cases in post war berlin where people traded gold for a pack of cigarettes

>> No.17384509

Fewer people smoke now than they used to

>> No.17384536

get peanut butter bro

>> No.17384587

Green coffee will last 5 years. Get a small hand turn roaster like a kalidi. Fun hobby, saves money and is the second largest commodity in the world. When shit hits the fan, coffee, silver, 9mm, .223 will be the currencies.

>> No.17384610

Based and coffeepilled

>> No.17384628

Post pic of 6 months food & water sup pls

>> No.17384641

This has to be bait

>> No.17384768

Of course water is portable bro how else would it get to your house?
It's like fuck bro how fuckin dumb are you?

>> No.17384880

>honestly, no. but depending on a standing water supply is very risky and requires continuous attention.
Why? Just run it through a filter before drinking

>> No.17385001

i've been messaging a dooms day bunker company they say the rich have already started moving into their comfy hide outs. it's 35k a bunker houses 24 for a year not a bad deal

>> No.17385032

Unironically, I have MTG decks included saved for a SHTF situation. A LP black lotus will get you like a weeks worth of food for your family in the apocalypse.

>> No.17385044
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>A LP black lotus will get you like a weeks worth of food for your family in the apocalypse.

>> No.17385110

a lot of retarded comments here. In this case, you do not want to store tradeable goods, trade involves interaction with other humans and you do not want to get infected. Also, much fewer people smoke nowadays than in WWII.

>> No.17385818

I have few days worth of normal food in my house but that's about it. Nothing happens. Nothing ever happens. Even this virus thing in china has mostly stayed in china and barely anyone outside of china has died from it.

>> No.17386062

>he doesn't know

>> No.17386133

Know what?

>> No.17386811

>he thinks nothing ever happens
check the facts bro. if it's not there already, it's just a matter of time

>> No.17386886
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I bought $nCoV coronatoken.org

>> No.17387130
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>> No.17387160


Gonna make it

>> No.17387213

I'm just not seeing it, government has a good handle on the crisis, a few people got the virus, but so far no-one has died.

>> No.17387224

Korea went from a handful of cases and everything is fine to 500 cases in a few days. Spending a few hundred on food is a fine idea.

>> No.17387252
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Italy shelves

>> No.17387350

life hack. animal antibiotics work on humans and you can buy them OTC.

>> No.17387371

This. Stock up on those fish meds.

>> No.17387376

You realize the Corona virus is a hoax right? Lul. It's just the common cold

>> No.17387380

gamergirl bath water

>> No.17387889

This sounds like a lot of fun. You seem pretty prepared.
Might want to stock up on books on medicine, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. Knowledge will be valuable in a crisis.
Also, obviously medicine, sanitary products, and recreational drugs will all go up in value when SHTF. Besides nutritional foods, junk food may have significant value as a luxury good. Someone living a stressful, insecure life would pay good money for a chocolate bar if they hadn't had one in years.

>> No.17387904

also investing in corona
gonna short it soon because its a big nothing burger

>> No.17387916

In addition to food and water...radio, batteries, flashlights, shit ton of coal, lighters, antiviotics, bleach, wet wipes, anticeptics...iodized salt, vitamin c caps

>> No.17387948
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>Might want to stock up on books on medicine, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. Knowledge will be valuable in a crisis.
just print out wikipedia

>> No.17388041

Unironically a good idea to back-up wikipedia and some selections from the Internet Archive to a few USBs. Especially if you have a reliable power source like solar panels, most SHTF scenarios wouldn't knock out your electronics right away. People underestimate how valuable access to information would be after a global collapse.

>> No.17388175

Wikipedia is okay but it is often very cursory knowledge that provides the concept of how to do something, but doesn't actually tell you *how*
A library of books or documents on top of wikipedia is a great thing to have. There's a lot of disaster/survival archives online. Wikipedia can help map what's needed for what and how things relate to each other, but it won't be good at teaching you.

>> No.17388381

so make pemmican and store fats like tallow and ghee.

>> No.17389134

Nah, I pay taxes, government will sort it.

>> No.17389147

People have been saying it's going to be bad for 20 years.

If you aren't in a rich first world country, you're doomed