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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 745x745, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17372445 No.17372445 [Reply] [Original]

I talked to a wise boomer at work about starting my own business, he gave this advice:

"Do it while you're young, I spent my life making money for other people. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll learn so much more than if you didn't take the shot. I've had a few ideas over the years but I just never got round to doing them. At any moment you could meet a lady, then you'll have kids and a mortgage, then you'll be 35 with no money."

>> No.17372464

I'm 32 with no money and 3 startups am I doing it right?

>> No.17372492

How are you able to run 3 start ups with no money? How do you have the time to manage that?

>> No.17372572
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Maybe he's like another anon on here that said if you have good connections you can get materials/means of production and pay them back later if they trust you enough.

>> No.17372649

I'm trying to retire at 35, I think I'll make it. I take literally all of the money from one venture and start another. I see opportunities that I'm not smart enough to take advantage of, and I convince engineers to come on board with generous equity. I think my skill is bridging the gap between autismals and customers. Smart enough to understand technical experts, but too dumb to do anything with it. Also, most people don't know how to register a business, retain legal counsel, pay taxes (or pay accountants, etc), and that barrier to entry keeps smart people from working for themselves. I take care of that stuff.

>> No.17373005

>At any moment you could meet a lady, then you'll have kids and a mortgage, then you'll be 35 with no money."

I hate when people talk like you suddenly just wake up like that one day. In reality you choose every part of that equation

>> No.17373077

Pussy is a powerful drug and many men let their women call shots as soon as they are getting a steady stream of it. You are right, it is a choice.

>> No.17373176

>At any moment you could meet a lady, then you'll have kids and a mortgage, then you'll be 35 with no money
He lost me there. It would be cool if I met a wife but I will never have kids. Also my home is already paid off.

>> No.17373220

>any moment you could meet a lady, then you'll have kids and a mortgage
Umm no. Im incel and make houses cost too much. Boomers are so detached from millenial life

>> No.17373273

kek. it's not always your choice anon unless you choose no pussy at all. there isn't a birth control option on the market that is 100% effective. we slip through sometimes. when that happens, it doesn't matter what you want anymore.

>> No.17373294

ask a room full of guys who have kids how many of them planned that kid ahead of time.

>> No.17373344

All of them. The act of insemination is planning

>> No.17373361

you mean sex? stop being so fucking autistic. your argument is any man who has sex is planning on having a kid with the woman he's having sex with? try again...

>> No.17373396

>most people don't know how to register a business, retain legal counsel, pay taxes (or pay accountants, etc), and that barrier to entry keeps smart people from working for themselves
It's astonishing how the process for all that shit isn't streamlined, you'd think every government would be chomping at the bit to make it as easy as possible for people to innovate and earn income they can tax for free money.

>> No.17373402

And ask how many of them if they wish they didn't have their kids. 95% of parents say they wouldn't trade their kids for anything.

>> No.17373418

They may not be 100% effective but they are close enough that it's not worth worrying about. It's like saying it's not always my choice to not die in a car crash, but I still drive cars.

>> No.17373441

absolutely. that's the funny thing about it. I'm just poking fun at the zoomers who don't think they're gonna wake up older one day with a wife, kids, and a mortgage and wonder how the hell they got there.

>> No.17373471

by this analogy, I've been in 4 car crashes, but only 2 were fatal.

>> No.17373498

I'm a late zoomer, and even I realize that's probably how it's going to go. I just hope I meet the right girl, my parents have said to me before that even though my brother wasn't planned and they struggled for years, they wouldn't change anything. My mom has said as well that she wish she could have given it a few years, but if that meant she wouldn't have had me and my brother specifically she was glad she didn't wait.

>> No.17373502

You've impregnated four women while using contraceptives? You're full of shit

>> No.17373536

>he doesn't have super sperm

stop posting

>> No.17373596

no you're right. pullout failed me most of those times. that and not knowing when there's been a change in the woman's birth control. anyway. pussy is one hell of a drug.

>> No.17373599

plausible in general but not a worry for anyone on 4chan
lmao literally boomer shit. those are avoidable mistakes and awareness has spread through the internet. imagine unironically marrying in the clown world sexual marketplace.

>> No.17373624

A man with no children is a man with no future.

>> No.17373635

>pullout failed me most of those times
Ok so you didn't use a contraceptive after all. You're an idiot for thinking pullout, or trusting the woman's birth control, is even comparable to a condom.

>> No.17373703

Based and redpilled

What will you do with all your wealth if you are old, weak and alone?
Seriously. Make kids. Especially when you are white.

>> No.17373720


having sex with a condom does noy vene count as sex, is so fucking boring jesus

i creampie my gf literally every time, birth control is there for it, and if happens to fail, you can always scare the girl to terminate it early on, no girl with 21y at college wants a kid

>> No.17373739
File: 107 KB, 500x637, GlaDv3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-virgin volcel masterrace

>> No.17373766

not him, but to be fair, I would want to put all my wealth into gold and jewels and bury a pirate chest on some deserted island. No meme, if I had kids I would write a treasure map that would take them across the world. It's gay as shit but I think it's more interesting than handing someone everything I worked for, you know? We were born too late to explore the world and discover unknown lands, but at least my legacy can be found by doing what we could not :)

>> No.17373788

gay as fuck

>> No.17373799

t. salty scurvy dog

>> No.17373820

kind gay dude

>> No.17373844

condoms? no. why even have sex if you can't feel it? hand jobs are better than condom sex.

>> No.17373882
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 1555904345641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being gay

>> No.17374065
File: 183 KB, 771x804, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17374116

Mind giving any details about your startups? Industries, overhead, etc?

>> No.17374375

Civil and Chemical engineering contracting, which is largely remote work, though there is minimal on-site time that can be baked into invoices. And a high quality chainlink node in terms of security built by bigbrains.