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17372658 No.17372658 [Reply] [Original]

sad that the only anons left holding chainlink are deluded schizo fucks and their dumb followers who wants to believe they are somehow part of something mystical to give a purpose to their wasteful lives.
meanwhile, all the OGs are slowly transfering their gains into bsv and the slightly above average anons are starting to catch on. The smartest one did long ago.
Truth is, token unironically not needed and everything chainlink does could've been done on the original bitcoin blockchain. The blog post was unironically just a blogpost too. Linkies all thought those memes were marines being ironic, making good shitposts and such, but it was even better than that, it was unironic fud.
as always, no amount of anon posts should lead your investements. DYOR or be left weak-handed and broke

>> No.17372695

Kek, why do bad actors always pull the "you're nothing and never will be, and just want to feel special" whenever people unironically nstumble across something special? Is it Jews?

>> No.17372730

Inbthis case it's just the fact. Undeniable and publicly verified fact.

>> No.17372741

I agree, at this point we can safely assume it's Jews

>> No.17372756

It’s ancient pasta

>> No.17372759

Funny how much energy you guys waste talking about us yet we really couldn’t give a shit about you guys

>> No.17372771

Ngl I didn't even bother reading past the first 10 words

>> No.17372780

>sad that the only anons left holding bsv are deluded schizo fucks
fixed that for you

>> No.17372815
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Only person who was ever deluded was your mama when she asked me to drag deez nuts across her chin.

>> No.17372840
File: 355 KB, 333x434, 1134346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the only and last argument of linkies, SAD!

>> No.17373554

the sad thing is OP, you are correct.

but even sergey said himself the smart contract hype has yet to come. he is waiting to dump his bags in the future.

sell when sergey sells its that simple.

sergey has a lot of shit behind the scenes.that will pump this shit token to 100 easily.

of course chainlink is a pipe dream

even IF it goes as planned it will take many years.

>> No.17373601

This. They are evil beings on this planet

>> No.17373642 [DELETED] 

so a woman was deluded for having sex w u? typical channer