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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1300x1148, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17371532 No.17371532 [Reply] [Original]

They should make it so that everyone's bank account goes to 0 at the end of the month if you don't spend your money. That'll really equalize the playing field in my opinion.

>> No.17371570

everyone will have 0 at the start of the month, where does the money come from?

>> No.17371579

>millions rush to the bank on the first of every month to refill their bank accounts so they can pay their bills

>> No.17371586

Companies will have to adapt so that employees get paid on the first of the month.

>> No.17371594

a third of all americans wouldn't notice a thing

>> No.17371595

why wouldn’t the companies have 0 dollars too

>> No.17371602

That would be great. People would put their money into USDT instead of bank accounts and that would boost crypto adoption.

>> No.17371604

Here's how you solve that problem: put an expiration date of a month from issue date on the money itself. That way, no money will be good after a month's time.

Problem solved.

>> No.17371618

Based idea, unironically congratz on this. (Unironically)Unironically this will probably get widespread support in current American politics and you're going to get an economic award.

>> No.17371688

Companies will learn to stockpile unexpired money to refill their bank accounts on the 1st of every month. This is so easy I don't get why anyone would be against adoption.

>> No.17371736

Basically how it works is as follows: money has an expiration date of a month after issue. However, if you put that money in the bank, the expiration date is shifted to the end of the month. This will incentivize people to use banks, which will boost the economy even further than in recent times.

Any questions?

>> No.17371761

dude thgey should just get rid of money and we could pay for stuff with pics of big tiddy anime girls. problem solved.

>> No.17371784

Functionally speaking, that’s basically how things work in countries with hyperinflation

>> No.17371791

Even better, all the leftover money in the account goes to dildo purchases this way dildo manufacturers get more money, hire more people and everybody wins!11!1!1

>> No.17371849

if bank money gets zeroed at the end of the month then there is no incentive to ever put money in a bank

>> No.17371860

Brilliant idea. how does president of the united fucking states sound to you?

>> No.17371871

No but money has an expiration date. So the date is shifted to the end of the month if you put it in the bank (effectively elongating the time your money stays good)

>> No.17372043
File: 112 KB, 1144x626, prison planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IMF WANTS to do this to you with negative interest rates affecting deposits in real time. Our only hope is btc/crypto creating parallel systems that compete against digital currencies issued by central banks.

See full rundown here:

>> No.17372272

This might be the dumbest bait thread I have ever been in jesus fucking christ

>> No.17372309

What about introducing something like burn mechanic like some of these meme tokens had? When you pay for something some of this money expires so the money value raises? GUYS

>> No.17372465

not even bait he is retarded and probably underage

>> No.17372514
File: 742 KB, 826x1169, 1582102924421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um based?

>> No.17373144

Op you're retarded, however I like this full retard post of yours, it'll get all the arm chair socialists thinking for once

>> No.17373215
File: 78 KB, 738x870, 1513270490796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is obviously a /biz/ humor thread and most of the people responding are having fun with it.
I'm sorry your autism prevents you from experiencing the amazing feeling of being part of a shared joke.

>> No.17373676

projecting your own autismos