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17370687 No.17370687 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 24 years old and have never ONCE had to use algebra or calculus. So why learn it in the first place? With cell phones I can literally use my calculator whenever I need to figure out a tip or anything really. Why the fuck is math still required to learn unless you want to become a scientist? I am much more interested in being a businessman then a geek crunching numbers all day.

>> No.17370784

Every person I knew growing up that said this turned out to be a low-life failure. Knowledge is compounding. Expanding your understanding in one area will help you understand other concepts from another perspective.

>> No.17370831

>never ONCE had to use algebra or calculus
because you’ve never thought about a hard problem

>> No.17370872

Because the modern educational system can't accept people being different and specializing in different fields, since that would imply different outcomes, so it pigeonholes everyone into learning some half-assed basics about everything for an unreasonable portion of their lives.

>> No.17371118

Dreams being a business man and cant do npv of an investment with continuous compounding.

>> No.17371176

Algebra extends beyond the number provlems.

>> No.17371268
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>Because the modern educational system can't accept people being different and specializing in different fields, since that would imply different outcomes, so it pigeonholes everyone into learning some half-assed basics about everything for an unreasonable portion of their lives.

How does one specialize in anything without knowing at least the basics?

I think you miss the point of education entirely.

>> No.17371301

counting != maths

>> No.17371346

bitch you answered your own question
>why do we need to learn math
>unless you want to become a scientist
literally that's it. the rest of us laymen dont need it.

>> No.17371369

nigga if u dont need calc for ur job u doin it wrong

>> No.17371428


Because you end up like the reporter who doesn't understand rate of change because he failed calculus and doesn't realize Bill Nye is talking about a simple derivative

>> No.17371450

Algebra would suffice too if you understand logarithms

>> No.17371456

The basics for a human being to function in modern society are learned early on. It's in late middle school and early high school that you start holding back students that clearly have already formed their personalities and rough paths in life from pursuing specific fields intensely to spread out their time as much as possible. Lawyers don't need to learn limits to be successful, engineers don't need to learn about Ancient Greece to be successful. Various countries adopt a patchwork of specialty programs to try to ameliorate this issue, especially in elite schools, but it remains at its core.

>> No.17371710

>I'm 24 years old

There's your fucking problem.

>> No.17371806

Why do you go to the gym and lift weights. Chances are you aren't doing those movements in your every day life. Same thing for math. Your exercising ur brain so you won't be a low life bastard

>> No.17371819

okay op heres a math problem for you.
the bids side it starts from 1000 and goes all the way to 1 for 1000 coins each.
How much money would be made if the sellers side wiped out the bids?

>> No.17371865

Technically we don’t need lawyers
And nobody needs to know about Ancient Greece

>> No.17371866

advanced math isnt about teaching you math. It's about teaching you how to think about complicated problems logically. It's no coincidence that women often have a hard time with math

>> No.17371975

I think math is useful for spacial reasoning. Other people like it for theoretical purposes, but really spacial problem solving is where it's at.

>> No.17372010

school is daycare for children. the sooner you learn that the better

>> No.17372027

This is really an atrociously pleb post anon.
You don't *need* to know anything, just grub in the dirt like an animal if that's how you feel.

>> No.17372030

>I'm 24 years old and have never ONCE had to use algebra or calculus. So why learn it in the first place? With cell phones I can literally use my calculator whenever I need to figure out a tip or anything really. Why the fuck is math still required to learn unless you want to become a scientist? I am much more interested in being a businessman then a geek crunching numbers all day.
THIS 100%
I'm 28 years old and suck dick for a living. Never needed the big numbers because my pimp takes care of that. I just give him all the dollars and he gives me back what I need for food and housing.

>> No.17372085
File: 250 KB, 680x638, 1559539495755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence OP, I just spent the last 6/10ths of the last 48 hours doing nothing but trig for an exam I'll be taking in an hour. The rest of that time was sleeping, eating, and of course poo poo pee pee. Although the actual difficult math subjects are only required for education in fields that require knowledge or the ability to be able to do said math. IE engineering, programming, etc. So I don't really fault the educational system. And basic algebra is piss easy anyway so I'm not sure where the complaint it.

Didn't study at all before taking this trig class and it was 5 years or so since my previous math course. Reviewed the entirety of algebra in a few days so if my dumb ass can do it I don't see what the big deal is

by the way, fuck niggers and kikes

>> No.17372091

>can't accept people being different and specializing in different fields

nigga have you seen how many college courses exist? theres like a gazillion of them, and everyone of them who doesnt know at least a considerable amount of statistics/calculus/algebra or something of the sorts is utterly useless

>> No.17372097


>> No.17372110

If you’ve never used algebra in your daily life you might actually be retarded.

>> No.17372520

Algebra teaches you how to abstract things. This is an important skill. For one thing, programming relies heavily on it.