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17365293 No.17365293 [Reply] [Original]

I'll gonna end it

>> No.17365300
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uni is for fags anyway

learn a profession get a job

>> No.17365310

lmao, what a fucking normalfag
I dropped out 5 times

>> No.17365321

Did you reveal your katana to the normies?

>> No.17365350

No, I failed all my classes this semester

Not sure what to do next

>> No.17365358

enough suicide larping for one day

>> No.17365376

blessing in disguise. best thing to ever happen to you

>> No.17365444

Why do you think so?
Did it happen to you as well?
I have no fucking idea what to do now.
I learned a trade beforehand but can't work in this area anymore, because of health problems. I'm really fucked

>> No.17365453

shoot niggers while you're at it

>> No.17365459

Time to hop on neet program. Apply for gibs

>> No.17365463

how many years of uni had you completed?

>> No.17365467

Why didn't you just do your homework? Learn a skill and make a portfolio to show you know that skill and apply for a job.

>> No.17365494

everything is in a bubble including students and degrees and student debt. As long as you ensure that you stay breathing, you're wealthy compared to the masses that will perish

>> No.17365500

I was half through, completed every class. And then started suddenly failing everything one year ago. Couldn't get a hold of anything anymore. Don't know what went so wrong
I did do my homework actually.
Good advice I guess. Working on the side to earn money to survive and builing a skillset after work.

I might do an IQ test as well. Maybe I am just an utter retard

>> No.17365518

How are your relationships anon?

>> No.17365522

how do you get kicked out of university?
hwo do you even fail a class?
I coasted through uni, barely ever studied and graduated with an A- average because only final exams actually counted imagine being such a brainlet like you OP lmao

>> No.17365529

>half way
pretty rough anon.
What degree, how many years was the degree

>> No.17365608

Uni is easy. Just go to class and do your homework. You must be a tard

>> No.17365625

I have good friends. But they are all over the world. So I don't meet them often. Maybe once a year, or less.
But I am in regular contact with them.
Don't considered anybody a friend where I studied, apart from my (now) ex-flatmate.
Mother died. Relationship to my father is very cold, and he doesn't care at all about what I was doing, even hated it.

>What degree
Computer Science. It would have been normally 3,5 years. 1,5 years went fine, everything afterwards went to shit.
By failing exams twice

>> No.17365627

How? I work at a University and it's pretty much disciplinary, academic misconduct, or academic insufficiency only - so, you've gotta be pretty shit to get kicked out

>> No.17365642

By failing exams twice

So, you didn't get "kicked out" - you just FAILED

>> No.17365649

I propaply am just a retard, yeah.
I noticed myself that I got more and more stupid over time.
But doesn't help me neither at this point

>> No.17365660

honestly OP you must be either very lazy or retarded Ive seen women and low IQ tards breeze through university so you really mustve dun goofed if you managed to fail your classes

>> No.17365678

Sleeping ok?
Lack of motivation?
General state of mental health starting a year ago?
Did you actually enjoy studying CS?

>> No.17365724

>Sleeping ok?
>Lack of motivation?
Yes, I somewhere lost my "why"
>General state of mental health starting a year ago?
I was depressed one year ago and wasn't able to do shit at all.
But I managed to get it somewhat under control
>Did you actually enjoy studying CS?
I did not love it. It was "okay" to say the most. But I have no idea what else I should do. I enjoyed the trade I did before the most, but yeah, that's out of question as of now

>> No.17365806

What brought you to CS in the first place?
Why doesn't your dad like it?

>> No.17365832

>What brought you to CS in the first place?
The fact, that I would be more Location independent with it. And I always liked builing stuff.
Father doesn't like it, because it doesn't fit his imagination of what I should do

>> No.17365847

Would you say you might qualify as a "Nice Guy"?

>> No.17365869

Buy some basic tools and stock, advertise as a plumber. Charge £140 just for first hour of a call out plus mark up on parts. So many boomers/cool wine aunts can't live a day with a leaking tap/radiator/blocked shitter and will gladly pay you. Don't worry if you aren't trained, Learn as you go

>> No.17365870

>Would you say you might qualify as a "Nice Guy"?
Depends. Most of the time I am propaply just too nice, and other times I don't care

>> No.17365945

Start here, fren: No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover
Your situation is disturbingly similar to that of my younger self.
No one has it figured out. Remember that.
Otherwise, stoicism and stay physically active.


>> No.17365976

I'm sure you can just enrol somewhere else and get credit for the classes you have completed, and don't do a full study load just half or 3/4.