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File: 280 KB, 1160x773, bernie rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17360190 No.17360190 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become rich like Bernie Sanders?

>> No.17360219

Burn Sand for a living

>> No.17360228

Be Jewish.

>> No.17360239

Go to college and hold a job for 30+ years.

>> No.17360243

Be Jewish, scam commies

>> No.17360264

Wouldn't he be more rich if he was a jew scammer? Unless he has buried cash somewhere he seems like a career lawmaker. About as noble as being a shitty lawyer but he doesn't seem like a Clinton to me.

>> No.17360338

>no one should have a billion dollars
>hehe, well bernie u have 0.2% of a billion dollars so ur a hypocrit!!!

damn, fellow berniebros, how will we ever recover...

>> No.17360417

cope harder berniefag

>> No.17360429

He certainly has some dark assets. All acquired through shady Jewish means too.

>> No.17360451

Take donations from poor college kids.

>> No.17360473

Sell books, thats literally where all his wealth was accumulated
2 mill is fucking nothing for a senator like him

>> No.17360501

Sell Socialism to poor young people and use your govt power to get your immediate family beneficial deals.

>> No.17360513


he got rich by writing a book

>> No.17360518

I like his policy but I don't trust another dem inheriting that expanded control. Or centrist Republican for that matter.

Yang had it right, no strings attached aid from VAT. Look at Bernies policies on the website and realize that all of those require new offices and regulators that could be abused by any other fuck that gets in.

>> No.17360578

>No one needs a billion dollars
>No one needs three houses

>> No.17360588

>muh millionaires and billionaires
>muh billionaires

>> No.17360600

be famous and sell a lot of shit(books) to his fans

this is how he got rich

>> No.17360602

Bernie’s family will end up being some of the richest people in the country if this fraud hack gets elected. oh an it will become a shithole

>> No.17360637
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>he own houses

>> No.17360673
File: 193 KB, 327x431, ARE YOU KIDDING ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is a billionaire

>> No.17360739

wtf I love higher taxes now

>> No.17360742

Bloomberg made a good point against his fellow Jew you commie.

>> No.17360767


>> No.17360816

Both lawyers and career politician are scum of the earth

>> No.17360819


You'll probably pay like $100 more in taxes in exchange for no insurance premiums, copays, or any other medical bill. You're an idiot if you don't want this.

Yes, Bernie will never recover. Oh wait, he's up in the polls and Bloomberg is collapsing.

>> No.17360833

Holy shit man, if that’s what you beleive you are a complete fucking retard

>> No.17360850

>Yes, Bernie will never recover. Oh wait, he's up in the polls and Bloomberg is collapsing.
Good, sanders literally is going to give Trump the free ride to the white house then kek.

>> No.17360851

promise to give free shit to stupid people.

>> No.17360854

>baseless ad hominem
Yawn. You cuckservatives are so boring

>> No.17360866

Bernie might win 3 or 4 states

>> No.17360868
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>free healthcare and college bro, you just gotta pay an extra $100 bro

So goddamn tiresome...

>> No.17360882

There are a lot of gullible lazy retarded people out there

>> No.17360885

Yes, poorfags like you only have to pay around $100 a year in extra taxes. Well off people like me will pay a lot more, but I'm willing to do this, because I'm not a hateful incel.

>> No.17360927

Get elected to congress and collect a paycheck without doing much. Have your wife get a golden parachute from running a college into the ground after making a shady land deal.

>> No.17360932

Why are you trying to get us to end up like Venezeula?

>> No.17360954


>> No.17360956

I mean he did string along low iq simpletons with promises of free stuff for nothing, that’s kind of an accomplishment.

>> No.17360973
File: 69 KB, 680x680, c1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be the cuckiest post I ever read, had I actually believe you worked and made money. However we all know you're a lazy nigger who wants gibs.

>> No.17361040
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>> No.17361162
File: 274 KB, 480x261, 1513731434592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 80 year old man
>net worth is ~2 mill after working for 60 years

>> No.17361195
File: 101 KB, 600x400, 1490197960365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bernie is only promising 1 thing

>> No.17361383

Get CENNZ and wait eoy

>> No.17361730

Get a job like Bernie did and make money and then you will become rich like Bernie Sanders

>> No.17361886

He already used his political position to benefit his wife and the college she ran - siphoning money from the taxpayers

>> No.17361945

It's not baseless though. You're showing in this very thread what a complete and utter fucking idiot you are.

>> No.17362107

Finally someone know whats up.All the faga bitches saying he s part of the system and an hypocrite. He has like 2.5 mil a family home a cotage and a small secondary home.Which is ridiculous compared to anyone else in the political money grab that is the government.

>> No.17362170

>You'll probably pay like $100 more in taxes in exchange for no insurance premiums, copays, or any other medical bill. You're an idiot if you don't want this.
leaf here, idk the economies of the plan, but I do know free healthcare is shit.
imagine how intelligent the average person is, now remember half are dumber than that. These people place a heavy burden on our healthcare for pointless shit.
Wait times are months or years, and that's from time of booking. Getting a family doctor in my area is a 3 year waiting list.
Have some non-life threatening issue after surgery, well good news you were referred to a specialist to look into it and they have a 3-6 month wait time. Oh turns out that wasn't the issue? Let's get you booked another 3-6 months from now and you can get referred to someone else.
I've had family wait over 2 years bouncing between doctors just to get their issues fixed, it's a fucking nightmare.
Emergency shit getting priority access is the only good aspect but even the ER can have dangerously long wait times.

US's system definitely sucks right now too, nobody should have to deal with going bankrupt over health issues and insurance shouldn't be suck a piece of garbage, but a balanced solution is the only reasonable way forward.

>> No.17362236

>no one needs that many rooms
>no one needs that much food
>two bars of soap for one person? that's hoarding. off to the reeducation camp you go.

>> No.17362320
File: 40 KB, 800x400, admin-jobs-1024x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healthcare is expensive because of middlemen, government programs and (((administrators))). Same with college. It's a fucking scam. The whole system needs a cleansing. Before WWII, you got sick, you went to the doctor, you paid for a service, didn't go broke in the process and you were on your merry way.

>> No.17362347

>three meals a day?
>what do you need two meals a day for?
>I can't believe you're trying to eat a full meal a day
>you'll be hearing from the commissar about that grain you owe

>> No.17362404

based glass industry shill

>> No.17362474

>If we enact policies that limit the hoarding of wealth of the top 5 percent of Americans it means we are ready to doom the other 95 because of the perceived hole in our logic by some dumbfuck biz poster

You're a fucking moron

>> No.17362488

day of the rope soon, commie scum.

>> No.17362496
File: 20 KB, 260x247, 1579991230846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the billionth time >>17362380

Commies deserve the fucking rope.

>> No.17362505

Become a socialist politician. Do not mistake it with being a socialist pleb voting for said politician because that will leave you starving.

>> No.17362527

Nigga i could work for 100 years and id never be able to afford a house

>> No.17362543

How else are they able to keep unemployment low without makeshift jobs for administrators

>> No.17362566

>commie can't create wealth
>steals it from those who can
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.17362568

Boot licking cucks need yollto stop defending their CEO overlords and realize you're just brainwashed into believing you'll ever make what other people had generations of capital to achieve, or worse yet you believe you're kids are going to make something of themselves even though they'll learn to lick boots like their pathetic parents

>> No.17362599

That sounds like a you problem.

>> No.17362614

>The average American net worth is about $94,670. >Bernie is worth about $2 million dollars. He has the wealth of about 20 average American families combined.
>Bloomberg is worth $65 billion. He has the wealth of about 686,595 average America
I don't see what's wrong with "rich" meaning you have more wealth than your immediate neighbors combined. That's attainable wealth, the sort you can get by buying LINK early. Billionaires though are obscene and should be sent to the gulags.

>> No.17362619

I don't have delusions of grandeur. I don't have to fool myself into thinking I'm a temporarily embarrassed millionaire to know that communists are fucking retarded and their "solutions" only hurt me in the long run.

>> No.17362652



>> No.17362664

Why are Americans so dumb?

>> No.17362681

you really have no idea how any of this works, do you?

>> No.17362684

>surely the government will only increase in control and scale just this once for us bernie brozzzzzzz

>> No.17362698

systematic brainwashing from cradle to grave