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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17357918 No.17357918 [Reply] [Original]

Dirt cheap with x100 potential tokens will be swappable 1:1 upon network launch and will work similarly to eth, ie working like gas for transactions and deploying new tokens and contract

Get a stake in this network early and hodl before it goes parabolic 2021

Official read me:

>> No.17358897
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This is something Bill Gates actually said.

>> No.17359498
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This link is 100% cope shilling, probably done by Chris himself or a nervous bagholder
>The project whitepaper is actually good
Refuting the most OBVIOUS observation that it's absolute trash
>Most scam projects in the crypto space have some kind of cookie cutter whitepaper that ends up looking more like a fucking technical manual for their shitty altcoin.
Oh, you mean like demonstrating a technical proof of concept? Groundercoin offers nothing new so there's nothing to demonstrate. It's merely a concept for adoption that has no demand for the next couple hundred years
>This is why it's compared to some crazy guys in the 19th century speculating about the gold rush right before it even starts.
Did you really just compare gold to groundercoin? Gold had proven value for thousands of years before the north american gold rush and had extremely high demand for that long as well. Reading this sentence from the pastebin makes me believe the whole ting is a joke, desu. Groundercoin has no value and no new technology (buzz words don't count, where's the technical details for the novel solution?)
>This is why the GrounderCoin Company is an investment.
..... 100% deluded
>This is the next moon mission coin and you need to realize that
Ok, how about demonstrating some kind of plan or abilities beyond fluff? Also, moon mission.... in 200 years once there's demand and Groundercoin is the only obvious choice for interplanetary commerce...?
> The whitepaper and entire pitch is atypical. Because it's different.
Wow. It's different... because it's different. We've got a literal genius on our hands here.

>> No.17359511
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>Most of your whitepaper and pitches are just about the details of their blockchain and the brand.... The GrounderCoin whitepaper points to an 'end-goal' and mentions milestone of the network's construction
Yes, whitepapers should outline a: 1) Problem, 2) solution, 3) plan for solution, while demonstrating the ability of the team in terms of team's ability, and the soundness of the solution based on technical details. The whitepaper does not include any information on the team *at all*, nor does it demonstrate how well their "solution" will address the problem. I put solution in quotes because there's literally no technical details at all.
> The team addresses an important question: Is your team going to engineer all this yourselves?
Short answer "No". They are looking for other people to do all the work on a volunteer basis. They don't have their team assembled yet which is quite hilarious considering...
>The team does of course have engineering and coding background, most of which is very applicable to the project's needs.
I have yet to see any proof of this. The team is a father and son. The father's linkedin shows he's a trade electrician, and the son's linkedin shows no employment or education history. The whitepaper certainly shows no depth of knowledge in blockchain, or engineering, or coding, or finance. In fact, their ERC-20 token can only be bought using credit card. They did not set up a smart contract to get the token with Ether

>> No.17359524
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Groundercoin is a very high level concept with no concrete plans whatsoever. It aims to solve a problem that will not exist for at least a hundred years. It assumes it will be the option of choice when a solution is necessary, yet unlike most "obvious choices", the team has no connections in any of the associated industries involved with interplanetary commerce to make itself the obvious choice. The team is relying on actual experts to fill in the monumental gaps in knowledge and expertise in literally EVERY domain required. Considering Chris' lack of any demonstrated expertise in any domain, I wonder why anyone would volunteer their time to someone so incapable instead of just making their own solution.

>> No.17359537

I feel bad for you anon

>> No.17360201
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>> No.17360220


>> No.17360262
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Literally 3 Chris's with combined engineering and coding background in this project kek

Cope more ragie autist

>> No.17360408

>pajeet that's isn't paid to shill this so he trolls these threads

>> No.17360503
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Poos don't see invoices from them so they try to troll and derail