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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17358136 No.17358136 [Reply] [Original]

what times are we in /biz/?

>> No.17358142
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The end of good times

>> No.17358147

>hard times create strong men

>> No.17358151

Our children will be the "good men"

>> No.17358152

Weak men create hard times.
Stupid millenials and zoomers don't want to work.
Would rather live with mommy and fap while checking crypto prices.

>> No.17358153

Entering weak men hard times

>> No.17358155

good times create weak men
by "good" means everything is relatively easy today. you just entertain yourself to death and that is normal

>> No.17358159

imagine having such a 2D brainlet idea of how history unfolds

>> No.17358164

Total oversimplification of both Roman history and history in general.

>> No.17358168

Good times judging by the premium trap posting going on around here

>> No.17358174 [DELETED] 

>t. discord trannies

>> No.17358183

yeah about too fucking suffer for while man think 1945-1990 soviet union

>> No.17358186

>t. discord trannies

>> No.17358205

Humans always kill
Modern time what's killed is money & time

>> No.17358214

>t. literal retard

>> No.17358234


You want a 3000 word write up on history faggots?

>> No.17358253

In between the weak men create hard times and hard times create strong men.

>> No.17358371

We are in PNK times

>> No.17358402

fuck off boomer. after this shit I'm all in munis. good luck with that social security, use it while it's still there

>> No.17358972

The idea of weak and strong men is made up by Jews to pit man against man and ignore the systems they make men live under

>> No.17359003
File: 34 KB, 480x323, Survival of the fittest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no, jews would want you to believe in equality.

>> No.17359049


>> No.17359153

Number one transitioning to number two

>> No.17359229

They want you to believe your success is determined by an arbitrary system they have designed and complete control over, and that the weak fail because they are weak and the successful are strong

Under a Jewish system only the evil thrive and the good suffer, do you consider the Jewish overlords the strongest their is? They are not, the only reason evil is allowed to exist is because they have created a system under which evil can thrive, and cooperation and compassion, the default state of man lead to nothing

>> No.17359387
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>tfw condemned to be a weak man because I was born in good times

>> No.17359409
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>> No.17359418

We're weak men creating hard times but not in the race war way that right cucks think. Our grandchildren will be living on a dead earth with no food. That will be the last times humans ever have.

>> No.17359500

The Liquid Plumr timeline

>> No.17359571

Getting fit in these times alone makes you a demi-god compared to the populace. Lose weight, gain height, get a clue.

>> No.17359596

we've been in good times for over a generation. millenials got the first taste of hard times with the 2008 housing crisis, the college debt bubble, and the outsourcing of manufacturing overseas. Zoomers will get the brunt of it but we will both grow stronger together. and we will be able to enact our change with the crypto markets.

>> No.17360019

here is what hard times is:
having to fight an invader in control
witnessing killings when fighting for freedom

hard times happen in many third world countries
can hard times ever reach the wealthiest countries with current level of technology?

>> No.17360043

only in the form of economic warfare. a land invasion on american soil is suicide.

>> No.17360048

hard times = ww2
strong men = greatest/silent generation
good times = post-ww2 for several decades
weak men = boomers
hard times = present day

>> No.17360210

how about germany, uk, spain, france, italy?

>> No.17360261

hard times = Colonial Era
strong men = Founding Fathers
good times = 19th Century
weak men = us
hard times = Post-Civil War

>> No.17360292

sure before the jews the men were cooperative and compassionate, kek

>> No.17360401

zoomers are the weakest generation. We're fucked

>> No.17360735

I can't speak for their military capabilities or tech. That being said, depending on your definition of an invasion, it may have already started with the forced integration with islam.

That said, Switzerland will survive an invasion no matter what. Military population, excellent gun culture, and a badass mountain fortress. I'm a fanboy.

>> No.17360802

people are getting fairly nationalist those days, it gets increasingly popular in votes and yet there's 0 islam in the serious political spheres

>> No.17360950

The jews are a highly intelligent people. Don’t underestimate them desu. In many ways they are superior to whites.

>> No.17361136

interesting take on it with the larger timeline. i agree for the most part, but society is advancing too fast to group so many generations together now imo

>> No.17361395

>Defending Jews on a business board
Figures, enjoy sucking the toes of the money goblin for the rest of your lives kek

>> No.17361959

Good times thanks to the strong boomer men

If you're not grateful for all we've done you're one of the weak probably millenial men.

>> No.17361976

No, were near the end of WEAK MEN CREATE HARD TIME, we haven't turned the corner yet. You severely underestimate how bad things will get.

>> No.17361987
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this is a kleros thread now sirs

>> No.17362367

Im the glr anon. Im speaking the fact of the matter. They are business geniuses, just as we are mathematical and artistic geniuses. In this age of neoliberal capitalism they have risen to the top. Hence why you will be in debt slavery to them. Goy.

>> No.17362386

the world is transitioning INTO good times

we're in between hard-times and good-times (but moore good-time)

>> No.17362398

My wife and I worked hard and paid into that our whole life, it BETTER last.
I hope it lasts for you as well, as long as you pay into it.

>> No.17362401

this could also be separated depending on which country you we're born in and how much wealth your family has

essentially, all times are occuring at the same time.

But from a societal perspective, we're entering good times

>> No.17362403

Fuck this shit hole.

>> No.17362462

Go back to /pol/ nigger zoomer.

>> No.17362511

Please explain exactly how we are in good times without mentioning tHe StOcK MaRkeT is All tImE hIgH.

Wages are shit for non-boomers
Student debt is horrible
Housing prices are through the roof

Life as a boomer is far easier.

Boomers were the weak people created in good times created by the GREATEST generation who literally made the United States no. 1 by most measures post WWII

Go fuck yourself

>> No.17362558

>implying zoomers aren't the strongest generation
you're thinking of millennials

>> No.17362564

Democracy is a jewish system.
Heaven is a kingdom.

>> No.17362628


Looking at society, we are seeing a lot of weak men popping up these days, but there are still enough strong men left in society that I would say we are around the early stages of picture 4/late states of picture 3.

I'd garner western societies are heading towards a roman-empire type collapse in the next 50 or so years.

Then we either will get to have China running the show or the Islamic world. Either way it's going to be a fucking hell of a shitty time, and a lot more difficult to get out of with the technology gov'ts have for spying on their citizens (see china city wide facial recognition programs).

>> No.17362637

By that logic there should be a democracy on earth.

If God is the only one you should worship (not worshipping another mortal), why would you want anything but a democracy on earth?

>> No.17362956
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NEETs must rise up and reclaim western civilization. Westurn Civilazashun is whitey's birthright. Rise up. Get out of your slumber and rise up. Stop being a NEET.
