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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17352898 No.17352898 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight. Cardano has been out for 5 years, and mainnet still isn't out.

Testnet has under 30 transactions per second, full of bugs, centralised and has nothing unique to it.


29 transactions per second is on par with fucking bitcoin.
Why do I keep hearing about this Cardano vaporware nonsense?

>> No.17352913


>> No.17352935

someone should smear some shit on that soi kike face

>> No.17352963

but can someone actually explain what's going on? it looks to me like cardano is the worst cryptocurrency in the top 1000 let alone top 15. why do i keep hearing about some new cardano version

>> No.17352967

Harmony is going to put EOS tron and ADA out of business. And it should have happened already a while ago. they’re shitty 2017 coins with nothing to offer

>> No.17352981
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I shall give an electronics and computer science engineer opinion: it's the only project that actually wrote some decent papers on what they were going to build before building it. the projects approach is to figure out the best way of doing things first, then building it once, rather than cobbling together 6 versions on top of each other. yes from a delivery perspective it looks suuuper slow, but they have essentially created this slow ass waterfall style design, build, test approach. from a user perspective, sure, the front end is missing, but thats far less important than the protocol. I was a believer in ethereum over this approach until I watched a perfectly well structured smart contract get drained of funds by an overflow error caused by protocol level design choices.

>> No.17353011

Sold this shit a long time ago after they said they want to help Africans to get into crypto.

>> No.17353040

Cardano is just another shitty dApp platform. It's old tech bullshit, it's going nowhere.

>> No.17353049

ceo married a bird

>> No.17353390

ETH changed the world
Cardano just made a soï rich
BTW tendermint is already superior, ada is dead in the water

>> No.17354146
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I can.
Charles is god tire salesman and crypto is full of retards

Thats it, ETH is shitshow but only shit that got community full of devs vs community of pure tech illiterate bagholders like rest.

>> No.17354197

bsv is the new eth get in!

>> No.17354240

The master shitcoin

>> No.17354281

This project is the meme of when Mainnet.
Almost looks like a cult where Guru Hoskinson gives them the latest secret in there update in the next 6 months. And he travels the world with pictures with camels and lama's.

To many Master degree professors talking theories but not building.

Only in Crypto you see this shit in the top 100 :D

>> No.17354327

Logo is literally a butthole.

>> No.17354338

chico crypto hates you so I hate you along with that mexican youtuber

>> No.17354440

Hoskinson is almost a better scammer than the IOTA team.

>> No.17354462


Literal vaporware bullshit. Ethereum is going to BTFO all these metoo platforms. For one, you can actually already use all the cool defi stuff on it. Not just hold useless bags.

>> No.17354712

Weak FUD, Comfy Hold

>> No.17354793

Thanks for bringing up cardano. It's complete shit tier, two steps above vaporware. With cardano, it's all promises with an extended, adjusted and horribly complicated roadmap

>> No.17354856

What's this about peer review as well

>> No.17354862

The fact that cardano is worth 1bil and fantom is worth 20mil is all you need to see that this market is purely a meme and populated by crayon eating retards

>> No.17354909

>it's the only project that actually wrote some decent papers on what they were going to build before building it.



>> No.17356036
File: 53 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Kenichi_The_Mightiest_Disciple_Ep08_(E4C81CD1).mkv_snapshot_15.10_[2014.10.05_19.09.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you isn't it?

>> No.17356774

Anyone who bought ADA just helped fund Charles' world travel and open-mouthed pictures

That's it's only purpose

>> No.17357076

Not really. He didn't get any ADA before 2020. He was already a BTC bilionare in 2017.

Better luck next time

>> No.17357111
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>> No.17357202

>He was already a BTC bilionare in 2017.

all that money and still can't buy devs that can finish mainnet with more than 30 tps.

>> No.17357403

>what is Haskell
>what is high assurance code
>what is formal verification
>what is peer review

I'm surprised they've moved as fast as they have. Usually that approach takes many years. Try harder

>> No.17357541
File: 48 KB, 253x317, leretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has been out for 5 years, and mainnet still isn't out.
>Usually that approach takes many years.

>> No.17357579

those are good questions faggot. how about answering those questions and why they're the reason mainnet isnt working

>> No.17357617

Federated mainnet was released in 2017.
Shelley incentivezed testnet is currently active, with over 1000 pools, staking and real rewards with 8-20% ROI.

Cardano FUD is so incredibly weak.

>> No.17357645

Mainnet works just fine for me, both Daedalus and Yoroi. They just now, a few hours ago, upgraded it with the OBFT fork to prepare it for Shelley in a few months.

Just reaping the 8-20% ROI on the ITN in the meantime.

>> No.17357702
File: 344 KB, 691x510, 1420826793037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Federated mainnet was released in 2017
>testnet is currently active

>> No.17357829
File: 15 KB, 256x256, 6090bac4-c999-11e9-9779-0a86a1e89967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoonfeeding is over. You're on your own.

>> No.17357879
File: 387 KB, 1369x1086, laffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testnet is currently active

>> No.17357902


All alt coins are scams. /biz/ never learns.

>> No.17357923


Don't believe liars. /biz/jeets want you to invest in crap to get their 100x.

>> No.17357997

Such a funny project.

Insane how rich that faggot got. In no other world would such a colossal faggot get that rich.

>> No.17358105
File: 44 KB, 600x478, 3WJidyiFMNe0pYBwXSy5d8nMFrkE_kz-5c0l2F6pgV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could've been richer, but didn't accept the 197 000 ETH allocated for him from founding Ethereum. Unlike Vitalik and Lubin who dumped on your asses in 2017.

Most of his fortune is from Bitcoin.

>> No.17358180

Notch, Minecraft.