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17350986 No.17350986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

in last nights debate when Bloomberg confronted him with owning 3 houses KEK


I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

Billionaire Jew BTFOs the commie Jew

>> No.17351015

>I don't know who's jewing who anymore.
The goyim are always the ones being jewed.

>> No.17351036

sanders is by no means rich by politician standards

>> No.17351041

He should donate two of his houses to people who need them. It's not fair that so many homeless people have no housed while Bernie has three.

>> No.17351043

That's what you call BTFOing?
Whiny voice midget Mike couldn't BTFO a paper bag, not least because they're illegal in his state.

>> No.17351067
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He is a hypocrite of epic proportions. He used to rail on and on about the MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES but conventiently removed millionaires from his stump speech when he became one himself LMFAO

Fucking joke of a huckster

>> No.17351073

Sanders is rich by ordinary American standards.

>> No.17351078

I think Bloomberg is a fucking joke, but you must admit he roasted Bernie in that clip.

>> No.17351097

Not really. The crowd didn't respond to it, and Bernie's answer was cogent enough.
Mike got verbally mogged.

>> No.17351148
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As if the reactions of the retarded zombie NPC crowd is not a measure of anything, they clap for fucking free healthcare for illegals lmfao

Had it been an audience with actual human non bots, Bernie wouldve been laughed off the stage.

>> No.17351150

Sanders is rich by ordinary American standards.

>> No.17351177

The whole point of Bloomberg being there was to make the other stooges look good. He's a jobber

>> No.17351179

Crowds usually dislike when someone breaks protocol and speaks a harsh truth.

>> No.17351936

Lmao! Imagine being forced to tuck tail and allow stronk independent womyn to hijack your rally as your face turns red with anger and humiliation because your entire platform is pandering to that demographic. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.17352081

Im no bernie fan..
But i am against dumb as arguements like

"if he wants to tax millionaires, why is he one himself!"
Or "lol why doesn't he just give away his own money"
That shit is incredibly dumb. You guys can make arguements without exposing your intellect.

>> No.17352101

Didn't Bloomber get BTFO by everyone else on tht debate?

>> No.17352196

It's called exposing hypocrisy.

Like calling him out for flying in private jets as he rails against MILJONAIRS AND BILJONAIRS and MUH CLIMATE CHANGE

Can't stand these fucking fraud faggots and his braindead supporters

>> No.17352234
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>> No.17352274

Yes, Warren totally eviscerated him. Ended his campaign right there on the stage


Good luck surviving an attack like that. You can literally see on bloombergs face when he realize Warren just ended his run.

They are ALL fucking clowns. Just enjoy the show as these kakistocrats selfdestruct