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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17344761 No.17344761 [Reply] [Original]

How come you guys don't invest in real companies, but instead invest in shitcoins?

>> No.17344770

for the memes

>> No.17344772

Cuz “real companies” don’t give you 100x reruns

>> No.17344776

Were all role playing, no one actually buys this shit. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.17344786

I've been in those smg threads and motherfuckers are getting crazy excited about +20% lmfao, that's what a shitcoin pumping can do in a single hour
>ok boomer

>> No.17344801

"real" companies get trillions of dollars of free money from the government to buy back their own stock to make it seem like they are growing

Wow, it looks and tastes like real market growth! Buy today!

>> No.17344808

Yeah and you can lose that same amount in an hour.

>> No.17344809

>not a real company

>> No.17344814

Tell that to r/wallstreetbets, they're doing better right now than /biz/ despite how half of them seem to be lying.
inb4 "Go back"

>> No.17344823

Bigger risks, bigger rewards.

>> No.17344906

>I saw a reddit compilation video of 5 people who degenerate gambled on options and won so therefore all of wsb is doing better than /biz/

>> No.17344914

generation of youth raised on the internet culture of instant gratification, 6 second videos, likes, ease of access to information. And an extreme lack of work ethic or any general knowledge of how the world works.

you go on instagram and see 18 year old millionaires from playing video games and assume that most people are like that and you are a failure if you don't succeed in your 20s.

who has the patience to invest smartly and be a millionaire when you're 40? Why bother spending years working up the corporate ladder when you can rich now by putting $100 into shitcoin??? The gummint will just print away my money when I'm 50 anyways so I better put all my money into crypto so they can't touch it!!!

>> No.17344938

Really though what’s the state of the world in 20-30 years? It’s crypto or bust as far as I’m concerned

>> No.17344942

It’s true. Best bet is to go back and forth but 100% wsb is doing better than biz right now. Just that biz has printed some multi multi millionaires. Not so much for wsb

>> No.17344946

>The gummint will just print away my money when I'm 50 anyways so I better put all my money into crypto so they can't touch it!!!

>> No.17344951

>r/anything lied about something so stocks are more lucrative than blockchain
Son don't do drugs

>> No.17344958

Good for them
I am more familiar with Crypto
96x on quant, 10x on Tezos and LINK already and they will both do 100x eventually
We all eat

>> No.17345070

not wrong. you'll get a lot of seething replies but wsb is objectively better than biz

>> No.17345104

I'm convinced the threads are made by bots and these are just the dumbasses that listen to them

>> No.17345157

your 100% correct
now go back

>> No.17345193
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>> No.17345197

I get no joy out of my 401k or IRA and don't need to discuss it on 4chan. Trading crypto is exhilarating

>> No.17345203


No one knows, and the same people that are now selling you a future of mass crypto adoption in 20 years are the same kind of people who 50 years ago swore we'd have flying self-driving cars, cyborgs, and Mars missions by 2000.

At best they genuinely believe it and are just caught up in the hype. At worst they are desperately trying to shill their message to anyone who will listen so they can pump their shitcoin as high as it goes

>> No.17345218
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I bought 128 link when it was worth total dogshit and I made a net $494 profit out of it that got me funs and some money to put into the stock market
I fucking wish that my AAL and KO shares could bring that kind of money

>> No.17345274
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wew lad you sound like a bitter cunt who lost everything

>> No.17345288


i don't invest in shitcoins as I have more than $1000 on the line

>> No.17345327

I'd invest $1000 into crypto before ETFs/stocks any day of the week. But I'd invest $100,000 into ETFs/stocks before crypto any day of the week. It entirely depends on the capital you're working with. I'd be nowhere near the sum of money I'd made in crypto if I'd chosen ETFs/stocks and I'm sure stronkfags feel the same way

>> No.17345361

Because Im tired to read. Give me a company and exchange to invest.

>> No.17345372


You are right. Risk allocation is important. My problem with crypto is there is no fundamental investment philosophy behind it. It is glorified gambling. Not to say that this doesn't happen with some stonks (see TSLA as just one example)

>> No.17345416

DYOR is important with any coin. Antshares profited people from 4-40x and that investment for 90% was based on mass shilling and "feelings" alone, and it's still sitting at the top of the heap. Other projects have done well because of marketing and orchestrated "hype", those are easy to pick out. There are so many variables to consider but provided you're not a complete moron that buys into pajeet shills or at the top, you have a decent chance of doing well. Buying this past week and half's most shilled cryptos would have you up 60% to 3x

>> No.17345429
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Seething cryptotard. Top fucking kek. Enjoy not making money.