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17342283 No.17342283 [Reply] [Original]

What are some jobs that are looked down upon but are actually really based?

I'll start: Uber Eats Driver

> Get to pick own hours
> Get to chill out listening to music all day
> Get free food by "sampling" everything
> Can do the job while high af

>> No.17342379

built to shit in mouths

>> No.17342451
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>> No.17342823

have you tried it ? They require a special drivers license in my country so im just too lazy to get it but was wondering how much it pays

>> No.17342912 [DELETED] 

How do I sign up? I hear uber isn't even profitable though..

>> No.17343022

I'm an uber eats driver and the pay is mediocre. A typical order takes 20 total minutes. You are guaranteed $4 to $6 for the order and the recipient can tip you but sometimes they don't. I would say I average $6.50 an order. So that's $19.50 an hour. The problem is that after gas and vehicle maintenance you're looking at about $14 an hour.

Not exactly great, you're better off babysitting or mowing lawns at that pay rate.

All I use it for is I'll do an order on the way home from work or an order on the way to work. So it adds about $5 to my bank every day I go to work.

>> No.17343053



You can't always get fares. Sometimes you'll run the app for 20 minutes and get no fares. If you're in the city, yeah it's pretty consistent but in the suburbs it's hit or miss.

>> No.17343078

about to start doing it, just waiting for police check

>> No.17343110
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security guards I guess though the actual good ones are night shifts. Night shift = literally get paid to consume media the whole shift.
>tfw have done night shift covers before
looking for a perm spot for night shift. It's the perfect jobs for lazy neets that dont want to assimilate into society and are also allergic to real work.

>> No.17343138

I'm just finishing up taxes and anything Uber seems to be absolute trash. Their pay is minimal and you shoulder more of the risk whilst they take out huge fees. When taking on more risk, pay needs to be higher to account for possibility of loss. Uber is a losing man's game as are most of these other gigs. The workforce is basically retarded and you'll pay the price for it.

And before you flame me I put in LOADS of deductions. It's just not worth it. Plus Uber hands out deactivations like candy almost.

Typical weeddudexd mentality. You guys are making the economy harder on yourself and everyone else by supporting this stupidity.

>> No.17343159

based. but are you doing it until you die tho? i mean if your crypto does not moon? or have you changed jobs?

>> No.17343167

oh look another virgin using a thot to get the attention of the sad lonely virgins on this board cuz his thread is so pathetic and vapid only a generic 5/10 thot would get attention and replies. sad sad pathetic virginal anon

>> No.17343199

>i mean if your crypto does not moon?
I'll prob kms tb.h. I can't really do other jobs without getting drained as fuuuuuck. I can't last doing real work so I decided to just stick to security. I wish I had studied to have become a librarian tho as that job looks suuuper chill.

>> No.17343283

i feel you fren.. I feel stupid for not caring about these stuffs when I was 16 or younger, and unlucky no one older than me talked to me about this wagie stuffs, else I would have pursue a degree in library science of something, or join a police academy and graduate to become a security supervisor so i can be a security guard but with higher pay hehe..

sadly i did computer science now, and i cant find a lazy job.. half of the available jobs are constant medium stress (programmers, developers), the other half is max stress when something goes wrong (dbadmin, sysadmin, itexec)..

>> No.17344284


fuck me. i have verry VERRY bad nightvision. and no cryptos. i want to kms

>> No.17344419

you probably make like 4$ / hour doing uber once you factor in gas and car depreciation

>> No.17344454

Oh yeah, great job, then you get cucked by the fascist government because you happened to drive with a bac of 2.8% and have your life ruined.

>> No.17344497

I also am>>17344454
Bruh. Do you mean .28? Cuz even that seems excessively high.

>> No.17344563

Actually i don't know the english word for it, We call it Promille here in norway, which is a blood alchohol level, which indeed was 2.8% when i was caught despite driving just fine (keep in mind i'm used to alcohol unlike zoomers). Yet despite driving just fine, i still get fined, and will have to go to jail with murderers and rapists in a few months. And naturally, lost my job since i'm not allowed to drive anymore, as if that makes any fucking sense. But hey, kick the guy who's down. That's the government way.

>> No.17344608


>> No.17344674

It doesn't matter if you are used to alcohol. A seasoned drinker with a blood alcohol level of 2.8% after 10 beers is as inebriated as a light drinker with an equal bal after 2 beers. You are still better at driving than a sober 60 year old at 2.8% bac which makes the whole thing utterly absurd though.

>> No.17344682

Sauce please

>> No.17344721

>You guys are making the economy harder on yourself and everyone else by supporting this stupidity.
This is really the key point here. The gig economy is a jewish trick.

>> No.17344728

To be fair, it was actually 9 litre of wine over 3 days. Fool as i were though, i thought 8 hours of sleep on the last day would "fix" it in a lack of better words, as i never drive on the day i drink. But hey, at least i got a lesson in metabolism. And who knows, maybe one of the criminals might teach me a new thing or two. I was kinda getting bored of this life anyway.

>> No.17344765


he probably means 0.028 (2.8%) which is absurdly low for a drunk driving violation but he is from a shit country so it could check out

>> No.17344861
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Yeah you should work full till you drop dead cuz boomers really care about you.

>> No.17344922

Sorry friend. Shit fucks your life up. Let it be one time mistake

>> No.17345003


gig workers are classified as independent contractors which means you get no health coverage, no benefits, no 401k, they are not liable for any of the fuck shit that you do to passengers or vice versa. They don't have to buy or maintain any cars or worry about them breaking down; meanwhile you're piling onto the mileage and wear and tear of your own vehicle

california just passed a law despite extremely heavy opposition from uber/postmates, etc. that forces those companies to classify gig workers as full time employees, meaning they'll have to pay for all that shit listed above. In some cases this is a death blow for those companies in california as there is no way they remotely afford this.

so yes, these companies are taking advantage of you. But at least you can smoke weed on the job, right?

>> No.17345037

Wait this is insane, you're telling me you got busted for drunk driving at bac .028 and having a solid 8 hours of sleep before driving? Holy shit, in America our limit is .08 and I would never dream of getting a DUI the day after drinking any amount let alone a bottle of wine spread over three days. That is harsh dude

>> No.17345111


I mean it is either 2.8 which is impossible, 0.28 which is stupid high and doesn't make sense given he slept it off or 0.028 so I assumed it was the third option.

parts of canada limit is 0.04 and people think it should be higher.... so I could see how some eurotrash country could have 0.02

and he said 9 litres of wine over 3 days which is more like 10 bottles over 3 days man.... still getting a DUI let alone jail time for 0.028 is major bullshit

>> No.17345138

Sign spinner (temp job)

>No boss yelling down your throat
>typically stay in one area
>typically don't have to deal with people (except when they ask for info on some occasions)
>Can be good exercise
>Bonus if they pay in cash

>> No.17345180

If you buy a shitty car and can't work on it yourself, yes. If you own a solid piece that will hardly depreciate and fix it yourself it's not bad. Just can't take your mom's 2019 toyota rav4 out to do it.

>> No.17345207

Landscaping. Fuck the fluff though, I exclusively mow lawns and trim hedges. Rent a u-haul truck w insurance for 800 a month, 45 x 12 lawns per day (literally takes 8 - 10 hours) is 540 day. After expenses it’s 515

>> No.17345473
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Cleaning person for an apartment complex (stairways and shit)
I work alone, can choose my work time myself (just once a week per building)
Mixture between physical activity and taking a break every 5 minutes (and listening to podcasts all the time)
It may sound utterly crazy but I think even if I make it in crypto I'll still do the cleaning boy job, makes me feel like I still have some piece of humanity left inside me

>> No.17345597

>sampling the food
This is why I don't use these services. Because your poopy shit covered hands would touch my food.

>> No.17345676

How long will you be in prison?

>> No.17345823

I;’ve thought about being a security guard it might be fun

ab5 gonna make it golden again

some of those dudes got mad spinning skills

damn, thats good money

i used to know someone who did that for 4 hours a week max and she got a 50% discount off her rent

>> No.17346183

>i was caught doing something i knew was illegal and im being punished for it like promised

>> No.17346333


>> No.17347163

I make ~85k a year (mostly under the table) bartending in my city. Tons of free booze too.

>> No.17347195

>Uber Eats Driver
This job would be great if:
I was getting non stop orders and didn't have to wait around
McDonalds and other restaurants were either making the food or had it ready
Customers would be ready when I was at their door
Remove the inefficiencies and 9/10 job

>> No.17347253

Union trade
>130k a year including benefits minimum
>whole idea is to work slowly so you don't raise insurance prices
>taught a skill for free
>can work 6 months out of the year
>interesting political side and brotherhood

>> No.17347273

fuck off kike