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File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17334993 No.17334993 [Reply] [Original]

>introduces rapid inflation

>> No.17335233

fuck you, I dont need to be reminded of this shitcoin while everything else moons

>> No.17335238

>fixes the scaling issue
>first crypto to work with real banks

>> No.17335328
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fixes the scaling issue
Yeah right, scammer. 18 tps with a few nodes and a total 1 tps crash with more nodes. Pic.
>first crypto to work with real banks
If you can believe the scammers. Sadly you can't. Ask the scammers to provide the documentation that they truly are working with banks, and they run away like rats, only spam the scam one hour later.

>> No.17335332

>kys faggot

>> No.17335363

Ftm is the next pump retards stop fudding

>> No.17335448
File: 88 KB, 720x1280, fantom Xar bank clients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dag technology speeds up the more nodes you add to it
>somehow, this dag breaks the laws of mathematics and actually slows down the more nodes you add to it

If it's so shit, why does ethereum classic want to use it to help capture the DEFI space, and to overthrow ETH? Why does Binance directly use it for the bnb bridge and use fantom tech in the binance ecosystem?

>Ask the scammers to provide the documentation that they truly are working with banks, and they run away like rats, only spam the scam one hour later.

Pic related. Directly from the XAR website. Pay close attention to the SARB and RMB design on the actual document. Oh wait, it's probably photoshopped right? just like all the evidence you "dispute"?
The funny part is that the banks literally go live on the Xar chain in april.

>> No.17335521

>The funny part is that the banks literally go live on the Xar chain in april.
Who says that?
Also what about Chainlink and FTM?
Can they work together?

>> No.17335527

>no banks
>not scaling
>hasnt fixed anything including my financial security

>> No.17335561

Fantom can max out inflation at 3 billion while hashgraph is 50 billion. Literally you can buy Hbars for 3x the price of ftm with 20x the supply and it runs slower and without DeFi.

>> No.17335568

Eventually Fantom will need an oracle provider. It'll probably be chainlink just because it's the most popular, but I'm not on the team so idk the politics

>> No.17335584

Why is HBAR so overhyped?

>> No.17335629

Fucking denny daggins

>> No.17335631
File: 101 KB, 720x1280, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Xar says that.

>> No.17335731
File: 37 KB, 828x515, DOXQ7FuWAAAlYcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dag technology speeds up the more nodes you add to it
False. More nodes will reduce speed and tx. Just ask Nano, lying scammer. Other dag projects claim to have solved the problem, like Constellation. Just check your own numbers lying scammer, more nodes means less tps. >>17335328
>If it's so shit, why does ethereum classic want to use it to help capture the DEFI space, and to overthrow ETH?
Ethereum classic is a crashed shitcoin and they will not help at all, the deal you have is using ETC as collateral. Something completely different. Besides, who the hell wants the small cap shitcoin ETC that even have a 51% attack vulnerability as collateral? How retarded are you Fantom scammers?
>Why does Binance directly use it for the bnb bridge and use fantom tech in the binance ecosystem?
They don't
>Pic related. Directly from the XAR website. Pay close attention to the SARB and RMB design on the actual document. Oh wait, it's probably photoshopped right? just like all the evidence you "dispute"?
Any idiot scammer can plaster some logo on their documents. Bitconnect did it with Visa, pic. You idiot scammers have of course ZERO documentation from the banks themselves, right? That should tell every potential investor everything they need to know about this open and obvious scam project.

>> No.17335793

shizo why do you fud this project so much...
feels like you are trying to buy lower

>> No.17335816

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd there it is. The cope "refutations" I don't even know why I bother with you. Guess I'll just go back to reporting you for Ban evasion until you get a perma like you deserve.

I'm not even going to acknowledge these shitty "points" because they can literally be answered by a google search. But here's the link to the articles explaining it anyways, so retards don't actually fall for this weak "fud" if it can even be called that. (It's about on the same scale as the USB fud honestly)



here's a link to the FUCKING BNB BRIDGE.

>> No.17335906

take your meds schizo, nobody going to buy your DAG and MTV bags

>> No.17335909

>Eventually Fantom will need an oracle provider.
you fell for the meme, no, no new and good tech need oracles, ftm doesn’t need oracles at all, its fully capable of doing it withou link as every good and new tech should be without relying on an outside app like link which basically pointed out a bug on older chains, retards.

>> No.17335960
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM Scam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you ultra-liberal Fantom globohomo cucks try to ban me for racism, just because your whole chink team exit scammed?

Your garbage Fantom mod got fired after he falsely banned me, when I told people your shit scam project have ZERO DEVS. Time for you Fantom scammers to stop your spam and fuck off from biz.

>> No.17335978

dude you ve got issues man, seriously

>> No.17336082

Fantom scam exposed here

>> No.17336557

>Guess I'll just go back to reporting you for Ban evasion until you get a perma like you deserve.
This is how these shitty paid scammers operate when their scam gets exposed. Bitconnect scammers did the very same thing. Fantom has 38 employees, virtually all of them in "marketing" aka spamming/scamming, NO DEVS.

>> No.17336559

I've never seen fudders so emotional about a project. bullish

>> No.17336600
File: 98 KB, 893x834, Hey hey heeeeeyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitconnect answer. Are you a paid immoral scammer or just an idiot that should never have been in the market?

>> No.17336638

it was a huge mistake to introduce token lockup

>> No.17336665

FANTCONNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT! haha seriously I am planning to buy more Fantom, does it make you angry? you foaming right now ?

>> No.17336692

oh no he is gonna add 8000 fantom to his 32000 stack

>> No.17336771

lol laugh all you want schizo, I know it is going to keep you awake at night, and when you finally do get some sleep, you ll see Fantom buying in the order books and it's your nightmare, and then you wake up and be like naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, oh wait it was just a nightmare, then you watch Binance and you see sell orders get eaten, and you be like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah is this really happening? and then you see another Fren on Biz saying he is going to buy more and your brains melt like Chernobyl.

>> No.17336796

You keep buying more and it keeps going down, kinda funny.
This should have been the most obvious red flag for anyone that isnt a complete noob in crypto

>> No.17336907

repent or after you die you will see a big screen of Fantom buying in the order books for all of eternity!

>> No.17336977

save your towns rupees pajeets

>> No.17337971

Fantom will be the next major run, and you would be dumb to put it in any other DAG.

>> No.17337997

>starts a shit trhead

>> No.17338205

It already got good tech audits from weiss and other legit institutions. No one with a brain thinks fantom is a scam. Did Andre fuck your mom or something?

>> No.17338649

stay mad schizo

>> No.17338688

That was before token lock up and Andre left. Anyone with a brain knows it's a scam, that's why the dirty pajeets are reporting people who prove it's a scam on here. Ftm holders keep saying big money is keeping the price low, like it's not cheap enough for a legitimate bank or anyone to buy multiple nodes worth. Worst/most retarded crypto community

>> No.17338837

He's still an advisor and came out with a technical paper a week ago. I'm thinking you're the dirty pajeet so fuck right off, no one buys this low effort fud.

>> No.17338856
File: 222 KB, 1440x2058, Fake Fantom - Oracle Partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those reviews were based on your 300K tps dag with smart contracts lie, and not your crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork. They also were not informed that chink dev team exit scammed and that the devs you claim on your website in reality belong to other crypto companies and Fantom Foundation have no devs themselves. You are a scam and dishonest about everything. Even your sick "Oracle partnership", in reality nothing but a sales rep agreement. Pic.

>> No.17338878

>a technical paper a week ago
That rag has never been published, right? Every idiot can write a paper that fails to be peer reviewed and published. Scam.

>> No.17338978

>He desperately dives into his fantom fud screenshots folder
Like clockwork

>> No.17338979

They weren't based on anything you shitskin, they reviewed the actual code and what it does. You already lost >>17335816 why continue to waste your time?

>> No.17339121

>You already lost >>17335816 why continue to waste your time?
That's why I got ZERO documentation regarding your fake banks, right?
>they reviewed the actual code and what it does
None of them are code reviewers. Weiss does not have the capacity and tech knowledge. They use a low tech macro perspective. The other blog is a sales blog and only rudimentary looks into volume of commits, quantity and not quality. Everything with you Fantom scammers is fake.

>> No.17339169

Desperate? You have no devs, you lie about Oracle partnership, you lie about Visa tps, own tps, University partnerships, bank partnerships. You never provide any documentation for your crazy lies and when I do, you idiots start to report my comments and claim that I am "desperate". What is it with you scammers and low IQ?

>> No.17339385


>> No.17339409

Yea I'm sure weiss and the others just heard 300k somewhere and gave it a good review. Thank god you're a code reviewing genius

>> No.17339529
File: 1.06 MB, 160x194, IMG_0370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love how the fudders haven't responded to this, so fucking comfy

>> No.17339544

As with Fantom, most of the coding is in the future, so they take the probability of them fulfilling the claims given in ICO etc. Too bad whole chink team exit scammed. Also too bad that you Fantom scammers know nothing about crypto and only understand hustling and bustling. Scamming old people of their pensions and young kids of their money entering crypto space. You are rats.

>> No.17339578

Fake claims made by Xar? Why would anyone bother to comment. You scammer idiots promised 300K tps dag with smart contracts, and after tons of delay, you presented a crashed tech wreck of a forked Ethereum Virtual Machine and 18 tps with a handful of nodes. More nodes and your shit network would crash with 1 tps.

>> No.17339612

>Scamming old people of their pensions and young kids of their money entering crypto space.
Go to bed boomer fuder.

>> No.17339673

Why do you scammers pretend that devs from Russian blockchain companies are part of your Fantom team?

>Go to bed boomer fuder.
Says the tech illiterate boomer scammer from plebbit, whining and bitching about racism and reporting me for saying "chink team" exit scammed. Go take your Alzheimer medicine, scammer. You are starting to get old, maybe you can go back to selling fake Rolex watches again.

>> No.17339708

why are you frothing so hard mate, I just don't get it aye

>> No.17339743

lets do an exercise in hypothetical. Say these "fantom scammers" really are telling the truth. We aren't, but pretend we are. How would you react? If the SARB came out tomorrow and said "We are using fantom (ftm) cryptocurrency for our bank. We are their client." How would you react?

>> No.17339853

he would say SARB scammers promised something or other and are going to exit scam. Then keep spamming it for 12 years


>> No.17339907

Filling my bags at 100sats feels like stealing.

>> No.17340012

Link the github and not the image

>> No.17340116

also fuck off with this easily disproven retarded fud. He has made 244 github contributions this february alone

>> No.17341307


>> No.17342026

None of what you keep copy pasting is true, take your pills