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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17307305 No.17307305 [Reply] [Original]

let's change that

>> No.17308326

> Dumped my vidt bags for this, how much to make it?

>> No.17308723

Fuck off with your scam, Fantom spammers. 38 of you morons officially hired by Fantom Foundation and zero devs. What a fucking joke

>> No.17308797

Have sex faggot

>> No.17308798

Joke's on you, I'm scamming fantom buying at this price

>> No.17308905

Fantom scam exposed here:

>> No.17308922


Are you retarded? No offense, just curious. I'm sure your family loves you

>> No.17308950

eth level fud, nice.

>> No.17308954

>t. too stupid to make a valid argument. Must retort to kindergarten "rhetoric" to defend scam/shitcoin. Fanatic Fantom spammer and "investor"

>> No.17308961

These shills are horrid

>> No.17308963

More like if you're not capable of understanding I won't be wasting my time explaining it to you

>> No.17308967

Kill yourself poop skin

>> No.17308968

ETH fud was from BTC maximalists and people not believing in crypto. You have no clue Fantom scammer. FTM fud is Bitconnect fud 2.0

>> No.17308974

I'm whiter than your God, retard

>> No.17308979

You suck at your job. You are trying to sell /biz/ your token and you are literally telling interested investors “I’m not going to tell you hehe”

>> No.17308980

True. I have never met a scammer that was not also an asshole. FTM spammers fit perfectly.

>> No.17308984

who are you to assume my God ? Are you a Jew perhaps? No you are too stupid to be a Jew. Definitely a brown skin subhuman

>> No.17308990

I remember one of the FTM posters made sure he put “I’m a white male and I own FTM” in every post. /biz/ is one giant psyop

>> No.17309004

>in 3 out of 4 posts I'm calling him a retard
>I'm shilling fantom

Great logic there champ

>> No.17309012
File: 66 KB, 715x660, Annotation 2020-02-15 1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they are desperately trying to hide that their whole "marketing team" aka spammers aka whole team (no devs), are third world scammers.

>> No.17309168

how many decades until 10c?

>> No.17309603

It will never hit that. IT will be forgotten in a few months. Too many similar and better projects. Noone is using this shit ever.

>> No.17309812

Absolute dead shitcoin
If three guys here in biz launch an ICO we would deliver at least the same dogshit

>> No.17309880

picking selective pages at the end of the employee list. Nice one. Just because Kong, Quan etc dont have "DEV" written in their job title doesnt mean they arent contributing code you moron

>> No.17310282

What a fucking scam. I've talked with someone in the know and they told me to take profits right now because this team is going to exit scam

>> No.17310421

>source: dude trust me

>> No.17310456

Its true. I work for ftm as well and its going to hell. They fucked up the rewards and have no idea what to do with it now.

>> No.17310473

Yeah, can confirm.
Some Insider told me to sell the exit Pump. And that's what I did. Last year!

>> No.17310934

I just saw the SFC flying over my house. It's over

>> No.17311009

Outside scammer andy and one Italian scammer you ONLY have brown people. All your fake devs on your website do NOT belong to Fantom. They belong to other blockchain companies and are only temporary contractors. Everything with you is fake and lies.
>Just because Kong, Quan etc dont have "DEV" written in their job title doesnt mean they arent contributing code you moron
They are not devs, Fantom scammer imbecile. Fuck off Fantom scamming spammers.

>> No.17311052

damn I just bought 250 because some shitpost told me to

>> No.17311095
File: 787 KB, 750x750, ayyvvc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please unstake and sell sirs fantom is a scam all bhanchods in my village know this

>> No.17311183

they are not marketers are they schizo fudder

>Dr Quan Nguyen - Software Development Specialist

>Software Development Specialist at Fantom Foundation. 2018 ~ present

enough with this little misinformation campaign, training in obsessively on one thing and spreading endless bullshit about it. The fact you took it to twitter is embarrassing

>> No.17311243

Show me his github, scammer. Why do you scammers use Russian devs from foreign companies and present them as part of your scammer team?

>> No.17311260

Why do you assholes have to spam biz all the time to push your fucked up scam? Are you afraid that your whole house of cards will collapse if you don't?

>> No.17311288

I've responded to this before but I work for a company and started as a contractor. I didn't get the benefits of the company, but I was still a part of the company. Contracting is cheap.

I mean sir you are correct all bhanchods in my village are correct please sell your fantoms keep doing good work

>> No.17311326

they work on fantom and fantom credits them. they are employed officially by other companies. Last thing i will say as frankly who cares

apart from you

>> No.17311381

Your shit fantom foundation had no team after the original chink dev team exit scammed, and since Fantom is a scam, you didn't bother to hire devs, you only hired some Russian companies to do your crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork, so you could present at least "something" to your over-hyped Bitconnect investors, giving them a Ponzi Scheme reward system, hoping that they were so stupid and greedy that they didn't notice that you couldn't at all deliver the promised 300K tps dag with smart contracts.

>> No.17311398

Absolutely agree friend. You are smart, thank you for your service in these threads

>> No.17311475

Why did the whole Chink dev team exit scam?

>> No.17311499

novel idea but you could always use your new twitter to ask michael chen or fantom foundation or andee

>> No.17311501

Sir they were all scammers

>> No.17311505

Why does it keep dropping?

>> No.17311585

So if I have a scam law firm, I can only hire star lawyers from the best law firms for a small job, and them claim on my website that they all work for me? Do you stupid scammers have zero experience with the legit business world?

>> No.17311638

Havent you heard? Andre Cronje left the team and told officialy it was a mistake to work with ftm. Now he works on other projects and he dont want to be associated with ftm. You can google it, its readily avaliable. That is why its dropping.

>> No.17311707

reported for racism

>> No.17311718

sirs the Fantom has haunted my village, we have requested poo air drops from the blockchain and all will be right again soon, do the needful

>> No.17311746

this is false

>> No.17311802

>reported for racism
Back to plebbit, Fantom scammer. You have to go back.

>> No.17311806

Fantom is a small cryptocurrency who changed the team around and the wages etc so they could build the thing without running out of funds. Originally it was run very badly. All of your fud re original team, TPS etc is valid up to a point but its all things that had to be addressed and WAS addressed a long time ago. Which is why Fantom is up and running now and Xar Network is up and running and their is runway for all the improvements and money coming from clients. But keep obssesively spouting your nonsense. I have a moon bag, i think it could do well, im not stupid enough to think its the next eth. You on the other hand waste days and weeks of your life kek. Whatever gd luck anon

>> No.17311888
File: 58 KB, 1309x482, Fantom Scam and lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a ponzi scheme and you know it, scammer. Xar network is fake with doctored data and missing data, blatantly lying. Xar tps is at best a couple of hundred and Visa tps is 65 000

>> No.17311903

yes precisely my point

>> No.17311959

Happy to hear that.

>> No.17312007

kill yourself

>> No.17312082

>kill yourself
>t. low IQ Fantom scammer desperately trying to defend his crashed shitcoin.

>> No.17312096

Ok but to be fair, does anyone have a real answer for the original team? That has some merit

>> No.17312308

they were paid in FTM and dumping on bibox, Andre was asked to come in and he changed the team around as they had no chance they way it stood. This was ages ago, since then fantom built Opera and Xar Network, their consensus mechanisms from scratch and will be releasing the new virtual machine soon. Shame they fucked the staking but hopefully that can be resolved

>> No.17312617
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were paid in FTM and dumping on bibox
That's a lie. Documentation
>Andre was asked to come in
It was know that scammer andy, the fake "code reviewer" begging for confidential codes from competitors, was going to Fantom long time before that. No public statement from Fantom scammers ever regarding their whole dev team exit scamming and management team exiting over to a new legal entity in Korea, to avoid investigation and persecution by SEC and class action lawsuit by pre-sale/ICO whales, so they falsely believe
>they had no chance they way it stood
They knew from the beginning that their absurd 300 000 tps, dag with smart contracts claim, was a scam.
>This was ages ago
A little more than one year
>since then fantom built Xar Network
A total scam >>17311888
>since then fantom built Opera..consensus mechanisms from scratch
A total trainwreck of a crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork that can't handle more than a handful of tps before crash. With more nodes tps will be one or less. Some of the worst shit in crypto. Pic.

>> No.17312687

Half of what you've posted was disproven in another thread. Look at the now, friend

>> No.17312862

>Half of what you've posted was disproven in another thread.

>> No.17312881

>the schizo is back

>> No.17313957

shizo do you wanna get banned again?