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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 512x440, Quant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17309642 No.17309642 [Reply] [Original]

You won, morons. Your manipulation destroyed QNT and it's time to move on. Heck, you had one job.

>> No.17309648

No Gilbert ruined it by promising the world and delivering nothing

>> No.17309806



> Find extremely promising new coin, maybe a game changer. Buy lots.
> Establish self as telegram admin
> Collude with other admins and whales to suppress price with extreme over-hyping, schizo forum thread-shitting campaigns, and careful chart demolition at key levels and moments.
> Great success! You now have 3x as many tokens as you had one year ago
> But the chart is fucked, the community is toxic and rotten, nothing the team announces is ever good enough, and your massive stack is worthless.

Congrats, you just killed the best coin of this market cycle.

You can stop now.

>> No.17309999

seriously whats the deal with Quant? I have a bag of 4k QNT bought between 0.01-0.015 ETH. Should I sell now that I'm still slightly in the green?

>> No.17310035

Muhhh Gilbert this time it’s different derp

>> No.17310136
File: 215 KB, 946x896, qnt5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> manipulation
It was always a scam. Fucking vaporware blockchain operating system where the CTO and 2 COO are family and there is no evidence of any solution or a development team

>> No.17310301

>no evidence of any solution or a development team

> actors paid to attend quantX and LARP as the team
> enormous multinational orgs including banks and governments tricked into letting Gilbert advise and work with them

he is one clever bastard

>> No.17310525
File: 59 KB, 758x686, qnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 people with 5 commits in over 1 year. Development team kek No no no, our other code is closed source. Sure faggot

>> No.17310535
File: 211 KB, 900x1200, quantds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he worked in cybersecurity and uses his past experience and connections to push his vaporware solution that is a complete moneygrab as being legit. QNT has nothing to do with multinational orgs, big banks and government.

>> No.17310572

Fuck this thread is bullish, might buy some for the first time.

>> No.17310599

>he worked in cybersecurity and uses his past experience and connections to push his vaporware solution that is a complete moneygrab as being legit. QNT has nothing to do with multinational orgs, big banks and government.

I admit it would be pretty fucking hilarious if it turned out to be an extremely elaborate heist and actual scam.

The overwhelming reason it clearly isn't one is that they haven't been especially successful so far in terms of market cap. Dozens of ACTUAL outright no-shame scams (mostly chinese) have come and gone, and beaten the shit out of Quant.

>> No.17311005


The more overwhelming reason it isn't a scam is that 5 minutes of research about their affiliations with Gartner, Oracle and numerous other entities clearly prove they're one of the most legit projects in the space by far. It's a million miles away from even being a debate.

Gartner, a company paid billions by corporations PURELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCHING, researches Quant and gives it recommended vendor status.

Oracle, a multi-billion dollar tech company, out of THOUSANDS of businesses in their Oracle start-up program, chooses FIVE companies to co-present with them at Sibos, one of which is Quant.

But sure, in their numerous interactions, meetings and analyses involving Quant, including far deeper access to the technology than any of us have, they've never suspected a thing, while autistic NEETS on Biz have uncovered the truth. It's genuinely amusing.

>> No.17311012

I'm still x6 bitch

>> No.17311020

Cut your losses and buy ZIL

>> No.17311034

QNT holders should have sold at $10

>> No.17311035
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK you guys win! you turned our good project into a scam! Fuckin scammers! It's not that our project was a scam from the beginning, no, it's that these nefarious baddies came in and corrupted our good project, ruining it for everyone. it sucks i know but man.

>> No.17311074


>> No.17311283

the most fudded coin since eth. this is probably bullish. doubt oracle, gartner and sia all fell for a vaporware scam.

>> No.17311368
File: 37 KB, 600x320, gartner-scam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Gartner Cool Vendor
Yeah like Pundi X, Modum, Civic, Gnosis, Factom and dime a dozen shitcoin scams

>> No.17311394

went up to fast and now is coming back down, needs to find a bottom, this is still a sell off not accumulation. Same as any coin "this time its different" No its not. You should have sold

>> No.17311442

you made that quickly, did you hire indians to fud every quant thread? i noticed this happens at certain periods of time only. probably not when workshift ends. this is all shady, you are not getting my quants

>> No.17311516

I was shilled so hard on this coin and now I’ve been holding these bags at a loss with no news or anything for months but their telegram keeps saying it will go up to 10k. Do these people actually believe this?

>> No.17311549

no they are waiting for a pump to exit this time

people say its like ethereum was at $3 or whatever but ethereum was much bigger in the scene at that time and real whales were buying in. QNT is no where near those levels.

I reckon it will hit ATH eventually though. depends how long you want to hodl.

>> No.17311620

Honestly its over. They have shown no proof of legitimacy

>> No.17311622


With so few wallets and most of them whales, this will be hard to exit from without being at a loss even if it pumps. I just can’t believe how few updates there have been since the price crashed after their last event.

>> No.17311731

usually quite a few big wallets will dump on a binance listing

not sure why QNT cant get one

>> No.17311828

kek so autists shitposting "quant is a scam" in various ways derailed the quality of this project?

>> No.17311875

i bought at 0.0206 am i gonna be okay?

>> No.17311960


I bought at $5. Am I going to be ok?

>> No.17311997

we're both ded, fuck

>> No.17312986

Biz has done this before. Quant will be fine.

>> No.17313344

kek. Based

>> No.17313571

doesnt feel like it this time

>> No.17313824

Good thing the market doesn't give a fuck about your feelings.

>> No.17313854

that gives me an idea...

could we develop a coin that does give a fuck about my feelings?

>> No.17313925

It's a shit coin all along, you have no one but yourself to blame

>> No.17313951

>doesnt feel like it this time

It never does, that's the point. If it felt naturally like it was ok, this wouldn't be the situation we're discussing, nomsayin?