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17309285 No.17309285 [Reply] [Original]

How many people have more than 10K LINK?

>> No.17309308

Max 15-20 people on this board. It’s fucking tiring man because I do feel disheartened when people talk about huge stacks as if they’re small. Gotta keep reminding myself they’re all demotivating lies.

I have 800 LINK and that’s fucking more than good enough.

>> No.17309323

how does 8,00000000000 sound?

>> No.17309325

Kek. Whale anon

>> No.17309327

Bullshit. I'm convinced it's more in the 300-500 people range. Getting 10k was nothing if you were here from 2018 - early 2020 even.

>> No.17309334

I have 10K and is a small stack

>> No.17309368

10k and some change and feel like i'm gonna kms everyday for not buying more.

>> No.17309371

Spoken like a true nulinker.

Here you go, now you can find out how many have what.


>> No.17309387

im willing to say a good amount. most people on 4chan dont ever leave 4chan. ive been on this website since i was in elementary school and i'm 24 now. the visitors on biz from 2017 are still here, even after they've gotten rich, they stop by here and there i'm sure.

>> No.17309394


>> No.17309528

I want to kms i only have 4k and not even 1 whole btc.

>> No.17309554

230k, used to have 300k but I sold at some at 90 cents and some at $2.40 but I'm holding the rest for $50+ then retire
LINK performed so well that it's 90% of my portfolio today but when I bought the 300k back in 2017 it was just 10% of my portfolio, all the other shitcoins I held like IOTA have tanked

>> No.17309580

Fuck I'm only between positions 700 and 730. I was hoping I'd be at least top 500 wallet. How can I increase my stinky stack?

>> No.17309600
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WTF 10500+ linkies is only top 3000 wallets, this sucks

>> No.17309606

I have exactly 20001 so I don't drop in rank. Had like 72k after the ICO and sold some on the way up both times.

>> No.17309611

I'm in your boat but a rank up: 24999 squad

>> No.17309654

nice. see you at $10 fren.

>> No.17309661

Most people are larping and didn't risk any capital. They *may* have been here since 2017 but attrition and heavy shilling against Link by other coins and rogue actors means most are lying. 200-300 people here may have once owned 10k+ but I bet that number is only 20-30 now. Most are probably sub 5k here, maybe 1000-2000 is the average

>> No.17309664

10$ when?

>> No.17309669

I was here longer than that and couldn’t get 10K. some people overestimate how well off the average person on biz doing.

>> No.17309675

I’m Italian and I have more than 10K links. You don’t like it? It’s your fault

>> No.17309679

unironically, may/june imo

>> No.17309686

Ok so I’m a real OG and you are gonna stay poor. Ok. Ok. Thanks for your sacrifice. Go buy dibibyte

>> No.17309695

Holy fuck. The amount of cope in this board is incredible.

>> No.17309723


Swing Link with insider knowledge.

>> No.17309734

how do you see beyond the top like 500 on etherscan

like how can i see if im #2000 or some shit

>> No.17309739

LMFAO AT THESE NEWFAGS in case you didn't know 10k stack used to be SMALL in 2017-18 costing around 1500 and literally everyone had more than that. My guess is more than 500 people here have 10k+

>> No.17309747
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Lmao if you got in back in the old days the suicide stack of 10k was like $3k. The sheer amount of autistic research pored into it turned into boredom and fud, mainly to keep reddit out. I had a 50k stack but sold some of it off slowly.

I mean fuck man if you’ve been here since ‘17 it would be hard not to have at least 10k

>> No.17309750


>> No.17309753

I don’t give a fuck about here mate
I’m asking how many in total

>> No.17309756

It looks like a lot of LINK top 500 are og ETH whales like you who bought a lot of 2017 ICO projects

>> No.17309763

Guys when do I buy more link?????????
should I wait for it to dip?

>> No.17309774

I was here 2017 and I was too early, I am ashamed to admit I am only a staff sergeant.

By too early I mean I'd be at least a couple ranks higher if not for req and jnt, particularly the latter.

Imagine buying links during 2019 slump...damn

>> No.17309776

lol I still bought link. Just a modest amount because that was all I could afford

>> No.17309783
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I bought most of my Linkies at under 10 cents. Nobody fucking believed in it. All of you said it's just a meme coin shilled by 4chan. Well guess what, suckers. My Linkies are worth over a million Dollars right now. Suck my dick.

>> No.17309792

You must be really connected then, buying link under it's all time low.

>> No.17309803

Depends on where you got it from. Different sources have different prices.

>> No.17309809

There aren't even 500 anons on biz, retard

>> No.17309813

Also I am talking about Euro cents. Not Dollar cents.

>> No.17309819

$1500 was too much for me,and the vast majority of people. People on biz think everyone is as well off as they are.

>> No.17309821

suicide stack: 10000
make it stack:100000
fuck you money: 10000000

>> No.17309823

3386 wallets hold >10k link. My guess is half (approx. 1600) were biz anons at some point.

>> No.17309850

Also wasn't ever under 10 euro cents

>> No.17309868

ICO was 11 US cents.

>> No.17309869

On your exchanges maybe

>> No.17309878

I doubt he actually ever bought chainlink at anything below $2, but it was lower than 10 euro cents at ICO

>> No.17310037
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U jelly

>> No.17310102

I bought 10k at $1, bought a further 10k on the way down to ~25c.
The nulinker seethe is hilarious, didn’t realise I’d be considered a whale so quickly.

>> No.17310117
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i remember when my stack size was inadequate

50k was the bare MINIMUM i was lurking when 6 figures was the norm but i aint selling just know im selling at 350$

t. 2018 dcaer

>> No.17310151

I had 100k stack and sold them last time they were 4 dollars
I wanted to swing back in for under a dollar but I got too cocky
maybe the floor is 2 bucks now but I would still prefer to buy at 40 cents

>> No.17310224

Exactly this, most here are probably east european, russian or other 3rd worlders could barely afford 100 link when it was under .30c. They larp because they want you to sell in hope they can afford another 2 or 3 link

>> No.17310257

See this is the thing that gets my goat most. People actually go as far as to set up fake blockfolios.

I mean at least be fucking realistic and believable and make it like 17k or something.

40k is just retarded. Please fuck off man.

>> No.17310259

Who fucking does that?, what a pathetic larper

>> No.17310279

To the trannies pushing the idea that all large stacks are larping: what are you hoping to achieve? I can't work out your angle this time.

>> No.17310311


>> No.17310323


>> No.17310328

Just read the archives. I would say there are at least 100 of us with around 30k that were around since AB and the breadcrumb phase. If you were around then you are unironically never selling

>> No.17310418
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>> No.17310472
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Confirmed 10k+

>> No.17310515




>> No.17310624

19500. Cant afford the extra 501 to get the next rank.

Means my /makingit/ price is a weird number.