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1729936 No.1729936 [Reply] [Original]

im a 24 year old, software engineer working in NYC working at a corporate office.

I fucking hate corporate and being a wagecuck. I want to go back to my hometown of Miami (homestead area), get a nice big place for cheap (instead of this 2k rent for a studio in manhattan), and work on my own company while maintaining myself with a low responsibility IT job.

Does this seem like a good idea or am I crazy?

>pic somewhat related.

>> No.1729946

No it doesn't sound crazy

Wageslaving to pay 2k rent sounds crazy

>> No.1729952

Is the cubicle hell meme real? I see the cliche all the time in movies and shows.

>> No.1729991

>work on my own company

what's your idea?

>> No.1729996

if you have money saved up, then i don't think it's crazy.

especially if you have a plan.

>> No.1729999

Just make sure you can build up actually valuable skills and put as many years you can stomach into your Resume as possible, while having a LOT of savings to fund your business ventures. (I'd say 100k in the bank to act as an emergency fund/startup fund to pay off long term loans)

Once you have that starter hump done (the first couple of years post college where your resume is pretty shit) you'll have a good backup to go to if your business dreams go tits-up, (a failed start-up is still a good thing on your resume in the corporate/silicon valley worlds) which means you'll be more willing and able to take risks that will benefit you immensely if your business is successful.

Tl;dr - just make sure you have the proper experience/savings and a plan before you chase the business dream in Miami.

>> No.1730177

25% of my income is what I like to pay in rent. Right now its 50% so yeah ,it sucks.

you do alot of work that you might not give a any shits about. a lot of office politics. everyone is just trying to get a promotion all the time.

broadly speaking, adding tech to farming. very untapped.

thats what im doing, trying to get things like AWS certifications and others on the company's dime before I leave in July.

>> No.1730187

yeah man do it. fuck NYC

>> No.1730490

nyc is actually shit and higher pay does not equate to higher purchasing power

>> No.1730497
File: 14 KB, 359x300, ObiWanMindTrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grass is always greener
Don't be a faggot. Plenty of Florida fags would kill to be in your position

>> No.1730625

Why live in manhattan when you could live in outer bk for way cheaper, sure you can get robbed, but you already are

>> No.1730629

Yep, get a remote independant contractor job at one of those oilies brah, it is hella comfy....

>> No.1731147

>Living in Manhattan

What a faggot.

>> No.1731310

You are a wantrepreneur OP.
Either do something about being a wagecuck, or learn to suck it up.
No one cares if you whine but do nothing to change your position in life.

>> No.1731312

I have the opposite situation. Living in North Carolina rather cheap and making decent money as a software engineer, but wish I had lived in a much larger city at some point.

I am working on my own thing on the side, hopefully it will work out.

Like some other fag said, grass is always greener.