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17297431 No.17297431 [Reply] [Original]

>only 4k LINK

>> No.17297443

My swing stack is bigger than that.

t. 2018

>> No.17297461

wahh you'll only have 4 million dollars

>> No.17297474
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tfw only 100 stinkies

>> No.17297485
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>only 10 linkies

>> No.17297491

>only 195 LINK

>> No.17297506

4k too many

>> No.17297509

Listen midwit, hodl=make it. Now go put a sharpie up your bum and be quiet.
Imagine being a swingfaggy

>> No.17297512

How does 400 billion dollars sound?

>> No.17297522

It's too late to get on the LINK train, but there are other cheap coins that can go to $3-4 this year.

>> No.17297527

>only 75k Linkies
I'm so poor :/

>> No.17297542

im going to keep accumulating desu. i've held on to 4k link since 18' as suicide insurance. i was trying to get to 10k, but personal shit took over.

>> No.17297543

only 45

gonna keep getting those bags
links going to 1k, stop trying to convince people they wont make money

>> No.17297570
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I only have 1.5K. I used to have almost 3k but I had no job and had to sell a bunch

>> No.17297613

>links going to 1k
Are you aware of the changes that would have to take place in the structure of crypto market for LINK to reach $100, let alone $1000 in the years to come? Crypto in 2017 was a Normie hype, fueled with money of all these idiots who bought after it moon'd. It's not gonna happen again any time soon, the interest is simply not there. Big corporations don't have that power, LINK without Normies will never reach even $50.

>> No.17297623

didn't read

>> No.17297628

>tfw 25k LINK

>> No.17297629
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tfw only 0.000000000000000001 link

>> No.17297654

Rumor has it Link isn’t that fungible.

>> No.17297673

>bitcoin will never reach 1k
>eth will never reach 1k
>etc etc

sell all your linkies fag, you don't deserve to get to lambo land

>> No.17298021
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>Sold my 12k stack at 2.35
>Bought a 4k stack at 4.70

>> No.17298052

Unironically this

>> No.17298063

>didnt wait for golden bull run

cmon anon

>> No.17298081

Sell low buy high. Nice strategy.

>> No.17298095

Nice larp. Everyone on biz has at least 10k minimum

>> No.17298106
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>> No.17298107

>only 600 linkies

>> No.17298111

The only biz way

>> No.17298180

We are going back to 2, Anon.

>> No.17298518
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>> No.17298555

So this is the power of a swinglinkie

>> No.17298586


>> No.17298603

Tiresome how all the link threads have gone from good comradery "we're all in this together" etc to now assholes larping about size of their stack and bemoaning having "only tens of thousands" this is the new fud to make anons insecure about their stack. Fucking assholes, any amount of link is good

>> No.17298631

Linkies will make btc irrelevant. Use that info as you will.

>> No.17298646

tfw 3k :(

>> No.17298652

Never selling my stinkies

>> No.17298658

>he gets upset over people shitposting about how they bought 100 trillion linkies at 0.00001 dollars

no fun allowed
are you sure? I would kinda like btc to go back up so I can at least break even then pump linkies

>> No.17298745
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BTC is pretty much priced in. Link has upside potential and is still not really established. getting a 10x out of link is still a possibility whereas getting a 10x out of btc is rather unprobable. I would advise LInk but dont quote me on it.

>> No.17298787

Not upset I said tiresome adjust your retardation you stupid child

>> No.17298807

Yes, btC value only exists for 2 reasons, universal trading pair, and high production cost. Once link is used as intermediary on the majority of exchanges, bTC liquidity and value will dry up, pushing the value in to alts, primarily link and eth.

>> No.17298819

>Diversifying 600 dollars
Go all in on link when it dumps again

>> No.17298834

Tbh btc is overbought, I give it 5 years before it's no more than 10% of crypto market. Interconnected defi via link kills btc

>> No.17298840

alright bros... I'll trust in you guys. What price is good for linkies? It's been hovering for a few

>> No.17298857
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>> No.17298880

You sound like that faggot who predicted the world will only ever need 6 computers total.

>> No.17298908

Sub-$4, it should go down tomorrow after the news or if btc gets dabbed on again

>> No.17298912

Dude you have 600$, buy 150 and dca dips. Unless, you have a source of income right??1

>> No.17298940

>seething that other anons got in earlier than you did
its ok you'll make it but just know that we will have 100x whatever you have poorfag

>> No.17298959

No I got fired from my job and I'm caught up in legal affairs which prevents me from getting a really good job offered to me

I'm just new to this is all, rent is paid for 3 months and I don't really have expenses, so I dropped half my tax refund into crypto.

>> No.17299019

Allow me to check those digits, friend.

>> No.17299030

Yeah, here is quick rundown.
Link>eth>btc>anything else
Unless link liquidity gets to the point where its unbuyable, it's what you should be in. Defi will make btc useless, and eth is only good in so far as buying necessary to use link.

>> No.17299063

thanks bro

Should I just sell off my btc now and take the 30 dollar loss or wait to see if it goes up? And with link should I wait til 4 or get it now while it's still low?

>> No.17299088

no you fucking didn't, lmao

>> No.17299109
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>first time didnt panic sell
so this is the power of hodl

>> No.17299153

>30 dollar loss
Jesus, you’re chasing pennies and dimes. You’re missing the bigger picture.
Hodl is not a meme. All the smug Linkies bought sub $1 and didn’t sell even when LINK dumped to 20c. It’s that simple. Just accumulate the biggest stack you can, don’t sell, and wait.

>> No.17299175

alright man, gonna go balls deep and get that stack, thanks for your advice frens

>> No.17299209

Just hodl bro, and stop looking at the price every 10 minutes. I used to do that in 2017 and my mental went boom pretty quickly. Hodl and dont look back. See you on the moon boss

>> No.17299211

this is a good image

>> No.17299228
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>> No.17299241

yeah I won't lie i've been addicted to watching the price, it's so fast paced compared to stocks and shit. Doesn't help I've been home since no job, I'm excited to get back to work since I don't have a smartphone and won't be able to check linkies

>> No.17299250

I made the most money when I lost interest in crypto for a few weeks and not checking anything in the meantime, just set order limits and watched it fly

>> No.17299261

moron who thinks chainlnk needs normies, its called a new paradigm you utter neanderthall

>> No.17299262
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>> No.17299270

This. New paradigm bitches

>> No.17299288

I've got 128 now, can't really put orders in right now, guess I'll just come back when it's at 1k and go buy my lambo :^)

>> No.17299289
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>giving me 2017 eth flashbacks

>> No.17299734

Hardly poor fag when i have house no mortgage in west european country and i bought my stack between .20c to .45c, if you bother reading i said tiresome these threads are and lacks the spirit of link threads from 17/18. Stop being a faggot

>> No.17299834

how does a million sound?

>> No.17299871

Bobos have only as much power as you give them

>> No.17299888

You don't understand chainlink, or crypto

>> No.17299889

>selling at 1k
Lad...um..did you not hear...ok

>> No.17299901

kek cant wait for you to sell at 2.05

>> No.17299987

>not poor
Kek ok

>> No.17300013

thats a lot of words for 'i'm on 100mg of copium a day'

>> No.17300030

Ok pajeet, go back to your tin roof mud hut and sleep with your cow

>> No.17300041

>achieves the bare minimum of not having a mortgage
>says he's not a poorfag
some pretty next level mental gymnastics you got there.

>> No.17300078

Sorry pajeet, i know i know.. its tough for you to read while squating in the ditch dropping a load off

>> No.17300096

>cant refute so has to resort to projection
seriosuly doubt you live in western europe now

>> No.17300130

What a pathetic larper you really are, good luck with your hopes of one day getting out of the arsehole of mumbai

>> No.17300162

>larper calling other people larpers
kinda sad now ranjeesh, you know you're not getting paid to type this right? the money only arrives if you shill more shitcoins

>> No.17300174

ouch. i sold mine at 4.15 and re-bought at 4.55

i feel like a retard, especially after what happened in the last 30 hours

>> No.17300180

Lol why? Is it some sort of utopia to you in your mud hut? Haha struck a nerve with the street shitting larper. I hate europe anyway if it makes you feel better as too many shitskins like you coming in looking for gibs

>> No.17300203

>im not mad ur mad xddd!!
cope was funny at first but now its just pure delusion

>> No.17300228

Ha! Joke's on you for I have 3 (THREE) stinkies.

>> No.17300243

Yeah ok punjab, yet im not the one shilling or larping here am i...quick another filthy cow just took a dump better go bathe in its shit for good fortune from ganesh or whatever the fuck

>> No.17300259

>exposes himself as a pajeet from the very first reply
>tries to backtrack and cover his ass
you cant make this up

>> No.17300299
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>mfw 50 link and comfy

>> No.17300317
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Look at your sacred tasty cow pajeet...yummy

>> No.17300345

Brown id says it all about you street shitting larper

>> No.17300366

>implying i wouldn't eat a fat steak
at least make this thread interesting. not fun btfo'ing the same guy every 2 minutes.

>> No.17300386


>> No.17300404
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This is like kriptonite to the pajeet

>> No.17300428

i get that you're terrified of eating it but i really would

>> No.17300432

How does 4 octettillion usd sound?

>> No.17300450

Dunno about that but im sure you wouldnt mind eating a fat dick for a few rupees. You are useless mate

>> No.17300452


copers are cringe but so are cultists

muh new paradigm

i'll sell at 10

>> No.17300461
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i can see the vein popping from over here prudesh

>> No.17300467

Yeah we all believe you anon, and we believe you have 100s of thousands of link too

>> No.17300501

Dude your brown id is showing

>> No.17300521
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>cant cope with the fact that others got in earlier than he did and managed to snag a make it stack at 17c
rent free and remember to put on your sun screen raheesh

>> No.17300582

Dude you been triggered since i just responded about being home owner western europe in response to calling me a poor fag. Im sorry that triggered you so bad, you can come visit one day if you want as its not all its cracked up to be. Id hardly boast about being from fucking Meath but tgats different i suppose when talking to a 3rd worlder. Good luck, been fun

>> No.17300588

How does 4000 quadrillion dollars sound?

>> No.17300597

>im not triggered you are
who are you trying to trick here 2/10 larp effort. next one please

>> No.17300616

Lol the europoor is veeeeeery triggered

>> No.17300682

finally the pajeet stops trying to cope and moves onto shilling his satsgang discord coins. was fun i agree

>> No.17300789

stfu yankee and go eat some burgers

>> No.17300832

Satsgang discord coins? Im the one telling anons to be happy to have link regardless of size of stack while fags fud by larping about having tens of thousand and advising anons with less to buy something else. Stupid fucking fud

>> No.17300866

Yankee? Christ keep up anon

>> No.17300962

>i just want them to be happy
aaaand hes back for more. had a feeling you wouldnt be able to resist. if you really wanted them to be happy you wouldnt be saying shit like that. if they want to 'make it' then its not enough im sorry

>> No.17301034

Making it is different for everyone anon

>> No.17301226


>> No.17301261

$4 million not enough?

>> No.17301274

92k, avg .30 buy in