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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 250x250, BF16E68C-682C-4215-AB0B-9DECE6350501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17295823 No.17295823 [Reply] [Original]

Literally getting ready for mars

>> No.17295876

Designs for the rocket ship are still on a napkin sitting in the trash can at a bar

>> No.17295879
File: 252 KB, 3000x1929, xrp-army-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lol if you still havent bought the dip

>> No.17295911
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mars mission prepped


>> No.17295944
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just bought 20k xrp, lets do this

>> No.17295946

Enjoy your 3% pump

>> No.17295958

two decades or more

>> No.17295988

you've made it.

>> No.17295989

>two decades or more

>> No.17296001
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buying a jew bank shit coin

>> No.17296003

Fren, I hodl quite a high percentage of my portfoli in XRP but I'm getting more and more doubts regsrding XRP. Garlinghouse avoids questiona regarding XRP. All he ever mentions is Ripple and not XRP itself. Meanwhile I'm almost convinced that XRP truely is used to dump on us and will never be rly necessary since Ripple will come up with something else for ODL...

>> No.17296024
File: 444 KB, 969x2048, weakhandsfukoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales buy more.

Weak hands dumping.

If you don't see what's happening, sell your coins to me. I'll take them.

>> No.17296030

2045 then

>> No.17296045

>not buying a jew bank shitcoin

>> No.17296052
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>buying a jew bank shit coin
what can I say?
biz hates money

>> No.17296057

>weak hands
gee, I wonder who holds billions and billions of XRP

>> No.17296152
File: 80 KB, 640x447, 20fah5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So don't buy. I've done my research. I know what XRP is and 2k will be this year. 100%

>> No.17296218

when was the last time any price prediction came true? At least say something remotely feasible, like a 3000% pump after BTC makes a new ATH of 100K or something of the sort. Nobody sane can even entertain the idea of a $2k per XRP, not unless you expect hyperinfation to hit half way through the year and gasoline to cost $1000 a gallon

>> No.17296236

50 cents eoy, tops

>> No.17296262

Now that I can accept, that isn't too outlandish, and still a fucking great return

>> No.17296263


>> No.17296279
File: 338 KB, 1966x1052, EKCs19wUUAAFZ_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making the mistake of assuming XRP/cryptos is a stock. Marketcap does not matter in the crypto world. Like I've said before, XRP will save the world from a depression, this is why the stock market is being pumped full right now, so that it can occur. If you do not see what's happening, I can't help you.

>2000 USD per XRP, before the year ends.

>> No.17296349

I'm not the one spewing retarded prices here and some retarded psycho consipracy screenshot is no proof sweetheart

If this is what you call research, may god have mercy on your poor soul

>> No.17296367


>> No.17296377


he is right with his argumentation tho. marketcap in crypto literally doesnt mean shit.
xrp will be first to flip BTC, its guarantueed

>> No.17296405

so are all the cult leaders, even the ones in which all members commit suicide to be "closer to heaven" or shit like that

and take it as a bit of friendly advice - there are no guarantees, only death and taxes

>> No.17296466
File: 333 KB, 1986x682, EKCs19wUYAAC1hP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do not care if you buy XRP, im telling you because Im a nice guy ;) you will eventually see. In a small fucked up way Im glad you don't know about XRP, I dislike rude people and rude people should not have money.

>> No.17296474

2k sat maybe?

>> No.17296483

Honestly, end of day I hope you're right but am not holding my breath and wouldn't be surprised if my 10k stack went to 0. It's just play money and this site is entertaining

>> No.17296536

so you are actually a good samaritan who spends his precious time educating random retards on an obscure Hungarian hairy pony rearing forum about the next take over the world conspiracy, buyt only if they are nice to him, otherwise he wags his finger and pouts, and god forbid someone "uneducated" should question his words and wisdom

tell me again how you are not like a suicide cult leader?

>> No.17296537
File: 33 KB, 498x378, IMG_87letn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmpff nice self Masturbation account you follow my fren

>> No.17296548

Stfu mentally ill mong babacuck suck it

>> No.17296593
File: 110 KB, 1234x656, ENmlbHCU0AIrka8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to get as many "peasants" rich as possible, this is why I am here. Why? Because fuck the new world order, fuck the establishment, fuck the bankers and the satanists in charge of these systems. Freedom, that is the main goal here.

I told you about XRP even though you were rude, I post pics even though you are rude, you're missing the point. I know you will not believe it because you are close minded, you are not willing to do the research. You think me posting 2 pictures is proof of anything, it isn't. It's to get you started and to think, nobody on 4chan will do the research for you. It would be pointless even if they did.

Baba cucks is a piece of shit rich kid who got lucky and is used by the elite because of his narcissistic attributes.

I've seen the contracts, I work in the financial sector. I know what is coming.

>> No.17296644

Btw, March is when the flippening happens.

>> No.17296648

Wait for .25 bois

>> No.17296662

xrp is going to pump hard when the chinks finally abandon ship and Bitcoin tx are taking 24+ hours in the absence of Chinese mining activity. It'll crash afterward in a fairly short time scale, so be ready to sell when you hear huge news coming from China

>> No.17296664

How many should I try to get? I'm a recent graduate and have a little bit of links, little eth, should I transfer some out of both into XRP?

>> No.17296669

Ive been around for long enough to see people like you - bg123 -marvin gay - yoyo -rippleriddler

All full of shit and all they gave the cripple community nothing but shit

Not everyone is retarded as you may think

>> No.17296671
File: 778 KB, 1360x2040, 1581638592577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at those digits
march it is

>> No.17296704

DTCC is going live next week but i highly doubt its ha ANYTHING TO DO WITH XRP

>> No.17296726

Exchange or dev wallet most likely

>> No.17296752

XRP is being pushed by kikes that know board culture on /biz/. Look how they actively attack any "paid FUD" with ever so clever spicy memes

>> No.17296804
File: 436 KB, 750x1624, 282E03F5-F65E-4F52-B0E8-106C7758F284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for the pump!

>> No.17297205

Thread abandoned lol classic

>> No.17297236


>> No.17297703

>Baba cucks is a piece of shit rich kid who got lucky and is used by the elite because of his narcissistic attributes.

To be fair, Babacugs' family works in finance, he knows what is coming. He just doesn't know when. Honestly I think he is legitimately excited about what is going to happen, but he just can't help himself make wild predictions on Twitter and let's his ego get in the way.

>> No.17297732

>All full of shit and all they gave the cripple community nothing but shit
Wrong, as usual. People are dumb and stupid. They just do not understand the riddles that they give. People are so fucking shortsighted they interpreted 589 as a price prediction. All of these riddlers use highly sophisticated Freemasonic symbolism and numerology. Everything they give you is Occult in nature and only people who really have knowledge and understand the Occult can understand their riddles.

People are just fucking ignorant, and I'm surprised there are so many stupid people in the community, considering that XRP on the surface is a contrarian play to BTC and Ethereum

>> No.17297743

Just put in what you can afford. I bought 620xrp at 30 cents. Im not so keen on promoting any conspiracy angles to it, but i do believe that it will break plenty of ATHs before the year is out. Ripple is the next chainlink, but is much more of long term kind of asset. I recommend just HODLing for now and you'll be—we’ll all be, actually—vindicated when we take off.

>> No.17297810

Thanks, just bought 443k

>> No.17297879

Sweet, goodluck!

>> No.17297887

He's being careful because he doesn't want it classified as an unregistered security you mong

>> No.17297902

I don't believe any of this. However I do own XRP and just hope for the best. Even if its $1 eoy.

>> No.17298611