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1728824 No.1728824 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/ how the fuck do i get rich off the stock market? Simple question needs a simple answer for a simple guy

>> No.1728825

Buy high sell low

>> No.1728827

Simple answer.

You dont.


>> No.1728829

wouldnt you buy low sell high?

>> No.1728830

The stock market isn't really for getting rich, anon.

>> No.1728838

Autistic questions get autistic answers

>> No.1728843

Get a really successful investment manager then find out where he lives and home invade him and steal all his shit.

>> No.1728857

Trading is what you are probably referring to. It is extremely hard to make money

>> No.1728858

fuck up faggot i dont have time for this nerd shit, just tell me how to get rich.

>> No.1728870

Investing is for growing money, not making it.

If you can turn $100 into $110 in a year, youre doing godd

>> No.1728872


>> No.1728874

step 1: Invest your life savings on your favorite stock
step 2: use Maximum Leverage
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT

>> No.1728892

>save 10k
>takes 8 years
>buy ticket to wsop
>all in pocket rockets, third hand
>lose to trips

>> No.1728922

>put money in stocks
>wait for a good time to cash out

>> No.1728931


Invest in McDonalds.

>> No.1728935

Don't listen to these other idiots. Here's what you do:

1) Insider trading - cultivate relationships with people who work in privileged positions in government and use classified information to front-run the stock market.

2) Spread malicious rumors - Take a short position on a stock then pay people to spread hateful rumors about the company. Cash out your shorts before people figure out it's all lies.

2.b) Conversely, buy stock in a company than pump it by promulgating false promises and guarantees.

3) Publish an "investment newsletter" and charge subscribers $15/week. But publish two different letters, one that says to Buy asset X, and one that says to Sell asset X. Half of your subscribers will have received the correct advice and think you're a genius.

4) Find out about others who are engaged in insider-trading and threaten to expose them to the authorities unless they pay you off bigly.

>> No.1729014

Right now the larger caps are all overvalued extremely. Best bet is to invest in a new or growing company. The best place to do this is on the OTC. 2017 has already seen a few OTC explosions...starting with OWCP, but if you want the most bang for your buck grab some ICNB (Chrisie Brinkly's new prosecco brand) or GIGL ( If chucky cheese fucked a vegan mom). DBMM will give you the most value, but is the most risk. OWCP ICNB or GIGL are fucking gold tho man. 2017 is the year of the OTC

>> No.1729023

You might as well ask how to rich from online gambling or casinos since that's what the stock market is.

>> No.1729032

lmao are you 12?

>> No.1729042

You must be if you think you'll get anywhere with stocks unless you have at least 100k to invest.

Looking forward to seeing you fail.

>> No.1729050

>Simple question needs a simple answer for a simple guy

1. get an insider's scoop on a major acquisition/sell off
2. take out a huge as fuck loan
3. pump it all into the company that you've got the inside track on
4. take out a buy/sell position accordingly
5. cash out after it goes to the moon/tanks to hell

enjoy your millions. if that's too convoluted, then try this:

1. pump it all into marijuana penny stocks
2. pray that president trump is able to get marijuana off the DEA's hit list
3. watch your shares increase in value by 10000%

enjoy your millions

>> No.1729054

1% of millionaires in the US have done so through stocks

70 percent are entrepreneurs that start their own buisnesses

Which one has the highest chance of getting rich?

Pick hard work, not gambling

>> No.1729061

Probably the most solid advice desu

>> No.1729065

this is true

You're an idiot. I made close to $200 yesterday and close to $200 today on stocks.. while i was at work. only used about $600 on each trade. APRI yesterday and SPEX today

>> No.1729094

If you want to flip for huge profits, sure. But 20k the first year as seed money can be a milly by the time I want to retire in 35 years...you are a simpleton. Not like you cant work at the same time...You are a closed minded fool

>> No.1729097
File: 94 KB, 615x411, lead_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy POWL, and hold for at least a year.
It'll take 20+ years of investing in the stock market to make 7 figures. You can never go wrong with SPY indexes

Wrong, at least you can't get rich in the short term

he gets it

You're right about large caps

Stupid cliche analogy of someone who's never taken a finance class (unless you refer to day trading)

>> No.1729102


>> No.1729108


You will never make money by trading stocks unless you're already a millionaire.

You guys are just going to get cucked out of your meager savings by the big fish.


There are about as many stock market millionaires as there are lottery winners.

>> No.1729113

Meaningless anecdote.

My cousin won the lottery ergo playing the lottery is a good way to make money.

>> No.1729122

listen nigger, say you invest $20k today and make 8% gains every year for 20 years


now thats for only one $20k contribution, if you ad another $20k each year that total will grow to 7 figures where otherwise you'd just have $400,000k

now imagine you were able to get 20% returns or do it for 40 years instead

you're an idiot

>> No.1729132

Where do you find which stock to invest in for day?

Also guys practice on investopedia stock stimulator

>> No.1729145

Wait a sec faggot.

Spex share rose 12.02% today currently 1.38 per share. So you gain 12.02% today that mean you only made 72 buck atop that 600 you invested. Nowhere near your 200 buck claim fag.

>> No.1729172


You can also LOSE 8% or more per year idiot.

What are you going to do when the next financial crisis hits and your portfolio is annihilated?

If you're saving for retirement you're better off putting your money in a savings account. The stock market is only for money that you don't mind losing. Only a complete mouth breathing mongoloid would gamble his retirement savings on the stock market.

>> No.1729183

>2017 is the year of the OTC
>2017 is the year you switch to ramen permanently

>> No.1729185


buy PTN

>> No.1729187

>What are you going to do when the next financial crisis hits and your portfolio is annihilated?
how about not sell stocks during a recession like retards like you would. If the stock market didn't recover from a major recession in 3 years, you have much bigger problems than your portfolio

also the s&p500 index etf's have averaged 10% returns every year since the 1950's.

And please show me ANY reputable financial article that says the stock market is a bad place to invest. Please, I'm begging to be shown up by a personal financial guru like you and get put in my place

>> No.1729200

What if the recession hits just after you retire? You're now unable to touch your "savings" for several years. Great plan.

>financial guru

There is no such thing. Economics is pseudoscience like astrology.

It's your money anon. Just don't come crying back here when you're broke like the bitcucks are doing now.

>> No.1729214

Invest all your savings into index funds and in 45-50 years you'll be 'rich.'

other than that people don't get rich off the stock market.

>> No.1729240


I would gradually switch from stocks tl interest funds the older I get. Having all your savings in stocks if you plan on using the money in 1-5 years would of course not be worth the risk

>> No.1730157

This is probably the best and simplest article I've seen about this subject.



>> No.1730168 [DELETED] 

Yes, good. There's a reason why the phrase "beating the market" exists.

>> No.1730171 [DELETED] 

Shit, I reread it and now realise he was correcting he was correcting his spelling (same ID)

>> No.1730213

what is leverage

>> No.1730236
File: 186 KB, 540x540, fdd[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet short on a company, then use billions of dollars worth of your (((media))) assets to destroy that company's and tank their stock prices.
