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17288182 No.17288182 [Reply] [Original]

You're only young once

>> No.17288189

life is shit, and then you die
get over it

>> No.17288213

Have kids and be the father you never had anon. Being a kid is fun but not very deeply rewarding

>> No.17288229


>> No.17288234

youth is fleeting, but glory lasts forever

>> No.17288299

youth is over rated. It allows you to bounce back easier from fucking up. that's it.

>> No.17288311
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>linear concept of time

>> No.17288367

Preserve your youth as long as possible. Get /fit/ and eat your onions. This world will belong to the onioneaters.

>> No.17288381

youth is wasted on the young

>> No.17288386

onioneater reporting in

>> No.17288395

well to be fair if the young weren't youthful they'd have nothing. that's why we need to build wealth starting as early as possible

>> No.17288398

25 here

Feels amazing still being young af

>> No.17288411

Linear opposed to what?

>> No.17288419


>> No.17288428

The universe has always existed and always will and you will happen again

>> No.17288457

>He doesn't get hotter, more experienced and wealthier as he ages

lol NGMI

Start hitting the gym and investing in real assets instead of crypto bullshit you virgins.

>> No.17288482

Lol. The current paradigm is 24 and older is a boomer

>> No.17288483

Ppl like you ruined /fit

>> No.17288490

Do you eat onions?

>> No.17288543

First off, no stupid fucking boomer. Second, you’re proving my point. The energy of /fit/ when I started using was 16-21 yr old incels trying to get pussy now it’s faggy 27 yr old boomers who don’t understand how the internet works so they repeat memes THEY (read: you) ruined by trite overuse.

Durr hurr soi boy I’m so masculine I lift weights and have a beard and don’t consume estrogens and eat meat SHUT UP FAGGOT NOBODY LIKES YOU YOURE NOT COOL. YOU WERE A LOSER IN HS AND EVERYBODY CAN SEE THAT.

>> No.17288557

Nonsense 30 has and will always be the official boomer life beginning

I'm personally just beginning to peak

>> No.17288564

yeah, but vanilla ice cream is good all the way up until you die probably.
youth is exploration, and you're only old when you stop exploring.
might plan is to retire in my early 50's and just do drugs, have lots of picnics and parties and stuff, and go out doing something fun.

>> No.17288565

23 is officially boomer territory

>> No.17288635

Holy shit kid back 2 redit

>> No.17288648

Quite possibly youve been young an infinite amount of times since there is a chance that we are eternal beings one with god our lord and savior.

>> No.17288665

I don’t agree but zoomers really are exclusionary and if you were born before 97 you’re a boomer to them. Not that anybody really gives a fuck what zoomers think but pop culture has always been aimed at kids

>> No.17288732

it only gets worse when you age. I can't imagine being a frail 90 yo dude who can even get it up anymore. I'd rather be dead.

>> No.17288745

I'm 25 and I want to die. Wasted my life, but now physical health issues are catching up and I just want to die

>> No.17288766
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>> No.17288782

It can get better anon you gotta just keep looking til you find your solution

>> No.17288825

Zoomers are such fags holy shit. Crying about stupid bullshit everywhere they go and embodying dunning-Kruger not just in intelligence but most every aspect of humanity, co-opting everything that came 5 years ago and thinking they invented it lol. Being raised by an iPad really fucked your guys’ heads up

>> No.17288892

Just turned 30. Used to be sad about it until I realized everybody I used to envy is now washed up and miserable while I'm just barely starting to crawl out of depression.

>> No.17288901

I'm 30 but I feel and look 20.
I know the secret to slowing and reversing aging

>> No.17288936 [DELETED] 

I got a 1550 on my sat nigger, I was also a national merit finalist and won individual state titles in TWO sports. I’m going to a top American college on academic AND athletic scholarship and double major in math and chem. Running Krueger applies to me in exactly ZERO areas

>> No.17288947

Opiates 3 times a month

>> No.17288981

Literally pure projection

>> No.17288994

Why onions?

>> No.17289013

YOu know they changed the scoring and content to accommodate lower IQs like you in 2016? Hmmm why would that be??

>> No.17289031

How tf did you reply to that post

>> No.17289041

You are what ruined /fit/. Exert some willpower. Onions arent a meme. They are the food of the gods. Exert some willpower.

>> No.17289055
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>> No.17289060

I thought you meant soi and got filtered. Eating onions is gay and dumb, as is willpower. Test cruise ttg 4 me

>> No.17289067


>> No.17289074

cuz ur gay

>> No.17289080

Lmfao try hard faggot being /fit/ is about abusing women and doing steroids and hard drugs when will you learn

>> No.17289096

I'll think of you as I'm eating my onion tomorrow.

>> No.17289097

>Taking sterons before 30

Say high to zyzz for me buddy and don't forget to collect your Darwin award on your way

>> No.17289098
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>> No.17289100

We were all effectively dead and non existent before we were born from that nothingness. Once I'm back there I won't have the capacity to feel time pass and then someone new will come into existence and have the same sense of "I". This eliminates my fear of death but the thought of starting over as someone else is exhausting.

>> No.17289110

....you’re using exogenous test at like19 or however old you are? What the fuck man

>> No.17289115

I'm happy not to have caved in to homosexual depravity. Well, I did, with transvestites, but I was the active part of the sexual intercourse. I fucked their butt, so to speak. It was fine, as all women are whores, and men cosplaying women try superlatively hard at being whores.
But I'm quite happy not to have delved into "experiencing", or I would've surely become a cum-guzzling, STDs-felching, bareback-plowed faggot. I think homosexuality is a neurosis, and just like picking at scabs, getting dicks in your male butt is some kind of psychological disorder expressing itself physically.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Gay men are at peace with their neurosis. But those lacking control do physical harm to themselves.

Now I live in the countryside, very far from urban sprawls where trannies and degenerates can be found after a few swipes on specialized apps.
This is good. When I make it I'll become a full degenerate again. But I'll be in my 50s, so I'm sure fuck partners won't be in it for my looks. I won't feel bad feeling cynical as I shoot my loads in their anus.

>> No.17289147

Thx tren sorry for being mean
Hit the sauna for 45 min today, feel amazing
Nibbas don’t wanna take the risk, gonna be hard to hold on to my virginity with this test coursing through my veins

>> No.17289193

You better be cycling that RU too if your hair genetics aren’t god tier

>> No.17289216

They are

>> No.17289247

More like he will never stop happening atleast not in this moment

>> No.17289283

>I'm happy not to have caved in to homosexual depravity. Well, I did, with transvestites, but

>> No.17289295
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>> No.17289312

Who says this moment isn’t every moment occurring at the same time boss

>> No.17289341
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For those of us the grew up in a reverse parenting situation... we were never really young.
Make the most of it, fren.

>> No.17289347

I literally just did my first shot of test last night. I'm honestly a little bit excited to see what it feels like.

>> No.17289731

A I'm 26 Partaaaay woooo. Only young bitches her nigga turn up. Yeahhhhhh. woooooooooo 26 nigga. O shit wait I think I'm 27. Or 28? Fuck I'm still living with my parents nigga. My bitch don't wanna come over no more. Fuuuuuu. Who is she getting texts from? Fuck quick check coinmarketcap or tabtrader. Refresh. refresh. 30. 30? Wtf is 30 bitch what do I do at 30!??!??! Ima buy a house with this shit. Minimum down 50 year mortgage.
>Son you're a regular Joe who can make a decent burger at the BBQ.You're not Lebron James. You're not. You're not Lebron James. Who?

>> No.17289750

Based black schizo poster

>> No.17289822
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>> No.17290527
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wtf is this onion shit

>> No.17290752

good for test levels

>> No.17290805


>> No.17290896

We're all practically nonexistent. The amount of time during which we exist is negligible compared to the infinite amount of time before being born and after we die, in which we don't exist.

>> No.17291652

Fucking sooks like you are what ruin any fucking board- shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.17291697

>the thought of starting over as someone else is exhausting
But it's all really just you, or "I".
Maybe you'll start remembering.
Maybe you'll start building monuments to yourself so that you can remember.

>> No.17291719

Alternatively, we're all eternally existing.

>> No.17291735

High school girls are young forever

>> No.17291850

You are young and infinite number of times. You get everything.

>> No.17291880

this, try to be a better father than you had, teach your son everything you havent been tought.

your life might be a fuck up but you can create a better one for your son

>> No.17292082

Thread Theme:

>> No.17292349

Pajeet circular geometry number 1 sir

>> No.17292445

The opposite is more likely. As long as there is a structure which supports consciousness, you will be eternally existing and living. Just not in the same form.

>> No.17293228

Youth is temporary, killing roasties is forever

>> No.17293332

Technically if you live to see anti-aging therapies become a reality, and enter longevity escape velocity, then at a certain point in time you will be biologically young again.

>> No.17293802

This is the most glow in the dark post I've ever read.
What school should I avoid driving by tomorrow Mr CIA?

>> No.17293838

>The energy of /fit/ when I started using was 16-21 yr old incels trying to get pussy
/fit/ was already dead when you got there.

>> No.17294116

today kids of first-worlders are likely live up to 100 years. some kind of groundbreaking in life extension field can make them live up to 200. The government will be happy to make it affordable, they want taxes and efficient workers instead of kids and elders.
What you, anon, and I have to understand is that cryopreservation will still be researched, even after reaching immortality. Why? To ensure survival of humankind, that is how science works. Someday, the priority of research on reviving cryopreserved bodies will raise. If you have money - you are already immortal. That's why you don't suicide in 21th century.
Now what cryopreserved people need? They need to trust to no party in managing their wealth. A trustless, decentralized, immutable fund manager that will survive even WW3, doesn't matter if it will be only on the outlawed black market. Now that shit - that shit will go up indefinitely with every decade. That shit has so much hype potential, there will be blood on the streets.

>> No.17294367

It really all depends on when you have kids, my 25 year old friends who are married with kids are in full boomer mode, my 30 year old friends who are single with no kids are in good shape and have lots of energy.

>> No.17294427

This. When /fit/ was good Scooby still posted there and everyone was taking dat dere celltech.
Fucking thirsty teenagers from /soc/ /r9k/ and /lgbt/ taking the homoeroticism too far is killing it. Also fat people hating has gotten out of control. frauding openly in every thread... So much has gone wrong.
sir comics and dinotendies are the only good things on /fit/ these days and even the somewhat interesting threads like /fitlit/ are filled with brainlets shilling far-right or shitty self help books.

>> No.17294441

>When human extinction is not only possible but inevitable

>> No.17294465

I don't see millennials and zoomers as that different. Kind of like halo multiplayer vs rocket league.

>> No.17294646
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Imagine lacking the necessary faith in humanity that accompanies the line of thought that we can and will create future universes and become life creating universe terraforming omni-dimensional beings.

>> No.17294677

Here's the real redpill. No generation is that different.
Golden eye
Quake lan parties
Fucking computer clubs in the 60s,
Math laboratories or biological sciences nerds in the 1950s.
Wheel in the sky brother.