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17285777 No.17285777 [Reply] [Original]

Old fag here, and my understanding has always been that a suicide stack of any given coin is equal to 1k USD regardless of what the coin is or it's value.
Claims that a suicide stack are X amount of a certain coin, sometimes being $10's of thousands completely misses the point or reasoning behind a suicide stack.
A make it stack however varies from coin to coin and is based on the coins potential to 10x-100x-1000x+. A make it stack for coin A might be 5000, but coin B it may be 100k or more.
The purpose of a make it stack is pretty self explanatory, you will have enough $$$ once the coin moons to live a comfortable life off your gains from that coin.

What am I missing here?

>> No.17285862

>suicide stack of any given coin is equal to 1k USD regardless of what the coin is or it's value
No. Then having a "suicide stack" wouldn't have any purpose compared to just holding $1000 literal USD.
Suicide stack is enough to not get depressed (suicidal) over not owning enough during the big pumps
For example, XRP has no suicide stack size, because it's just going to keep bleeding out.
Also checked.

>> No.17285911
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>Brainlet detected

>> No.17285945

Doomed shitcoin bagholder detected.

>> No.17286012
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>Literal retard detected

>> No.17286072

>$3.84 USD

>> No.17286107

you're a moron.

>> No.17286126


>> No.17286143

Why is that new fag?

>> No.17286185

Suicide stack was 1k link tokens regardless of price. When I bought half a suicide stack I paid 250$.

Wishing I just borrowed money for rent instead.

>> No.17286281

Retard, $1,000 isn't enough sometimes so you can't always use that as your ceiling to determine a suicide stack. For example, if you put $1,000 into Bitcoin right now and it does a 10x during the bullrun, you'll have $10,000, congrats. You can buy a used Honda Civic. That's why it's measured in coins. So for example, a suicide stack of Link is 1,000 coins, so if the price hits $1,000 a coin, you'll have $1,000,000. Understand?

>> No.17286294

Also, don't post threads asking questions and then immediately call people brainlets after who respond. KYS

>> No.17286457
File: 64 KB, 500x667, 1581219224049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"he" is mad XRP was called worthless
"he" was describing XRP's ATH of $3.84
this "guy" does not "get" it
"you" are all retarded, or 15

>> No.17286518

>Not understanding what a suicide stack is
I now understand why you fuckers run around claiming ridiculous amounts are a suicide stack. Jesus you sub 80 IQ fuckers are amazing.

>> No.17286539

>Another literal brainlet
Christ this board has gone to shit!

>> No.17286556

A suicide stack isn't a lower-odds make it stack, retard.

>> No.17286607

no its because "he" probs got a pussiboi clit, poser

>> No.17286617

Finally someone who gets it! Holy shit I about gave up hope.

>> No.17286630

wait are they girls

>> No.17286648

>a suicide stack of any given coin is equal to 1k USD regardless of what the coin is or it's value.
Trips of truth

>> No.17286675

It’s enough to prevent you from committing suicide. $1000 in Bitcoin at this point won’t do that.

>> No.17286692
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>> No.17286705

Dumbass you already missed bitcoin. The point of a suicide stack is to avoid that situation in the first place, not fix it retroactively

>> No.17286737

That’s my exact point. Jesus fuck is this place overrun by Plebbit now?

>> No.17286797

Nope, just low IQ brainlet new fags like yourself apparently

>> No.17286837

Yep go invest $1000 into bitcoin or link and make your ‘suicide stack’. Have fun

>> No.17286843

It's really relative, for example, I'm a thirdworlder (Brazilian), for me 200k USD is "making it", cause it's about 1 million BRL.

>> No.17286893

Fuck me this thread is literal proof of how overrun biz is with reddit now

>> No.17286944

seems like no one can answer your question. I think the real answer is there is no set definition. It's whatever you want it to be.

>> No.17286969

Go to your own section of the internet. This is 1st world only

>> No.17287071

LMAO fuck you, incel burger. When I make it, will immigrate to US with tourist Visa and stay there illegally to fuck women married with you american cuckolds. White brazilian Chads are coming very soon.

>> No.17287138

>I'm fucking whiiiittteee.jpg

>> No.17288091

According to this argument, why is it called a suicide stack? I always assumed a suicide stack was the minimum amount that a cautious investor should put in a moonshot in order to not experience the suicidal despair felt by people who despite hearing about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Antshares, Link, etc, early enough to be set for life wrote them off as scams and totally missed the boat. It's not a set amount since it depends on your risk tolerance and the lifestyle you're accustomed to. It happens to be $1000 for a lot of people, because most first worlders can afford to lose that without wanting to rope, but would be ecstatic at making $50,000-$100,000.

>> No.17288118

if i put in $250 to buy 1000 linkies at 25 cents and had to wait three years for it to reach ~$4000 id feel like an idiot.