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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17282884 No.17282884 [Reply] [Original]

I'm literally on the verge to kms if I don't make it within a few years. I'm already down so much money, I am constantly depressed and stressed. I'm not materialistic, I don't want expensive cars, I just want to have enough money to be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life without wagecucking. I can't wagecuck due to my mental issues. Do you faggots have any sympathy or is this board just full of scamming pajeets and/or sociopathic neets?

>> No.17282911
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I am in the same boat senpai.

>> No.17282929
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Me too

>> No.17282947
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>I can't wagecuck due to my mental issues

>> No.17282963

>my mental issues

Grow up

>> No.17282984


Unfortunately mental issues are seen as an excuse in America. My local chucky cheese employs young people with Down’s syndrome, I think they should not be forced to work so hard.

>> No.17282993

I too, am in the same boat.
"man up"
I tried, I really did. Living in a big city, went to the gym for four months every other day, was getting somewhat OK growth, nothing amazing because of restricted ability to splurge ($$$) on food and get good sleep. Everywhere you go and everyone you talk to in the city is zogged unbelievably. Can't think straight or keep the charade up, so inundated with nothing but fucking bullshit nigger culture everywhere you go, dog eat fucking dog world for BREADSCRAPS.
Money is the only thing that matters in this world.
Money is the only thing that permits you to be capable of achieving REAL meaningful work and self-realization and spiritual evolution. I gave up, and every shift I was practically on the verge of giving up.

Money is the only thing that matters in life. Get fucking used to it.

>> No.17282994

>its all so tiring

>> No.17282998

>is this board just full of scamming pajeets and/or sociopathic neets?
You know it.

>> No.17283006

It's only wagecucking if it's a Mickey D's or Walmart type of place

>> No.17283022

Social interaction and productivity is healthy, anon. Even if I make it I'll still keep working. The thought of working, knowing I can quit at any moment makes me coom.

>> No.17283061

>I can't wagecuck due to my mental issues. Do you faggots have any sympathy
Yikes. Perhaps killing yourself is the best option.

>> No.17283075

Get tha fuck out. Be grateful ur sperm made first you peace of shit.

>> No.17283093

the "health" aspects of wage cucking are maxed out after one hour a week dumb fuck go play in traffic

>> No.17283099

I second this. If you’re in the USA posting on 4chan, life is easier for you than that of 99%+ of humans that have ever lived. Just fucking kill yourself if you’re that fucking pathetic.

>> No.17283101

>Sperm is a bandit in its pure state.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17283129

>muhhhh health!

Just shut up you weak fucking loser. All these pathetic faggots need to go find a discord or something so we can get back to making money without them polluting the board with their uselessness.

>> No.17283144

Start Trading OPato

>> No.17283165

It’s ok anon, I’m here for you. I’m sure you’ll be alright in the end.

>> No.17283189

I bet you think working means fast food you fucking loser. I'm talking about doing something productive you like with people you like. Have you ever had a job that matters? You low life nobody neet. I'd say KYS but i'd rather you live a full life of sadness and isolation.

>> No.17283203
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Awwww is life too hard for you? Fucking soft ass faggots make me sick.

>> No.17283210

Listen, son. Throw all that shit out of your mind right now. I'm not trying to be condescending or sound arrogant. You need to get these things out of your mind for what is coming. When I say that, I'm not speaking economically or in a monetary way. The world is about to change forever within the next 2-3 months; for every single one of us, not just in certain countries. There is a threat on the red horizon and it can't be stopped, but it will have to be dealt with by all of us. Money and 'making it' is literally the last thing that should be on your mind. Monitor China closely. Every single person on this board, every single person you know, every single person you don't know are going to face the most difficult test humanity as been presented in centuries. You need ot change your mind RIGHT NOW, or else it will be just like you said, you won't make it.

>> No.17283213

Just throw your life savings into Bitcoin SV, anon.

That's what I did, and now I don't have to cuck like these bootlicking cope addicted faggots

>> No.17283237

Spill the beans, doomsayer.
What is the next big apocalyptic crisis?
Dude just don't get infected lmao

>> No.17283244

>Social interaction and productivity is healthy, anon.
I'm really, like really socially awkward on a scale that it's preventing me from doing things. I get anxiety and sometimes even panic attacks when trying to socialize with other people. I can't even talk to people without having symptoms like stuttering, shaking, sweating etc. Might sound comical but it's true. I've tried all kinds of tranquilizers but they only help for a short period of time. That being one of the many reasons why I am not able to wagecuck.

I'm not in the US, im eurocuck. Yes I know there are people that are in way worse situation than I am and I feel bad for them, I really do. I just felt like getting this out of my chest.

>> No.17283253

Found the religious idiot.

>> No.17283266

Microdose psilocybin mushrooms over an extended period of time

>> No.17283312

try to find a way to make money online. ideal scenario is you find some small niche to create some money that is sustainable but its just about finding it. even if you have skills it would probably still be difficult to find remote work m9
or hopefully your crypto moons in the next year or two so you can use that money for something else and then make it
we will make it

>> No.17283343

I'm sorry to hear that, anon. I'm sure you've heard it a million times but the best thing to do is force yourself in those situations in small doses over a long period of time. Humans are natually social, a little here and there can go a long way. A good diet can go a long way too, as cheesy as it sounds. Best wishes.

>> No.17283408

same here friend, I don’t know why but our generation seems depressed and just tired most of the time. What made boomers, the real ones not the meme, so cheerful and happy about life?

>> No.17283459

economic upturn
no internet
ethnic and cultural homogeneity
no mass immigration
corruption/coup of U.S. wasnt really in full swing yet

>> No.17283474

Lack of Internet. they actually went outside

>> No.17283631
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>> No.17283673

it helps their social and motor skills, and gives them money to spend on anime, mlp, vidya, memes, whatever else you autists like

>> No.17283754

>I can't wagecuck due to my mental issues

Yes you fucking can. Do you think mentally damaged spergs in Africa or China get out of working? You are not special

>> No.17283864

china and africa shouldnt be the standard