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17278347 No.17278347 [Reply] [Original]


Four more years, right? Low iq poltards

>> No.17278430

Powerful governments stifle freedom by design. The idea that everything should be regulated, that everything needs to follow some sort of “standard” or set of rules has stifled freedom the world over. Sure it makes things more predictable and comfortable but also unnatural. Rant over lmao

>> No.17278447

STFU and stop making excuses for the Fucking FEDs, fucking bootlicking shitbreather

>> No.17278449

>mixing bitcoins is a crime
Now that’s just pure bullshit. Fucking tired of regulators who don’t know shit trying to make everything according to their perception of it. Fucking robots

>> No.17278465

Wow you’re reading comprehension is so poor it’s actually funny lmao. How could you not understand that whole post was a rant against the federal government?

>> No.17278466

>implying demonrat seditionists flooding the country with illegal immigrants and taxing the shit out of whites would do better

>> No.17278482

this means we'll have our last run. Hope you faggots are all in.

>> No.17278504

the government just wants more control over every aspect of your life, doesn't matter which party it is

this kind of shit is exactly why we need crypto

>> No.17278516

They can’t regulate it. This is all about the government saving face in the face of its replacement.

>> No.17278533

If there's no way to buy/sell bitcoin for real money then it becomes worthless

>> No.17278553
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>drumpf always talks about how regulation bad when it hurts billionaires
>is suddenly in favor of it when it fucks over normal people
MIGA! can't fucking wait for this fat piece of shit to leave office

>> No.17278578
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>Minneapolis Federal Reserve president (((Neel Kashkari))) branded cryptocurrencies "a giant garbage dumpster," and the Department of Justice called bitcoin mixing "a crime."

Fucking kikes every goddamn time.

>> No.17278590

Wait, the billionaire heir is against the commoner??? What????? But the digits are going up, the economy is booming with digits!!

>> No.17278600

You can always use cash or conduct transactions with crypto instead. This will slowly become more prevalent as governments inflate away people’s saving while expecting them to be okay with it. The only thing they can control is their own fiat which is not crypto.

>> No.17278619

>They can’t regulate it
FDR banned the “hoarding” of gold, there’s nothing the federal government can’t do as far as limiting your freedoms for. Knowing what the government is like if they see that they can’t regulate it or it would be tough or expensive they might just end up banning it all together. Only to make an exception for some digital token that like JP Morgan or some such company came up with which will then end up being what everyone adopts because that’s what would benefit the government and its lobbyists the most

>> No.17278622

I’m sure sanders will be perfectly okay with people hiding wealth away from his socialist government.

>> No.17278641
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jokes on them, it's too late, we are yeaaaaaaaars past the point of no return!!!

>> No.17278643

People boarded gold anyway and only person was arrested for it before being acquitted.

>> No.17278649

Trump better fuck off. Seriously. Even mighty Trump would be foolish to incur the wrath of the autists here on 4chan, I swear to god if he doesen’t fuck off I will work ceaselesly to bring him down and I know many other autists will too.

>> No.17278659

It's a sorry state of affairs. We may never have a pro american president in office again

>> No.17278660

Lmao the democrats are even worse. Ron Paul should have won all these years ago. Small government is the only way to live free, people just need to stop being pussies and accept the downsides of freedom with the good rather than wanting to live in a completely regulated and predictable world with the illusion of freedom

>> No.17278670

Thank fuck, been waiting for this since '17. This is unironically a good thing, the bull run can start after the scams are done. Regulation is what the market wants, like it or not.

>> No.17278692

>only person was arrested for it before being acquitted.
This is false. You should read more about it. Also that was then and this is now the government back then had no where near the capabilities of today’s government as far as surveillance (and even regulation) goes.

>> No.17278695

Fuck Trump. Hope he dies. Steve Mnuchin, too.

>> No.17278710

Copy paste the article someone.

>> No.17278719

No regulations under Obama. Crypto is heavily invested in by European governments. Nice try poltard, back to your echo chamber where race is the most important topic. Leave conversation to the intelligent ones.

>> No.17278737
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God what a fucking c u c k

Look at this piece of shit

>> No.17278746
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Wh---Who-- could be behind this ?

>> No.17278747

This week, Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin warned "significant" new bitcoin and cryptocurrency regulations are on their way, Minneapolis Federal Reserve president Neel Kashkari branded cryptocurrencies "a giant garbage dumpster," and the Department of Justice called bitcoin mixing "a crime."

However, the news has failed to much move the bitcoin price, which remains up almost 50% since the beginning of the year.
bitcoin, bitcoin price, Steven Mnuchin, image

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told the Senate Finance Committee that the Financial Crimes ... [+] Getty Images

Mnuchin, who last year echoed U.S. president Donald Trump's criticism of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, told the Senate Finance Committee the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is preparing "significant new requirements" around cryptocurrencies and we'll "be seeing a lot of work coming out very quickly."

"We want to make sure that technology moves forward but, on the other hand, we want to make sure that cryptocurrencies aren't used for the equivalent of old Swiss secret number bank accounts," Mnuchin said, adding FinCEN and the Treasury Department more broadly are "spending a lot of time on this."

Last year, Mnuchin warned that bitcoin will not be widely used in ten years time and that it could be considered a U.S. national security risk.

Meanwhile, adding to the assault on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies coming out of the U.S. this week, Minneapolis Fed president Neel Kashkari said cryptocurrencies lack the basic characteristics of any stable currency.

"The reason that the dollar has value is because the U.S. government has a legal monopoly on producing the dollar," said Kashkari, speaking at a Montana event after being asked whether he would want his 1-year-old daughter to be gifted a Treasury bond or a bitcoin for her next birthday.

>> No.17278757


how new are you?

>> No.17278760

"In the virtual-currency and cryptocurrency world, there are thousands of these garbage coins out there. Literally, people have been fleeced for tens of billions of dollars, and finally the SEC is getting involved in cracking down on this."
bitcoin, bitcoin price, Steven Mnuchin, chart

The bitcoin price has climbed since the beginning of the year but remains far from its 2019 highs of ... [+] Coinbase

Elsewhere, Department of Justice prosecutors this week branded bitcoin mixing software, designed to mask the origin of bitcoin transactions, "money laundering."

In the indictment of Larry Harmon, who was this week arrested for his alleged involvement in a money-laundering conspiracy worth more than $300 million, the Department of Justice referred to Harmon's Helix software as a "money transmitting and money laundering business."

The bitcoin and cryptocurrency regulatory landscape in the U.S. has long been found stifling by the nascent crypto industry—with some choosing to more favourable regions such has Switzerland.

"Everyone in the know is already well aware of Europe’s clear guidance on crypto custody, exchange licensing, rules for issuance of payment, utility and security tokens," said blockchain pioneer and managing director of Yeoman’s Capital David Johnston, adding, "European rules are very clear at this point."

Social media giant Facebook, which last year revealed it will launch its own cryptocurrency, libra, in 2020, opted to base its independent governing Libra Association in Switzerland.

>> No.17278787
File: 45 KB, 676x380, TriedToWarnThem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Jews who gives a fuck about money laundering. You want to launder money, open a thrift store and then report astronomical sales.

>> No.17278796

actually yes, he was supportive of crypto

>> No.17278800

So nothing new, I thought it's going to be something more specific.

>> No.17278828

>You want to launder money, open a thrift store and then report astronomical sales.
they don't care about money laundering as long as they're paying taxes

>> No.17278842

Dual citizen here, I cant wait to renounce my US citizenship after LINK moons and not pay a single penny in tax.

Fuck the United States of Israel. By the way I just used my second passport to KYC on Binance and continued trading. In summary FUCK KIKES, YOU ARE NEVER GETTING ONE RED CENT.

>> No.17278853


Ron Paul is a Russian plant

>> No.17278883
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This BTC crackdown is nothing new

>> No.17278888

KEK, you know you have to pay an exit tax right? Look in to the process. renounce now, the US is shite

>> No.17278890

Yawn. This will become the 2017 version of "China blocking bitcoin"

>> No.17278914

They are saving the real countermeasures for the time some arab tries to sell oil with crypto

>> No.17278941

Plz resolve this FUD for me, if governments ban crypto, what recourse do we have?

>> No.17278972
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I love this man. Based Trump killing all your shitcoins

>> No.17278986

I'm so fucking sick of that orange tub of lard. Fucking genetically retarded /pol/cucks.

>> No.17278989

Ron Paul was our last hope. American public has since developed a mentality that everything should be safe and predictable and that everyone is entitled to all these different services and shit even though nobody is entitled to anything. Everything’s a fucking “human right” these days except the right to live outside the government apparently

>> No.17278994
File: 482 KB, 1398x1669, kashkari-neel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neel Kashkari
have a look at this fucking maniac

>> No.17279004

Not all governments will ban crypto, there will be crypto Haven's out there that will sell the servicing in exchange for a fee.

The US needs to decide if it wants to bring in money or hand the reigns of an infant market over to the next financial superpower.

I bet China is looking for a big economic win right now

>> No.17279011

This kind of thing has been in and out of the headlines for over half a decade now. Some journalist asked a dude who works for the federal reserve if he would rather buy bitcoin or treasury bonds for his kid. Of course he says treasury bond. Imagine the shitstorm if he didn't.

I wouldn't worry about this stuff anon

>> No.17279013


they can't ban it, if they did it would go to the supreme court and get overturned because money is human language and you can't ban speech. if a ban were to be upheld by the supreme court then we would know with 1000% certainty america is over.

>> No.17279063

Every president is always do Jews. When Zion don leaves some other figure head that does nothing but suck Jew cock will get in office. Nothing ever will change. Things will only get worse and worse until one day the world is slave nigger mutt town.

>> No.17279064

>“The reason that the dollar has value is because the U.S. government has a legal monopoly on producing the dollar,”
This is the types of moves that help bitcoin. If gives validation. It shows that bitcoin is real and alive.

>> No.17279083
File: 18 KB, 600x238, dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right. both parties exist to keep the status quo. they don't want newbloods making it.

>> No.17279092
File: 278 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200214-193051_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats are worse than a literal retarded person.

Good goy

>> No.17279117

Semite demon

>> No.17279129

This really. They want to keep their citizens under their thumb, can't have the cattle gaining freedom, wouldn't want them to think there's a better way

>> No.17279144


This. There's partnerships and bankers themselves all investing in crypto. They want average joe's not to get in on it before it all moons.

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole tone regarding crypto totally switches overnight after all the smart money got in and made bank.

>> No.17279156

This is controlled OP to rile up the population. D&C 101. Sanders is a Jew and he is 100% for Jewish agenda and so is AIPAC. It’s all theatre. Wake up

>> No.17279165

>tax incentives to get into stock market
>crypto jeets like brap eternally btfo
Voting for trump again

>> No.17279326

Brap is going to moon in the next bullrun though. Stop being salty it's 0.6 eth for 60million braps.buy low while you can