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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17278193 No.17278193 [Reply] [Original]

I didnt sell at 4.86

>> No.17278228

Really wish mods could limit chainlink discussion to like 3 threads. Tired of seeing like 10 different threads pop up every time chainlink’s price moves by like 10 cents either way

>> No.17278258

Cope and seethe

>> No.17278263

link is a russian pnd

devs hold 99% of the supply and pay shills to spam biz 24/7 to get autists to pump the price

>> No.17278318

Dilate and have sex

>> No.17278343

Lmao I hold link dumbass but there’s no point having 10 different threads, at least half of which are pretty much copies of each other with no actual discussion happening in any of them apart from maybe one or two. I don’t need constant validation for my stack, unlike some people though it seems. Also when you’ve already accumulated what you want at the prices you find appropriate and just being patient until it hits a price level you want to sell at, you kind of want to look for other places to make money ya know? Actually no you wouldn’t since you’re probably a post 1.50 newfag who doesnt Have any other money or income to invest in apart from what he holds in link, at least you’re patient enough not to have sold yet. So you aren’t totally retarded

>> No.17278360

LMAO gb2reddit if you want srs bzns

>> No.17278375

omg i losing so much money right now, i went all in at 4.75 :((

>> No.17278379

Aww I’m sorry

>> No.17278495

>being so new you think /biz/ has always been an exclusively crypto board
Lmao most cryptos are worthless why the fuck would I try to diversify by focusing only on other cryptos? You do know there’s a whole other world out there right, plenty of great opportunities to make stable money so that you don’t rely purely on speculative assets

>> No.17278531
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>> No.17278542

>I didn't sell at $3/$3.30/$3.50/$3.70/$4/$4.20/$4.50

>> No.17278580

I like how this oracle hack of bZx occurs just right when they do the denver eth conference, then sirgay comes out and says secure oracles are needed.

>> No.17278604


>> No.17278620

Wow, actual financially smart person on /biz/. New on /biz/, I almost think that this is purely cryptocurrency board by now.

>> No.17278650

Imagine paying more than a $1.20 for this....

>> No.17278651

Have fun with your 7% annual return max normie

>> No.17278669

Jason Parser, I...

>> No.17278775

>t. nolinker

>> No.17278813

god I could have cleared $200k if I just fucking sold at 4.80. jesus it’s going back sub $3 isn’t it. this is too much anons

>> No.17278834
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I sold at 4.76 it was my first pump and dump, bought into crypto with some linkies at 3.30 a month ago
Should I run with my winnings or should I reinvest anons?

>> No.17278839
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But there is nothing left to discuss..
If you want to have an interesting discussion why not make a thread about the ways to cash out millions without getting fucked by governments and the banks ?

>> No.17278852

I mean did you sell to tether? then you did a good trade otherwise you are worse off then you were holding link

>> No.17278895

People who only focus on get rich quick schemes tend to crash and burn eventually. You need to learn how to manage risk if you want to actually have any long term gains

>> No.17278919

Assuming you sold in exchange for tether like the other anon said then you did good especially for a newbie. I’d say wait until it’s below 3.50 though

>> No.17278984

3.50 won't happen, at best we hit 3.90

>> No.17279147

LINK is a meme shitcoin

>> No.17279401

this but also not this, the biggest gains are to be made with crypto, the risk is high but the return also, so its worth having at least 20% in crypto, that can be a millionaire making machine or the biggest scam, and truth is a lot of people already became millionaires. The ponzi isnt dead yet, there is still a chance.

>> No.17279508
File: 35 KB, 495x495, 1210368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fomo'd at $3.50
I sold at $4.40
aint much but I made a hundred bucks doing literally no work. Is it always this easy?

>> No.17279544

>Lmao most cryptos are worthless
And that is why the market is willing to pay billions of dollars for them?

>> No.17279548

Patience my friend. I’m not talking about a time frame of a few days or even a couple weeks. Last time link went from 4.50 to 1.50. To say 3.50 won’t happen is naive imo not just because “past performance is indicative of future results”, that’s not really the crux of my argument. It’s that there’s no reason for link to be at 4.50 right now, there hasn’t been any news which would cause the market to change its valuation of link. So there’s nothing stopping it from going back down to the price range it held for months before this out of the blue market-wide pump. As for why it’s still pumping slightly relative to the rest of the market at the moment? Well no one can give you a solid answer, my bet though based on other similarly ambitious coins in the past and based on link itself as well, is that you never underestimate the power of fomo or of (emotional) sentiment in crypto forums (/biz/ and otherwise) in this market

>> No.17279560

You made $70 and will be too poor to pay the taxman

>> No.17279623

A mostly speculative market which is often easily manipulated by whales to their own benefit, wherein exit scams are more than doable without even a huge risk of prosecution, and where A significant portion of investors are people who mainly get their research from places like /biz/ or reddit or they’re just people looking for get rich quick schemes. Most cryptos are worthless. Use that to your advantage

>> No.17279631

I'm not an amerifat

>> No.17279633

Realize that people like you are the reason people like me make quintuple baggers.... never sell a slinky. U dum dum n stinky

>> No.17279654

free market of ideas faggot
if people wanted to talk about your shit garbage indian coin then your thread would survive

>> No.17279655

>Most cryptos are worthless and that is why 100 BTC is worth more than most homes and fortune 500 companies are racing to implement blockchain and smart contracts

>> No.17279724

>u dum dum n stinky
Are there seriously people above the age of 18 who talk like this lmao

>> No.17279761

>implying bitcoin is “most cryptos”
And as for that second part, is your reading comprehension so poor you think that most cryptos means all cryptos? Are you even aware of how many different crypto currencies there are? On fucking binance alone let alone all the other exchanges? How fucking new are you kek

>> No.17279798

This is what I mean. People on this board think crypto is the only thing that exists in the world. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering it’s mostly financially insecure retards who went to “get rich quick” and who don’t actually know much about anything beyond whatever coin they’ve decided to emotionally invest themselves in at the time, let alone anything outside crypto markets. Stay limited poorfag