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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17271611 No.17271611 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine buying a coin with 50 billion supply after it pumped with fake google partnerships, when you could buy a better version with only 3 billion supply and 2 main nets. Clearly the market is retarded.

>> No.17271667

biz actually made sergey a billionaire. I bet he is grateful.

>> No.17272181

Fantom is a shit coin with NO DEVS, a crude Ponzi scheme with massive amount locked up in to create artificial scarcity, that could not create a pump, this should scary any investors, and tons of rewards ready to dump in June, slamming the price to zero. Tech is utter shit and partnerships are fake. Here:

>> No.17272218

FTM is a scam of the highest order. A pernicious, rotten ponzi run by the most devious and greedy of pajeets. I pray that nobody has really fallen for this but I know in my heart that some fools have.

>> No.17272253

> P R O V E Y O U R C L A I M I N D I A N F A G G O T

>> No.17272257

Take your meds fag

>> No.17272350
File: 66 KB, 715x660, Annotation 2020-02-15 1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the thread idiots. Why are your shit coin team hiring 38 third world scammers and have ZERO DEVS after the chink dev team exit scammed? Yet you idiots claim to be white?

>> No.17272370

Haha. Talk to Michael Kong and Andre and tell them they are nobodies. These guys designed and ran the show and other programmers hopped on. Is eth bad because a bunch of nobodies helped vitalik?

>> No.17272373

What's up with the spam? You psycho scammer have been spamming biz for months, only for your shitcoin to dump. How pathetic is that?

>> No.17272407
File: 486 KB, 640x640, 42343243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Kong - bachelor in tech and only work experience with shit companies and scammers

Andy is a scammer that worked as "code reviewer" to get access to private codes. If he did not get it, he would trash the project, then the scammers took the knowledge and went over to their competitors, scammer Fantom.

Who the hell would buy a used car from this guy, pic?

You didn't answer my question, pajeet, Where are the original chink team devs that exit scammed long time ago? Why do you have ZERO DEVS and just put up devs that do not belong to you on your internet site, while hiring a massive third world scammers and spammers?

>> No.17272409

When it pumps does that mean it was legit? If you only buy stuff that is going up that means you're the guy that gets dumped on.

>> No.17272448

What are you rambling about low IQ pajeet. I talked about the ineffectiveness about your spam for months and how you shit up biz every single day. How is your shit scam comment even remotely related to what I said?

>> No.17272466

Zero people have hired me. Andre has his own work people can read his articles and see his insight on crypto code, he really added flavor to what Fantom is. Kong is a genius and was able to put everything together. Consensus works perfect as advertised, with exception of custom vm which is probably coming later this year.

Saying they are a scammer while they continue to work because clearly they haven't scammed people enough to retire should indicate they are still working for something. Logically if they exit scammed there would be no main net and they would have gone dark like sparkster.

>> No.17272533 [DELETED] 

You talk like you belong to a cult, scammer. Again they have NO DEVS, yet 38 third worlders in their "marketing dep" aka scammers and spammers. If you were not a moron, that should tell you everything, add to that the fact that whole chink team exit scammed long time ago. Andy is only there to keep to scam afloat while you idiots lock up your FTM so the team can start dumping. Their insane staking reward system has nothing to do with securing the network, that could have been done with single digit reward/inflation, instead the fantom scammers used absurd rewards as a Ponzi scheme, while idiots like you are too stupid to detect a clear Ponzi.

>> No.17273197

Why are you Fantom scammers pumping out your shit threads constantly with multiple at the same time and spamming/shitting up biz when it clearly isn't working? Is it because you are all paid and you must do it, or are you really so insane that you believe that spamming your shit project and scam for months with no real world effect will make you rich on your scam?

>> No.17273251

>7 posts by this id
Be honest, did you get scammed bud?

>> No.17273288 [DELETED] 

No, I knew that 300K, dag with smart contract was an insane lie and Fantom was a scam. Every idiot could see that. Are you Fantom idiots so dim that the only reason for people to dislike you shitting up biz with your constant spam and scam, is that we lost money? Do you believe we all are scamming animals with no high standard, like you Fantom con artists and scammers are?

>> No.17273301

Jannies PLEASE just perm this guy he has been spamming his schizo copy pasta bullshit for MONTHS

>> No.17273319

Come on lad fess up, how much did you lose?

>> No.17273338

imagine buying FTM, ever, instead of the $1m cap FRM (almost the same ticker, ironically)

>> No.17273533 [DELETED] 

>Jannies PLEASE just perm this guy he has been spamming his schizo copy pasta bullshit for MONTHS
Are you psychotic, fucking spammer asshole? You Fantom con artist and scammers have been shitting up biz with your fucking perma spam, multiple threads simultaneously, every fucking day 24/7 for months, lying through your teeth all the time, and when your scam get exposed with documentation, you rats start to whine and sequel like pigs, whining about reporting? Fuck you scamming assholes.

>> No.17273552

Fuck off scammer. People warning about Bitconnect could see that scam miles away, same with Fantom. Either you have a really low IQ, a scammer with no consciousness and just don't care, or a combination of both.

>> No.17273623

>To get access to private codes

Actually made me laugh. Nice one you silly fudder.

>> No.17273684

Learn basic facts, scammer moron. Many of the projects did not have public codes, yet scammer Andy managed to do "code reviews". You do the math, Fantom con artist. Time for you to spam Fantom thread number 666 this month. Surely that will pump the price of your scam project, right imbecile?

>> No.17273696
File: 359 KB, 640x636, 456345345345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey actually made /biz a billionaire. I bet they are grateful.

>> No.17273705

STD, BINANCE, GIRLFRIEND. What does it mean!!??

>> No.17273715

schizo OP have you seem a psychiatrist yet? btw nobody is going to pump your shitbags MTV and DAG

>> No.17273725

it means CZ is going to get infected by HIV by his GF! OMG OMG OMG! sell everything!