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17265614 No.17265614 [Reply] [Original]

600k cap, new exchange soon, token burn soon, game changing product, STO platform soon, volume rising... easiest 10x of your life.

These platforms are how anons will trade in the coming golden bullrun. Connects 15 exchanges including binance, huobi, coinbase pro, bittrex, okex etc. to a single UI + a ton of other features to streamline trading, asset management, even taxes etc. with an STO platform on the way.

The only other competitor is TROY, but it only has 3 exchanges integrated. Best part is TROY's marketcap is 8 million, while LCX is only 350k coming out just 2 months ago. It is insanely undervalued. Generally it's a well connected, well funded Lichtenstein-based team with a CEO/founder vetted by the Prime minister and chief prosecutor. Advisers include Jimmy Wales and Don Trapscott and partners include GDF, WEF, Ledger.

>> No.17265714
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>> No.17266225

Any nice place to buy this? Is it an erc20? Will it stay as one of it is?

>> No.17266239

Confirmed scam.

>> No.17266272

Liquid is the only decent option atm.

>> No.17266273

sketchy shit anon sounds like a good way to lose money

>> No.17266296

and 5btc volume lulz

>> No.17266329

Yup pajeets are on the rise today

>> No.17266357

paid shiller now ruins the whole BIZ

>> No.17266474

Why is this a scam? I am thinking about buying.

>> No.17266545

oh newfag...

>> No.17266703

confirmed newfag. Founder of Binance and Tech Crunch both called out founder of LCX for being a scammer.

>> No.17266718

Yes I'm super new. Thanks for the input. Volume is shit but that doesn't make it scam.

>> No.17267073
File: 114 KB, 1128x800, 1581653880331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ scam FUD was already cleared up by Lichtenstein's chief prosecutor

> “The Financial Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) sent the public prosecutor an analysis report in connection with the business activities of LCX AG at the end of November 2019, which led to preliminary surveys on suspicion of infidelity and money laundering. Preliminary surveys were discontinued on January 10, 2020. There were no reports of investors or investors, »says Frank Haun, deputy chief prosecutor.

read page 17 for full details https://www.crypto-snack.com/lcxdetailreview20200212.pdf

*pic rel it's LCX CEO and founder with Adrian Hasler, Prime Minister of Liechtenstein

>> No.17267092

+ it has a literally working product you can use

>> No.17267191

Now 8 btc volume and rising. The fact that it's only on "who?" exchanges with new exchanges coming confirmed is what makes it such a good buy. Or you know, you could wait until the volume is 10 times higher along with the price to fomo in. Suit yourself anon.

>> No.17267301

Okay so it looks like it's and erc20. Is there any plans to move to another chain or can I just hold and forget?

>> No.17267415

No plans to move that I know of

>> No.17267580
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Good stuff, anon. Those are some strong fuds.

>> No.17268225

the next pump after this consolidation phase will convert those with FUDs into FOMO buyers. Keep screaming scam and lose out on gains, your loss.