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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 249x249, swing buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17262553 No.17262553 [Reply] [Original]

Bought at 4.15 usd

>> No.17262568

>Bought at 4.15 usd
Congratulations you were almost immediately down.

>> No.17262571

Sold at $4.61 and will buy back at $2.

>> No.17262609

proof or larp

>> No.17262627

Swinglinkies always win

>> No.17262635

When are we buying LINK back? what price?

>> No.17262642

is now the time to swing? I'm fucking sweating right now

>> No.17262660

Based. I'm mad at myself that I wasn't paying attention and didn't sell at 9300, could be reaping it now

>> No.17262674

Based. But dont make these threads too often, we need the degenerate hodlcucks to hold our bags. That's why I sometimes falseflag "swingies get the rope" in moonfag threads

>> No.17262697

Any other swingers in this thread. This is a prime example of the mentality you DO NOT want to have. What you want to do is set a certain target, say you want to earn 4% each time you sell and buy back. If you are 80% sure LINK is heading to 4.05, and 99% sure it will hit 4.15, you buy in at 4.15. The reason in this: 1) It is best long term. You can do this in an excel sheet. Winning 4% ten times in a row, is better than winning 4.5% nine times in a row, then losing 10%. 2) What do you do if it hits 4.10, then starts going up? Now you have no plan. You either have to wait for it to come down (will it?) or buy in later once you've decided (probably in a more emotional state) that it won't come back down. Either way, you've been screwed for more than you would've made had it hit your original target.

I will make two each day, probably 1 hour apart. Is that too much you think, fellow swinger? I think it keeps me accountable, at the very least to myself.

>> No.17262736

I've been selling chunks along the way
it will correct, it always does

rebuy at 3.50

>> No.17262745

I meant 10300. Focused on spending time with the family yesterday, and now here I am

>> No.17262769
File: 11 KB, 70x70, 334827706124337164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would swing too if I could only buy 1k links at a time LMAO

>> No.17262803

Sold all around $3.80-$4

Not too nervous, it's obviously going to go back under $3.50 if not more. If it doesn't no big deal I'll just stick my money in a 5x BTC long for the next half year

>> No.17262843

Saving this one for the Chainlink version of "sold ETH at $7 now it's mooning and I refuse to rebuy" compilation

>> No.17262852

2 per day is based and reasonable, fellow swingchad. Also great advice. Did you make your own excel sheet or did you find a premade formula?

>> No.17262855

Under 3.5 is by no means a guarantee. It will never be below 3 again though. That is pretty much certain and obvious at this point.

>> No.17262859
File: 1.09 MB, 1584x1631, CCEC79FF-56F6-4B85-9966-4DBFAAF11CB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not too nervous, it's obviously going to go back under $3.50 if not more

>> No.17262871

I literally almost sold at 4.10, but the numbers kept rising as I was typing in my info
what the fuck is happening its back to 4.22

>> No.17262890

i cant fucking take this, im sitting on a fucking suicide stack

>> No.17262894

just nulinkers getting swung as usual

>> No.17262909

But will it correct now? Maybe, I am not sure, but I do ponder that.

I think you could be profitable even with as little as 100 link, maybe even less. The fee for selling is something like 0.5% on most exchanges, maybe plus a tiny (something like half a link) constant fee. That means you would need to make 2% profit each time if you have 100 link to make even.

1.4^10 = 1.48
(1.045^9) * 0.90 = 1.33
This is even more reasonable than my example as well, as this would imply that one of each trade went wrong, instead of one in 5 (80%).

>> No.17262922

Just keep those iron hands anon. Even if you know there's at least a juicy 20% dump coming, your sacrifice will make us swingies some cash, and I appreciate it.

It would be very easy money for you, but just HODL TO THE MOOOOOON

>> No.17262935


>> No.17262945
File: 40 KB, 474x317, 1578775629512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a swing bag at $0.20. Will swing at 1k.

>> No.17262961
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 1581682262912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why trading is so beautiful. Even if you're so bad that you only win 50/50 trades, you're still profitable if you exercise good stop loss and take profit behavior.

>> No.17262978

Seething hodler detected, did you hold through the last $4.5 too?

>> No.17263031

Just keep making trades, your initial investment isnt even that important. If you make even 2% profit daily with around 200 starting, you're in the tens of thousands of profit by the end of the year. That's what these hodlcucks will never tell you.

>> No.17263033

holdfags are just scared

>> No.17263051

You're going to lose all of your money >>17262978
You're literally down on your trade, massively, and are trying to be smug. You're the textbook definition of a retard.

>> No.17263111


My sort of rule is this: If I've sold my linkies, waiting to rebuy at a lower price, and it hasnt fallen to the set price within 8 hours of when I sold, I immediately rebuy. That way, I don't risk missing out on a bullrun (at worst a 50% jump). I don't lose any money either.

The exact "8 hours"-limit isnt that important. But it is important to have some kind of limit in mind before you decide to sell. At least that is my opinion.

>> No.17263128
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 1576524000109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're literally down on your trade, massively, and are trying to be smug
You should stop projecting, unlike you I actually bought in over a year ago and I realized my profits. My trade won me over 500% meanwhile you haven't realized a dime. Obviously link WON'T be going to $2 but the only retards are people who think it's going to just keep going up forever.

I am very smug, because no matter where link goes from here I've made a LOT of money off it. How stupid are you to think that selling = losing money? The absolute state of HODLers

>> No.17263146

I bought in at presale. You know nothing, you disgusting newfag. One year? Your future wagecage will be using your tongue as a bidet on my anus.

>> No.17263168
File: 152 KB, 846x603, 1579748910305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep being loyal to an asset that ISN'T loyal to you. Isnt there a word for that? Oh yeah, "cuckold"

>> No.17263188

there are two sides to a trade, my friend. who do you think sold you their linkies when you bought at $4.61?

>> No.17263189

You sold at $3.80. I'm up over 2000%. I think I'm doing alright. You aren't, though.
Get ready to eat shit.

>> No.17263209

If you're still holding at this point you're mentally challenged. Bitcoin is going to dump to 8k and take the markets down with it.

>> No.17263241
File: 930 KB, 1440x1138, 10101846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He keeps saying you LOST money, kek. Why cant retards understand the difference between a spot sell and a margin short? Kek

>> No.17263276

the seethe is obvious

>> No.17263277
File: 62 KB, 746x500, 1574380892936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, you've been holding for 3 years now waiting like a nice little cuck while swingers sell pumps and dump on you. Thanks for hodling nigger, less competition and keeping the price propped up

>> No.17263278

Keep repeating that mantra cuck

>> No.17263298

I bought mine at 16 cents, thx for confirming that you were larping tho

>> No.17263336

Your tiny mind cant comprehend that I'm actually bullish long term on many assets. I just dont cuck my portfolio with 60% + dumps that happen numerous times every year like you do.
>get ready to eat shit
Like I bet you deep throated Sergey's 700k shit logs

>> No.17263391
File: 3.28 MB, 600x782, 1581466588478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf did a LINK cultist just use the word mantra? lmao repeat after me

>> No.17263422

Oh no no no stinkies are being cleaned as we speak!

>> No.17263448

You seem mad
Are you mad?

>> No.17263463

listen to this cultist repeating his mantra over and over like a good zealot culty
are you on your knees in front of your sirgay shrine also cultist?

>> No.17263604

Were literally dumping right now

>> No.17263652
File: 35 KB, 128x128, 622032151713677352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm saying is I would consider swinging if I was poor like you. With the amount of capital you're working with, even if you go all in and hold, it won't make a difference. Your only hope is to swingtrade.
Every time a swinglinker exposed his stack, it was worth less than $2k.

>> No.17263666
File: 62 KB, 901x894, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my trade. Got 400 LINK out of it.

>> No.17263739
File: 6 KB, 222x227, 1564096261205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

layered off sells of my swing stack in the 4.50 region yesterday.
gonna rebuy in the mid to high 3's

>> No.17263907

Are you saying you have so much money you don't want to make more money? You must be a billionaire...

Are we? Binance, coinbase, coinmarketcap all say we're up 25 cents.

>> No.17263913
File: 87 KB, 1282x780, Screenshot_2020-02-16_08-28-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at BTC 1 week per bar MACD (at the bottom of pic related) .... if MACD continues to undulate, which it seems to a lot of the time, then BTC is in a major upswing. /biz/ visit volume is high at the moment, suggesting people are FOMOing, supporting that MACD will rise and make a nice green hump, and the top is yet to come. LINK will follow BTC.

>> No.17264015
File: 35 KB, 563x315, 477a823b0734de1c9b807e369b61919d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is risk
God you're dumb af.

>> No.17264183

Swing trading is LESS risky, stupid hodler. I can tell I hit a nerve

>> No.17264213
File: 34 KB, 564x564, db994400895a3a28d35cd83897906c7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your low IQ just doesn't stop showing.

>> No.17264216

It definitely isn't.

t. fellow swinger

>> No.17264250

Swinglinkers are the main force that moves the market with a current 24hr volume of 480mil. Maybe a few /biz/ swingies here have small profiles, but super whales still absolutely fit into that category.

You can still transform into a large profile with $2k though

>> No.17264295


>> No.17264321
File: 65 KB, 892x535, 1564018318733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a lower high until it goes above 4.60 you know.

>> No.17264394

Explain how it isn't if you are so clever. A swinger spends less time with his money invested in a volatile asset. The only difference is that risk can be managed by being smart. If you blindly hold you have no control over whether you win or lose

>> No.17264490

I sold, put my order in for the $3.99 dead cat bounce, am gonna go fuck my wife now.

>> No.17264611


It won't break 5 unless we get more news I think.

>> No.17264612

Produce white offspring

>> No.17264660

Hodl is just a permanent spot long position that literally has WAY more risk than swinging.

They post their smugs during bull cycles, then pinkies when we dump. Many such cases.

>> No.17264887
File: 117 KB, 850x1201, __original_drawn_by_nedia_nedia_region__sample-e9e2e57a890b212183ce4b8fb0b24b01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy in at 0.0147 eth/link

>> No.17264899

She's a hapa so they'll be 3/4 white. Sorry. ;)

>> No.17264936

dont post this in my thread

>> No.17265400

Just sold, buy back at 3.80.
Btw only swinglinking my previous swinglinking profits (5-digit LINKies)

>> No.17265626

I think it will rise to 4.6, or a little higher. I don't think it will drop all the way down to 3.8. I might be wrong though. If it wen't anywhere close to 5, I would sell though, unless there was a good reason for it.

>> No.17265685

youre gonna get slaughtered dude lol. gonna love to see the pink wojak you become