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17254359 No.17254359 [Reply] [Original]

On the idea that Chainlink is "kingmade." (Davos 2019, Jeff Schumacher)

For Chainlink collateralization, staking penalties, etc. to work, the price of the token has to be a lot higher. It's written on the wall that the price has to be much higher. So it's $4.40 right now, but it needs to be in the hundreds or thousands of dollars for Chainlink to even to begin to function as envisioned.

Pretend you're the kingmakers. What do you do, print a hideous chart only for LINK to moon seemingly out of nowhere, for purely fundamental reasons? Or do you bake what will be a purely fundamental appreciation into the chart itself -- actually serving to obscure the fundamentals to an extent? Do you not print a perfect, textbook chart, so that when it moons (and rightly so), everyone simply says "well, look at that gorgeous chart, I'll take the trade, but it's just a trade, and nothing more."

Chart traders are being roped into the game and they will fuel the speculative price rise which will conceal the fundamental price rise. When it's time for the speculation dump at the peak of the market cycle, Chainlink will dump, but not too much. Instead, we land on the fundamental price curve and never retrace.

The textbook chart will lure market participants to help drive the LINK token price where it "should be" or "needs to be" in order to begin to serve its intended function.

In fact, the textbook technical rise is designed to conceal the collusion that is likely taking place.

Now what if you could commit a "crime" that would make every person in the world between 2-10x richer, but yourself 10000x richer? It's good for everyone, but how will it be perceived? People won't like it, even though it benefits them. Envy trumps reason. So how do you pull this off? You do it like Chainlink is doing it.

Sergey has plausible deniability, because it's never been discussed. At those levels you don't have to say the words.

>> No.17254391

So we're dropping back to $3 then doing a 10x?

>> No.17254407
File: 77 KB, 640x360, FD6D87FA-EE85-4E90-A27E-BF37A0665974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is half smart, half schizo poasting. I like it.

>> No.17254902

Price goes to $1000 and then $10,000. Has to. But it has to get there somehow. Nobody can set an arbitrary price since it’s supposedly decentralized. But the price can be gradually ratcheted up to the appropriate level in a way that invites others to play along.

>> No.17254951

this. its gonna take atleast 20 years

>> No.17254983

No more than 10. That’s a long time though.

>> No.17255001

I've got plenty of time.

>> No.17255025
File: 95 KB, 600x450, 1548864629861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link wouldn't have been chosen for a SWIFT person of color if it hadn't already been kingmade

>> No.17255062

Right. Now let’s avoid any appearance of impropriety and lift the price of this “decentralized” token where it has to be to serve the function it’s been assigned. Initiate bear-market-denier.exe.

>> No.17255090

Staking to back data interoperability, staking to back off computation of smart contracts, staking as the most liquid collateral for DeFi... imagine the scarcity

>> No.17255092

Death to Israel you circle jerking kikes

>> No.17255160

Uhhh so in summation.... $1000 eoy basically.

>> No.17255220

$812. Then $575. Then $2235 EOY 2023.

>> No.17255274

Not me motherfucker I’m 30

>> No.17255304

"$1000 eoy so that those pesky 4chan trolls sell at the given price."

>> No.17255309
File: 133 KB, 1420x1963, 1572990598802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you wish you were 19.

>> No.17255344

more like 100-500, back to 50, then a slow rise to 100k+

>> No.17255355

Poor oldfag, wont even get to spend all his linkies, ahwell, might aswell give to me :D

>> No.17255398


>> No.17255407

2 years max

>> No.17255694
File: 34 KB, 641x530, 1537520550013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally almost twice the US GDP in mcap
I'm bullish too but like come on

>> No.17255830

but lowkey im just a smoothbrain

>> No.17256734

They've been behind it the entire time. You are all lucky enough to have recognized it early and gotten onboard.

>> No.17257791
File: 127 KB, 788x1024, 1580348627474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's written on the wall that the price has to be much higher. So it's $4.40 right now, but it needs to be in the hundreds or thousands of dollars for Chainlink to even to begin to function as envisioned.
>but it needs to be in the hundreds or thousands of dollars for Chainlink
>hundreds of thousands
We are indeed in for some fun times, young sport.

>> No.17257962

The GDP of the US is about 6% of the total asset value.

GDP = $17 Trillion
Asset Value = $270 Trillion

Chainlink is also a global asset.

>> No.17258013

Nobody wishes they were 19

>> No.17258094

Checked for truth

>> No.17258280
