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17252120 No.17252120 [Reply] [Original]

I put 10k down on LINK at $4.34. How fucked am I?

>> No.17252133

hopefully it goes up to $6 otherwise you are stupid!

>> No.17252156

This has to be bait lol

>> No.17252160

Retard its on top now. It will go down in a couple of hours
It will do shit

>> No.17252169

Rest in pieces OP, that was a textbook pump and dump on the “news”

>> No.17252580

It’ll be $10 soon. Q3 2020

>> No.17252594

probably the best decision you've made. it may drop and you'll panic but just hold and you'll be good. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.17252601

Should've waited for It to go under $4. I dont think its time for $5 yet

>> No.17252637

Why? should have dropped it on xrp. Link going back to 2 fiddy soon.

>> No.17252638

Honestly it might go down but if you hold long enough you should be looking pretty good in the long run.

>> No.17252650

Hope so, I’m not done stacking yet

>> No.17252666


>> No.17252683

Xrp is a pajeet tier shit coin. IT WONT MOON

>> No.17252693

This. XRP is the king.

>> No.17252695


it's gonna go down and you will lose money, op

you should have bought in the bear market

>> No.17252697


>> No.17252766

you bought the top lmfao

>> No.17252780

>10k gets you a 2k stack
damn....we've come a long way

>> No.17252794

COPE soiboi

>> No.17252799

Read no further OP

>> No.17252856

Are you retarded? Why the fuck would you buy Link now? Why didn't you buy at $1.5 or $2 or $2.5 or $3 or $3.5 or even fucking $4?

>> No.17252999

lol rip

>> No.17253028

You know how Qtards have that slogan "trust the plan" just make a mental note that this is out of your hands. Consider the money gone and if it goes up you can have peace. If it goes down be careful, because its gone down and right back up many times since I started investing. DESU holding link requires a gut of steel and is not for the weak hearted. Only you can say what you are.

>> No.17253088

>I'm a late stage linklet, how fucked am I?
You will make money but you will carry the mental burden of knowing what you could have been for eternity

>> No.17253099

Link more like stink :://

>> No.17253128
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 1581557991124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think this isn't normal? FOMO is very real and after seeing us spam this board with LINK for over 3 years of course the plebs will FOMO in at 4.34....this is not a bad thing for us...this shows us that we will all make it.

>> No.17253271

you bought some of sirgay's $1mil link stack dump. congrats

>> No.17253402
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 1580926100117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its on top now.

I'm a TA brainlet. How do you know if a coin or chart is "on top"? What indicators are you looking at?

>> No.17253427

his asshole

>> No.17253442


>> No.17253459

checked, praise satan

>> No.17253503

You might be ok long term but not as comfy as those of us that bought at .25c

>> No.17253519
File: 148 KB, 883x1024, 1580080106121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pos cant even break ATH and people calling for ALT season to be over, fuck its so grating

>> No.17253529

>it will go down in a couple hours
Said the increasingly nervous swinglinker/nolinker for the 10th time today.

>> No.17253555

For all we know people could screenshot this, and then 4-5 years from now, chainlink is $200 or more.

>> No.17253721

>for all we know
better check those digits son

>> No.17253736


>> No.17253738
File: 105 KB, 597x559, 1581627076379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17253776

He would be up 100 bucks already lmao

>> No.17253794
File: 33 KB, 742x510, 392943297490824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to price discovery mode or we're going back to the abyss.

>> No.17253809

Checked for truth
Heil Hitler
Gas yourself

>> No.17254096

news? im pretty sure LINK is going up because the entire market is

>> No.17254104

does price discovery mean a potential mini moon?

>> No.17254117

Yeah he's definitely going to regret buying it especially when link hits $20.

>> No.17254204

Or mini floor falling out from under us.

>> No.17254881

Sell 1/4 at $20. Let the rest ride to destiny. Dont worry about it til then.

>> No.17254912

OMG fucked

>> No.17255701

wait at least a year, lad. for fuck's sake, be patient.

>> No.17255812

I need $17 link plz

>> No.17255970

Thanks for buying my 20x bags. I put 10% of my gains into UND and you should do the same.

>> No.17255993


Roll. Thanks OP anon

>> No.17256054

>He bought the top

Never change /biz/. The moonfaggots telling you we're headed to $20 are incredibly reprehensible tho

>> No.17256061

$20? we're heading to $100 before summer you nuscum

>> No.17256078

No one wants to buy you shit streaked UNDerpants pajeet.

>> No.17256093
File: 970 KB, 1289x1128, 1555467242048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly you will only be a millionaire

>> No.17256097

Maybe. But OP will panic sell the bottom judging by his compulsive investment behavior