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17235953 No.17235953 [Reply] [Original]

I applied to about 30 different jobs on LinkedIn and I haven't gotten even 1 response. Is there a better place to apply to jobs?

>> No.17235956

Never apply to jobs. Get a friend to recommend you

>> No.17235982

Funny, i got 30 offers every week and refuse them all

>> No.17236005

Based and fren-pilled

>> No.17236013

Why LinkedIn? No need.

Not sure what country you're from, but isn't there a main job site everyone goes to and posts on? For Australia, it's Seek.com.au, Career.com.au and so on. Go on those sites.

Another thing, your resume is probably bad or isn't presented well, or you don't have enough experience, just keep that in mind.

>> No.17236016

never advertised a job, received 30 applications what do?

>> No.17236017

Just do security. It's a retarded job. Im personally looking for a permanent night shift one such as in a truck stop. You basically get paid to watch youtube or play app games all night long.

Morning shifts suck tho. Checking receipts suck too. I also just feel retarded with my current position. Like holy shit, it's actually lowering my self-esteem. They just pay me to stand in front of doors for some store. It feels so fucking stupid. Camera always on you so you cant even use your phone.

So ya... try security, but go for night shifts

>> No.17236018

but most companies use recruiting services now so interview with them and they will place you.

>> No.17236033

In person helps a lot. Just find something you like instead of getting what is handed to you. Employers like drive.

To answer your question, a simple google search should have turned up
Ziprecruiter (seemingly mostly office jobs)
Craigslist (seems to be most of the lowest on the totem pole jobs)
Monster (like indeed and ziprecruiter combined)

Good luck.

>> No.17236042
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your resume so we may critique

>> No.17236152

>Employers like drive.
thats honestly fucking disgusting. Most people work for a paycheck, not to make a "career" out of some shit job. Thats what pisses me off about employers. They cant comprehend people dont have a "desire" to suck their cocks.
>ya! Ive always wanted to be a slave!

>> No.17236160

I have no friends,

Dox myself? No thanks.

My resume kind of sucks though. No education, big companies, or major achievements. I dont know wtf Ive been doing for the last 10 years.

>> No.17236173

Get as mad as you want, that does not change how seemingly the majority of the system operates. Anything in business requires sales ability. Selling products, your services, you name it. Create interest or demand in someone else's person and you have successfully made progress.

>> No.17236175

I did a bunch of small solo projects but I suck at marketing so they didnt go anywhere

>> No.17236177

>doesnt have a life worth ruining
>worried about beinf doxxed
Pick 1

>> No.17236178

It happens exactly the same. I only got an interview after submitting 46 job applications, and I didn't get the job. I even got frustrated and talked about it in my psychological treatment. I have modified my CV twelve times and they still don't answer me, I'm still unemployed

>> No.17236184

way more likely to get a good job on linkedin than some dog shit recruiter on seek. at least you’re in touch with the actual company on linkedin

>> No.17236198

try attaching an image of a firm handshake to your online applications

>> No.17236209

maybe he has many weeds

>> No.17236217

>don't have enough experience
>try to get experience through internships
>rejected from internships for lack of experience
>killing yourself becomes the only escape from the cycle
>now you can put 'experienced death' on your resume

>> No.17236275

>so anon, it looks like you have experienced death?
>and how many years did that last
>how experienced are you in death
>it only happened once
>aw that's too bad. we were looking for someone with a bit more experience than just once.

>> No.17236282

If you havent already, map out some of the different businesses in your area.

Those that you think might have use for more people, email them or show up and say that your looking for work and if they have use for you to contact you. Be friendly and dont push it, you're just informing them.

Even if your CV sucks, this shows initiative and that you can fuction socially.

Even if they're not hiring now, usually businesses (Sub 150 people) dont look for people immediately when they require another hire, they procrastinate the "problem" of having too few people a bit. When they actually get around to hiring new people they might think:
"hey, there was this one guy that came in and asked for work, maybe we should call him and meet him?"

>> No.17236295

That’s not a bad idea but I need a job ASAP

>> No.17236302

How do u get a job without doing all this retarded bullshit like applying and resumes and interviews

>> No.17236305

sry for spelling, im drunk and not a native english speaker

>> No.17236316

then do it x100, some might require people now.

The problem with job ads is that hundreds or thousands of people apply, and if your CV sucks you have no chance of an interview.

>> No.17236355

Ya I get it. Everyone with a job has played that retarded game.
Im just saying its a flaw in the system in itself. Basically harassing people simply trying to make a living.
It's what breeds disgusting behaviors such as "you have to look busy even if you have nothing to do".
It basically is what spawns the toxic environment of a job.

Again, I get it. Im just saying it's fucking stupid.

>> No.17236358


You can't. It's a system for matriarchs and bugmen. You must submit to suck on the teat.

>> No.17236369

Yes, very much so. I think it would be much different with less women and effeminate men in the workforce as well. The waste produced by these silly games is terrible. They also want to make people into sniveling snake like slimeballs by doing this. In no way shape or form do I see this as good other than it shows them that you are willing to suck up. Stupid games man.

>> No.17236375

I’m not reading this whole thread but it could be that you’re applying to jobs that are too old. If a job is posted and a few good candidates apply, HR may not even looking for more interviewees. Apply as early as you can. I have gotten every position I’ve had through LinkedIn or reference

>> No.17236420

Doubt it. I used to think the same thing until I saw resumes of two women who have been more succesful than me. Literally paragraphs of details for each job like it was an essay. Somehow those are the kinda people competing me!? Wall of text resumes that are 2 to 5 pages long!?

>> No.17236463

DEFI is changing how finances work, FINNEXUS is great example Due to the fact that the FNX tokens can be converted to USDT after the sale even if the price drops by 10 times

>> No.17236489

>Camera always on you so you cant even use your phone.
That sounds horrible. Where do i look for a job like this, the truckstop kind i mean? What if im skinny?

I rarely revise my resume besides putting in more details or trying to game the system. Refer to my above post where women with wall o text resumes had/got better jobs than me with my resume that was revised to look professional
>oh no anon 3-5 bullet points
>action not just your duties
>tailor it
As they said on reddit and elsewhere yet im being beat by women who drop essays worth of text onto 2-5 pages somehow.

Got sidetracked, how long u been unemployed?
Me, 4+ months.

Might be worth a try if they dont even bother contacting me unless they bring me in just to mock me after the interview.

>> No.17236503 [DELETED] 

This. Although it's very hit or miss considering how many no longer take paper apps unless they're like
>under 20 employee's
>not a franchise or part of a corporation

>> No.17236554

I mean most jobs have cameras. The other jobs ive had were in a way worse which is why I decided to just go for the easiest thing ever. Anyways, no real place to look other than online. Just google the keywords on indeed. The specific company im in is called "allied universal". They hire anyone.

>> No.17236895


Also what did you mean by this?
>were in a way worse

>> No.17236991

Just more micromanagement in general.

>> No.17237063

I hated that at one of my previous jobs. Micromanaged even though i did my work right for the most part.

>> No.17237098

Ya. Just get a guard card before applying. You can do that in like 2 days. Im also looking for jobs at a beach. I think you need a "wick" card or some bullshit like that. I myself need to look it up.

You get paid more if you get a gun permit, pepper spray, and baton, but just a guard card is fine for most of the jobs (including the night shift truck ones). Nearly all the night shift security guard jobs are chill as fuck though. Not just truck stops. Thats just what Im aiming at