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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17232921 No.17232921 [Reply] [Original]

Before /biz was all crypto we used to be like r/wallstreetbets

>> No.17232934

Op post your age

>> No.17232935

Sounds like the old fags were literal fags

>> No.17232943

TA on stocks is useless. It's literally gambling.

>> No.17232950
File: 134 KB, 850x1183, 1581442587010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here for the thot posting and the shilling. Can that place offer that?

>> No.17232955

I really hate all the faggots that migrated here from this plebbit site

>> No.17232960
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Kill yourself

>> No.17232965

This. Crypto is actually the safer bet because it isn't controlled by dumb boomers with low impulse control.

>> No.17232989

You have no idea what old biz was like you newfag zoomer cocksucker.

>> No.17233032


Fuck cocks OP. You will NEVER be /biz/. Tell your moderator I told him to go fuck himself.

>> No.17233045

The smartest autists are on Reddit. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows this. This place has become a joke after it was raided by racist incels creating nothing but pure anarchy.
Semi oldfag, thinking about making r/ my home

>> No.17233058

I'm still here faggot, old /biz/ had 1 post per hour and was made exclusively because of crypto threads on /g/. The fact that we also talk about stocks here is an unexpected blessing.

>> No.17233071

>Semi oldfag
t. 2015 election tourist
Go to reddit you faggot

>> No.17233085


>> No.17233103


>mentions reddit uncritically

Pick one

>> No.17233117

>t. literal nigger

>> No.17233130

Just fucking kill yourself

>> No.17233143

this :/ being all racist + sexist + ableist + just "edgy" in general kinda gets old, guys...

>> No.17233158

Nice b8.
Reddit is retarded people trying to act smart, 4chan is smart people acting like retards.

>> No.17233163

Weak bait

>> No.17233167

get out faggot

>> No.17233171

I’ve been on 4chin since 2008. I have never browsed r*ddit on purpose, ever.

>> No.17233204

Ummm you sure? Retards are everywhere

>> No.17233274

I already checked it out, it's all college students making long calls on stocks because they think stocks can only go up and the fed is going to pump new cash into the market forever. Most of them have somehow lost money even in a bull market, the few that have made a lot are constantly posted about.

>> No.17233292

Imagine being on fuckin 4chan in TWOTHOSANDANDTWENTY and thinking you’re better than any other retard on any other website. Pathetic


>> No.17233304

Came here for the stocks
Stayed for the crypto

>> No.17233334
File: 98 KB, 608x395, 08015A06-8979-4169-BABC-D14F9DBD0FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this place was “invaded” by “racist incels” then you’re A)not an oldfag B)absolutely don’t understand board culture because you’re too young, sheltered and ultimately dense to grasp the concept of what 4chan really is and finally C) a fucking nigger

Get the fuck off of this site and go back to whatever social media hellhole you found a link to this place on

>> No.17233368

If you seriously believe people on this shit website are smart you are either underage or brain dead. literally look at any thread or any general on any board and its retards screeching at each other.

>> No.17233454

>If you think this place was “invaded” by “racist incels”
He's right. It used to be ironic shitposting racism. Now it's legit racism.

He's also right about Redditors being smarter than 4changers. Every time I debated in 4chan, it is always fucking easy to destroy their entire argument. When I started debating Redditors, I got destroyed and got better in debating. You guys are like C- students and they are like B+ students.

>> No.17233480

actually it was raided by literal baby boomers from facebook and their trust fund weenie kids.

>> No.17233505

you came here in 2015 fuck off you know nothing
>i got destroyed by redditors
sounds like you need to go back there

>> No.17233520

/biz/ was literally created as a crypto containment board, as usual op is a faggot

>> No.17233529

Debates on 4chan devolve into racial slurs, passive aggression, regular aggression and smug anime posts. B-b-but we smart tho.

>> No.17233530

fucking kill yourself

>> No.17233534

Probably because you got destroyed so hard on 4chan that you did not even realize it.

When the sage points at the moon, the fool looks at his finger.

>> No.17233547

Based and fellow oldfag too young to buy btc pilled

>> No.17233554

i love WSB especially the discord but i still spend more time on /biz/

>> No.17233558


This is the right answer op, /biz/ was created as a containment board because /g/ was overrun with crypto posts and they could not find their rice and keeb threads through all of the shit.

Wsb is mainstream retards now too, peak wsb was 2013-2014.

Neither wsb or /biz/ were ever good, but they are clearly worse since you joined them. KYS

>> No.17233606

Debates on reddit devolve into calling people racist or incel, sarcasm, passive aggression, regular aggression, upvote circlejerking, and smug pseudointellectualism. B-b-but reddit smart tho

>> No.17233625

Did i say that you goofy fuck?
can you only think in terms of team a and team b you simpleton?

>> No.17233628
File: 40 KB, 613x408, i-think-the-greatest-joke-in-this-is-describing-4chan-as-amp-039-far-left-amp-039_o_4687351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you came here in 2015 fuck off you know nothing
Not really. I came around 2010. Been on 4chan for pretty much a decade and the culture has changed. 4chan was more left-leaning back then with edgy humor. Now it's far-right with actual racist views.

>sounds like you need to go back there
I use both now. What're you going to do, cuck?

>> No.17233636

He literally proved exactly what you were saying.

>> No.17233655

Stock options ruined my life. I never played the lottery, went to casinos, etc. because I knew gambling was a scam. Then I discovered stock options and every wednesday and friday I started playing spreads on the spy with about a 50/50 shot of doubling my money or losing it all. I tried a reverse martingale strategy and it and ended up taking 4 loses in a row for a 90% loss. That was like half my net worth at the time.

>> No.17233656

Lmao now you're circlejerking each other off just like you do on reddit

>> No.17233661
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>> No.17233662

>racist views

>> No.17233667

ok /u/faggotnigger

>> No.17233679
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>> No.17233699

>redpill me on slot machines

>> No.17233723

You could have done 50/50s on companies with a little bit of research and critical thinking on and probably come out with a net positive EV, but no you're too retarded for that

>> No.17233753

reminder that, if you weren't around for when /biz/ was bitcoin threads on /g/, you're a newfag and will always be a newfag

>> No.17233764

u sure u were on biz? were u lost little girl?

>> No.17233769
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disgusting subhuman nigger. Literally kill yourself.

>> No.17233772

There are daily nigger hate threads on /pol/ (the largest board on 4chan). You can't unironically go around saying those are just parody or some objective "race realism" facts. It's just a thread about shitting on blacks.

>> No.17233808
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>what 4chan really is
man, what IS this place really? I wonder sometimes

>> No.17233818
File: 85 KB, 587x592, 1581458042260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poo poo pee pee

>> No.17233823


>> No.17233833
File: 13 KB, 236x243, velma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea. Here in crypto, we are safe in the hands of manipulative chinks and pajeets who run scam exchanges and trade against their own users. Imagine not putting your financial destiny in the hands of the One True Russian Scammer..

>> No.17233849

as gay as reddit is, the lack of anonymity makes it more difficult to endlessly shill different scams like a certain group of people does here

>> No.17233870 [DELETED] 

>Stock options
Lost a lot of money on them. Had i never went on biz /smg/ id only lose maybe 2k. Instead i lost almost 10k

>> No.17233910
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Fuck off nigger, having to filter some pajeets is a small price to pay for my anonymity

>> No.17234305

gay take

>> No.17234326
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1580066074266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we suck each others dicks now??

Sorry I'm new to Reddit

>> No.17234744

You think I can get a wife like this if I stake my Ferrum for a year?

>> No.17235210

>Never went on /b/
Anon I...

>> No.17235227

you don't want a wife like that.
These women only get their satisfaction through attention. It will be fun at first, but after a time she will be like an anchor around your neck.

>> No.17235862

we need

>> No.17235882

Hey, at least /biz/ calls them out, unlike fucking greedy kikestocks

>> No.17236736

finnexus is based on DeFi tech supported by wanchain ecosystem and a great buy Due to the fact that the FNX tokens can be converted to USDT after the sale even if the price drops by 10 times

>> No.17236762

Kill yourself

>> No.17236925
File: 21 KB, 506x606, woj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/wallstreetbets is making fun of us again

>> No.17236943

>average wsb reddit fag is maybe up x2 because tsla
>average biztard is up up at least x20 because link

>> No.17236955

Reddit is 105IQ with SD of 5IQ
/biz/ is 105IQ with SD of 15IQ

Go back midwit

>> No.17237049

yeah, not believing that schlomo. Been around since 2007. It's been always racist. Because inherently men hate degeneracy and reject it.

>> No.17237069

Yes, we have become exceedingly good at it.

>> No.17237077

go back to the shithole you came from (reddit) niggers, you are not wanted here, low IQ subhuman creatures

>> No.17237105

You are the perfect example of what they are talking about

>> No.17237113
File: 206 KB, 1280x1715, 9E6C8B34-8BBB-48BE-82C7-B7FBFB26B229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringy npc

>> No.17237118

>Because inherently men hate degeneracy and reject it.
And yet every other thread is about degeneracy