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17229698 No.17229698 [Reply] [Original]

this shit is legit scary. I would pick up a bunch tonight just in case

>> No.17229721

nice design, is it related with xrp mooning somehow?
Is that because of this picture?

>> No.17229735
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has to do with a combination of things mainly the China US trade deal, new US digital currency, and brand new crypto regulations

>> No.17229890

I'm all in on XRP but it wont moon tomorrow.

It will moon when markets crash, world leaders meet and agree upon using Blockchain/XRP to facilitate trade.

>> No.17229984

anon, the volume for XRP right now is the same volume during the ATH of jan 2018 bullrun. This is a sign the elites have gone all in right before something big

>> No.17230008

It will moon, just not the super moon. (2000 USD)

>> No.17230157
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>> No.17230273



no super moon yet

>> No.17230311

Tomorrow is the initiation of the super moon phase

>> No.17230373

eh, I am counting on another day of some 5-8% gains, nothing special. so far nothing good has come of any riddles

>> No.17230433

I don’t need a super moon but a vindication moon would be nice. I’ve been accumulating for two years. It would be a nice to brag to my friends that it’s headed in the right direction

>> No.17230463

if you want an easy life, do not brag about anything, keep quiet. If they ask about it when they see XRP moon, say you sold at a loss and you regret it etc.

if you want a hard life, brag, tell 1 friend, 20 will know by the end of the day.

>> No.17230511

Bro I tried to make my friends invest in this obviously solid asset, so they definitely know im holding some. They don't know how much, though.

>> No.17230690

I feel the same way. The only people that know that I'm invested in this is my boss and a few siblings. I haven't even told my girlfriend who I've been with for 6 years now. It would be nice to have a decent amount of saving in my account.

>> No.17230720

You going to ghost that bitch after moon?

>> No.17230772

I wish I was as based as you. I sold like 4k XRP before this recent bull run to put towards buying my GF a Louis Vutton bc "muh I love her". Now I'm scrambling to get back up to a 10k+ stack.

>> No.17230794

If you buy your bitch brand-name shit to show your love then you're already lost.

>> No.17230819
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>> No.17230835

Nah she'd be happy with anything, this was just to treat her more than I've ever have anyone. I told her she's not getting anything until XMas now.

>> No.17230915

lol nah she has been good to me after all of these years. It doesn't hurt that she is a doctor either.

Yeah that's where you fucked up man, I wouldn't buy my girlfriend stuff like that.

>> No.17230944

You obviously have no clue how women function.
Virgin or MGTOW amirite?

>> No.17230947

>It will moon when markets crash, world leaders meet and agree upon using Blockchain/XRP to facilitate trade.
already happened at davos, they all know that the markets are propped up with printed dollars

>> No.17230972

My theory on it is it doesnt affect my daily financial situation, so fuck it - I could've just bought more guns but I decided I'm content in that department so why not burn 1k on something for shits and giggles.

>> No.17230997

Date low tier women, they require low tier treatment, and they'll care about their weight/appearance short term.
Date high tier women, they require high tier treatment, and they'll maintain appearance and weight indefinitely.

>> No.17231067

I can agree with you on that, if you got the money then go for it. My girlfriend complains that it's too expensive but I know she secretly likes it but I just go along with her not liking it so I don't have to waste any of my money.

>> No.17231086
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solid asset

>> No.17231149

The best part is she assumes I'm poor so things are still working in my favor. She thought I was pranking her when she opened the present and the box had the "LV" markings. She the one, so I'm keeping her around, the next surprise is when were house hunting together and drop the casual "oh we dont need a mortgage, I got this" (obviously after XRP goes to the moooooon).
Definitely getting a pre-nub, this god damn site has made me so mistrustful of women deep down.

>> No.17231242

I'm in the same boat as you, my girl thinks I'm poor too. My goal is to get a house as well if this coin ever moons. Good luck man, I hope everything works out.

>> No.17231345

You should still get a mortgage. Taking 30 years of inflation into account, 500K (or whatever you pay for your house) plus interest over 30 years is going to be worth less than an upfront, lump sum of 500K.

>> No.17231369


Always mortage your house, even if you have a trillion billions dollars.

Nobody that is smart pays for a house in full kek.

Take the loan amount, invest it, pay off house every month with the money you invested.



>> No.17231370

So what’s XRP make it stack ? To me making it is having my own place and not being a slave to a landlord, that’s approx £6-700,000, I only have 20,000 XRP, so doubt it’s possible for me. However even a 2-3x would be nice, and I can find more low caps to invest in with the returns.

>> No.17231386

hey you should ask if OP is a homosexual, perhaps you two could date?

>> No.17231391

20k XRP is more than enough lol, make it stack is 2k xrp.

>> No.17231411

fuck you larping faggot. You are going to lose your shirt with XRP and ill laugh at you.

>> No.17231415

I'll have you over for beers around a fire anon, we will be the new .1%

>> No.17231699

well I hope that’s true, thanks for the hopium.

>> No.17231766

any ideas why xrp is not gonna moon?

>> No.17231948

If your "love" is predicated on material goods then you're a failure. She will leave you if you ever cease being able to produce material goods.

>> No.17232102

a lot of buy orders on binance right now, is something happening?

>> No.17232144

Who cares, if you love a woman you can treat them sometimes. Girls aren’t all the same and don’t come with manuals, they all differ. Stop poisoning your brain with incel crap you read online and go out into the world and try to talk to some people and you’ll see there’s plenty of good women in the world as well as shitty ones. Not everyone’s some insane gold digging whore.

>> No.17232175
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Based and preach anon. If you wanna spoil your woman with a Lambo, a Louis, or a night out who gives af. Just dont let them impact financial decisions you make to keep bread on the table.

>> No.17232217

bittrex orders are flying all over the place

>> No.17232235

Will all other crypto’s tank as xrp pumps?

>> No.17232276

Go away Jew. No interests for you

>> No.17232361

Yes, you are absolutely correct. If you think that every woman is a gold digging whore, then you are going to attract that. If you treat people with respect, they will treat you with respect back. And if you have that fear, it will prevent you from connecting with a woman in the first place.

Also, real men, especially men with money and power, spoil their women. What kind of wife of a Rich man is one who is bedraggled, haggard, etc? It makes me think less of that man. Rich and powerful men spoil their wives and take care of them, that in and of itself is a symbol of power and authority.

>> No.17232587

Well, that's the parasitic nature of women. Keep coping with muh true love, dumbass cuck

>> No.17232627

parasitic nature of women?

>> No.17233290

during the institutional dogpile it very well could end up being a lateral transfer of market cap from BTC.

>> No.17233315

link is hitting 5 tomorrow, xrp is done

>> No.17233332

OP there are numbers at the top of the mountain.
14 is the base of the mountain

>> No.17233356

I hope you're joking

>> No.17233395

>we gonna get a prenup
prenups don't mean shit, the courts overturn them.

keep your wealth on crypto where they can't touch it.

>> No.17233490

Have you noticed how it hasnt dipped with BTC like the rest?

>> No.17233522

I can fucking feel it in the air, anons.
A chill creeping up my spine.
My biggest regret is not getting more xrp. I only have 5k. I will semi-make it but will have to be very wise with my money if I want to never wagie again.

>> No.17233705

This never goes away. I remember being ecstatic to have 60 when it was a dollar in 2018 two years later and i have 15k from putting away little bits here and there. Never dreamed I would have this much and I still wish I had bought more.
After the 2017 bull run the general consensus was 500 was enough to make it. Man... it’s really been two fucking years. I wonder if it’s finally happening.

>> No.17233744

should i move all my link into xrp?

>> No.17233747

Yes. Happening incoming

>> No.17234031

Will I make it even if I'm gay?

>> No.17234465

Because it has a use case and is almost instant for transactions...wait a sec

>> No.17234495
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You're a fucking simp lad.

>> No.17234523
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>Louis Vutton
she's already fucking men with much larger wallets and penises than you

how do you feel lad

yo gimme her number she'll like my stack

>> No.17234559

This guy gets it. Fuck ALL THAT noise. If you can pay your house off in one go, pay that fucker off. Interest is legalized rape.

>> No.17234564

t. Woman

>> No.17234604

>should I put all my eggs in one basket, as if there's not an age old fable explaining why this is a terrible idea.

>> No.17234610

Retard. Stop listening to mr cucks, everyone in the financial industry knows XRP is worth 2k+ so there's no news there. Everyone knows they spoke about XRP behind closed doors at Davos, knew this before Davos happened.

What I said didn't already happen, it will happen.

>> No.17234661

Are you retarded?

1. Take loan.
2. Invest it.
3. Use profit from loan investment to pay mortgage.

You are literally being paid by the bank to have the mortgage.


>> No.17234712

This is bullshit
250k mortgage average repayment 1800 per month
invest that 250k in a 5% fund would bring you 1041 per month dividends.
Inb4 higher risk investment
Only a brainlet would gamble 30 years of future payments on a 'high risk' investment

>> No.17234841
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If you borrow 250,000 at 5.000% for 30 years, your monthly payment will be $1,342.05.

If you invest that 250k into a SAFE Vanguard Index Fund, your % return on average is 7-8% per year.

Which means:

You'll earn an estimated $1,458 income per month from a $250,000 investment yielding 7.00%.

This is how I do it, this is how wealthy people do it.

>> No.17234909


Here's a fun little video I found just for you. Learn how to manage wealth son, or the banks and the jews will rape you for every cent you have.

>> No.17234953

I have to admit its pretty simple but clever Im gonna watch that video because you dont seem like a larp for some reason.

>> No.17234972

t. incel cuck

>> No.17234974

Btw do you also stick a wage cuck in said house and take rent every month. Therefor rent pays mortgage = free money from dividend. I guess youd have to own the house outright to do thi however.

>> No.17234977

Good man, fuck the banks. The richer you are, the lower interest rate you will get on your loan. It is a beautiful thing, you can 3x your net worth pretty easily by doing this over and over again.

No larp, just experience.

>> No.17234989

If you are paying the mortgage, you do not need to own the house to rent it out. That would just be money on top of money, your tenant(s) would be paying the mortgage for you. Renting it out is always better, I just used that example because I assumed you would be living in it alone.

Good luck anon!

>> No.17235003

You can't instantly lever to buy a "safe" portfolio but you can with a house. So you are assuming someone has 250k all at once in these scenarios.

You probably are larping because you have no understanding of what you do once you have any semi real amount of money.

>> No.17235030

>You can't instantly lever to buy a "safe" portfolio but you can with a house

Lol what? You do realize it's as easy as clicking "buy 250k worth of X index fund, right?

>> No.17235068

I mean you'd need to own the house to take out a 2nd mortgage on it wouldnt you? Or can you have 2 mortgages?

>> No.17235074

Is that you Baba

>> No.17235111

Not where I live (eu) don't know about other places in the world. I doubt it, as long as you are the one on the contract, I don't see a problem taking out a 2nd mortgage or renting it out.

I am not mr cucky boy no.

>> No.17235377

hmm, given how bitcoin is dropping, I don't think there's going to be much of a pump tomorrow

>> No.17235465

1900 XRP enough to make it?

>> No.17235521

uh oh I think we're in trouble

>> No.17235534

>1900 XRP enough to make it?

>> No.17235559

Another menedate huh? So many of these around lately, not that any of them ever amounted to anything, but this time is different I am sure, right?

>> No.17235736

99% of crypto's will not exist.

>> No.17235839

Is this the average Joe's plan for XRP to succeed? XD

>> No.17235903
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Yes. The regulations will obliterate many cryptos and give an easy path for the chosen ones.

>> No.17236773

I am personally investing in new projects with strong fundamentals, DEFI based FINNEXUS is a great buy Due to the fact that the FNX tokens can be converted to USDT after the sale even if the price drops by 10 times

>> No.17236777

Just sold all my LINK for a 4k stack and gonna buy more tomorrow when I get paid. I hope this is it boys

>> No.17236790


please to be informed that we have done the needful and bought 10 more PNK, please to have bigger shitting hole for village soon, my brothers Pajeet, Shivah, Rajeet, Cummah & Tejaswi all buy on uniswap exchange.
Please to be knowing good sirs that this is 100% gold coin, no shit coin agreeable sirs, 1000 x minumum or more