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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17225978 No.17225978 [Reply] [Original]

Get off the pot boys: https://kaleido.io/how-chainlink-works-under-the-covers/

>> No.17226137
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>> No.17226170

Another literal who

>> No.17226315


>> No.17226342

>technical explanation of cryptocurrency
>image is of CSS stylesheet
Lmao just lmao

>> No.17226688
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>Using Chainlink is fun

>> No.17226769

this is NOT how chainllink works
you need to pick your nodes
which makes it centralized

>> No.17226862
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I don’t feel so good...

>> No.17226875

Wtffffffff the shadow fork is real

>> No.17226934

some explain why this isn't terrible news

>> No.17226936
File: 187 KB, 727x582, 1581512176861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming chainlink can connect with anything on kaleido, that means hyperleder besu, quorum, and private geth, they actually can connect decentrally with other chains wtf, i kinda just assumed that was lipservice to be fulfilled up until now

>> No.17226943

LOL we literally funded Sergey's company and then got shadowforked

>> No.17226965

>dev environment vs prod environment

You fags are lucky I’m phone posting or I’d shit on you for being retards even more

>> No.17226967

It's been like this since 2018. Kaleido blockchains are private with a poa consensus

>> No.17226974

Yeah, it's the environment where they're developing the shadowfork retard

>> No.17226998

private chains are essentially testnets for public chains

>> No.17227027

That's it, put all the rest to bsv, all in now.

>> No.17227072


Thanks but it say's environment not like test environment.


Isnt the whole idea of chainlink to link private blockchains to data etc. Why wouldn't they charge?

>> No.17227075

It's incorrect, that is the default, but most operators will set a minimum payment. Probably every one that has a brain, otherwise you'd be paying to work.

>> No.17227136

yeah this guy is correct. I skimmed past the first sentence.

>> No.17227170


>> No.17227196

no, the whole idea of chainlink is to connect smart contracts with off chain data that they need close to trustlessly, public chains are more secure and less expensive for enterprises to participate in but they are slow and lacking in privacy, mixicles, deco, etc. tackling the privacy argument and dents are being made in the scalability argument (t sigs for cost reduction of posting large amounts of oracle responses on chain, zkrollups and the like for condensing large amounts of transactions into a single on chain response, PoS, sharding, etc.), once all these features are mature public chains will be irresistible, all of this aside, it's conceivable that transactions could be made on private eth forks, but payment still happens on public ETH, interestingly enough, enabled by chainlink itself lmao

>> No.17227225

TLDR $0.1 shitcoin until later in the future

>> No.17227264

yea lets buy high sell low instead

>> No.17227305
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SWIFT does not authorise any use of its logos by third parties unless with prior SWIFT approval.

>> No.17227314

So that's why they took off the logo from the site?

>> No.17227324

Basted anon

>> No.17227330

yeah but if chainlink are providing all of their service to private chain clients for free why the fuck would they switch to a public chain and pay?

+ wont they have the problem of lack of collaterisation for node operators?

>> No.17227355


>> No.17227359

Yes, that's why it's no longer on CL website

>> No.17227369

so what does this actually mean for chainlink

>> No.17227394

Smartcontract.com is the parent company. Meaning chainlink the product and the token is not involved

>> No.17227400

Right but it’s on smartcontractdotcom’s website so what’s your point
Checked. Fudders and swinglinkers BTFO

>> No.17227402


>Weimerica 2020


>> No.17227414

be careful anon. The chainlinkers hate anons who have brains.

>> No.17227452

Point is, sm the company can provide smartcibtract services to swift, without involving chainlink and the fcking token that biz bought.

>> No.17227480

It means $10 eoy

>> No.17227514

How are swingers BTFO? They all sold at 40k and are re-buying on much cheaper. Don't make sense

>> No.17227682

chainlink is literally on the smartcontract website, fk off man

>> No.17227876

That's the /biz/ motto

>> No.17227929

private chains are only functional in-house, all of these services want to actually sell a product, which requires. a public network

>> No.17227952


>> No.17228010

Nice one thanks for explaining.

t. 5k linklet

>> No.17228069

Okay now this is good fud, good i, too, went all in bsv earlier. Have fun bagholding faggots

>> No.17228918
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>> No.17229192

priced in stupid faggot

>> No.17229410

This isn't fud, 35% of the supply is network *incentives*(free tokens)

>> No.17229522
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This picture is illegal in my country. Please delete.

>> No.17229606
File: 630 KB, 673x406, COOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit get a load of this low IQ loser and his cope.
> t-they aren't working with chainlink on blockchain tech, they're just working with the parent company whose main blockchain product is chainlink
No one would notice if you killed yourself.
Do it.

>> No.17229708

Nice inspect element

>> No.17230243

Lmao good shit