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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17226406 No.17226406 [Reply] [Original]

I would bsv if I were you

>> No.17226500

Almost! You were almost capable writing an entire sentence. You’ll get there. Good effort, though!

>> No.17226632


>> No.17226673
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I believe you fren!

>> No.17226816

thanks ;)

>> No.17226850
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no YOU fren

>> No.17227365

>wait 45 minutes for ONE block
Tell me again why bsv is better than BTC?

>> No.17227465

BTC is not the original white paper. It is not bitcoin.

>> No.17227587

btc is the original bitcoin but it was never just a whitepaper.

what bitcoin is:
- a trustless permissionless publicly auditable ledger that is also secure
- a non-custodial peer-to-peer electronic payment system
- a network of nodes enforcing a common ruleset shaping a common reality in a trustless manner
- the longest blockchain under the consensus ruleset with the largest commulative hash proven by a specific form of proof of work
- a protocol that describes how consensus is reached on ordering transactions and how difficulty and coinbase supply adjusts over time
- a greater consensus on the ruleset that governs the protocol
- a standard reference client implementation created by nakamoto and maintained as an open source project
- an unspent transaction output spendable to a script returning true

what bitcoin is not:
- a whitepaper
- a gargantuan garbage dump of stale data stored immutably forever
- whatever satoshi said in a forum post
- whatever faketoshi dreams up in delirium
- whatever sv jeets shrill and rave about currently

>> No.17227605

fuck off disinfo nigger. Cute attempt though at a copy/pasta though

>> No.17227651


1. no one is using BSV

2. just go with the list below. Good for your soul

Eth - Smartcontracts
LINK - Data (connectivity through APIs)
UBT - Integration (connectivity through ERPs and SAPs)

The only people that wont understand this stack and are those who don't know anything about industry standards and processes. Basically highschool kids and unskilled workers.

>> No.17227677
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