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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17224201 No.17224201 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/fugee here.
Like this board way more.
Any tips for a cryptonoob? Things you wished you knew years ago.

>> No.17224219

Out of curiosity, when did you first start browsing /pol/? And what brought you to /biz/?

>> No.17224217

> Likes /biz more than /pol
what the fuck is wrong with you, GTFO LIBTARD

>> No.17224226

You have 20 hours to buy into LINK, you've been warned.

>> No.17224247


>> No.17224257

DCA everyday
Never sell even if it go low, it will always go back up (Only apply this rule to Bitcoin BTC)
Don't talk too much about your investments
Be patient

>> No.17224261

Buy doge

>> No.17224267

Imagine your plane spiraling out of control knowing your death is imminent while sitting in that cuck seat.

>> No.17224268

wait, for the pink posters
and only then buy
and buy privacy coins

>> No.17224296

Just buy in before it's too late newfag

>> No.17224305
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Since Obama's re election.
I legit want to know more about crypto, but anywhere you go you get a feeling people are just saying what's good for their own investments. It's probably the same here, but if you know how to navigate the chaos you can get good honest information out of threads.

>> No.17224314

everyone on this board is out to scam you or fuck you over. no exceptions. the only reason for someone to shill you something is because they're trying to sell it to you. if you had a goldmine you wouldn't tell anyone where it is-- the people pretending to share knowledge with you are trying to dump on you.

>> No.17224344

If everyone is lying, you just consider the opposite of what they say.

>> No.17224352

>wait, for the pink posters
They start posting immediately after the top though.

>> No.17224381

If you want honest advice? I'd say sign up for coinbase and put maybe $50 - $100 on some BTC, ETH, and LINK. Get your feet wet before going balls deep. Also, we could be at the top of a cycle so you may get dumped on, so you might want to wait to see how the market reacts before you go balls deep. Then after you "feel good" because you bought your bripto burrency, then you can start going down the rabbit hole of research and all that jazz

>> No.17224426
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here's a tip, you missed the boat on a lot of crypto so your best bet is to get into stocks unless you like getting shilled pajeet shitcoins. /smg/ welcomes you

>> No.17224509

this board isn't a crypto beginner tutorial, it's the place people that made it in crypto go to and shitpost with their frens. if you want to gather useful information, you're in the wrong place

>> No.17224511


>> No.17224674

you seem rather genuine and curious and humble. I'll help you out.


Go to those sites, navigate to their academy/blog sections, and read ALL THE ARTICLES. ALL OF THEM. I'm not advocating you to spend any money here (but buy link if you must) but the articles here will give you a better understanding of the World's economic problems that the industry intends to solve. Do this and you'll know more than 50% of the retards dwelling on this site.

>> No.17224676
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Cool. I was gonna troll you if you had started there after 2016 but as a fellow 2011 era /pol/ack I'll give you the quick rundown. The consensus on /biz/ after years of Darwinian autism is that Chainlink is the next big thing in crypto. This is the next big memetic event after Trump 2016. Of course that really doesn't mean anything until you lurk more, do your due diligence and get past the many filters like >>17224511

Honestly I'd buy LINK and leave /biz/ entirely for 6-12 months as you would be too inexperienced to handle any volatility.

Other general advice I agree with

>> No.17224718

Ignore Link. It's biz scamcoin of the month. Previous ones include bitbean and pndcoin, that should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.17224805

Nice thanks.
I did buy around $500 of btc and eth last week. Didn't want to go full all in even with the sudden rise this year.
My thinking is if it keeps going up I can keep buying a little bit now and then. But if it goes down I lose a little but than just buy a lot in the low.

>> No.17224960
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>buy stocks
>at ATH

accumulate as much sats as possible (through buying in, idk if right now is a good time though, and flipping shitcoins short/mid term, optional but imo necessary to some degree)
every (literally every) shitcoin is a scam
invest only in things you fully understand why you're investing in them and think others will buy off you at a higher price, there's no shame in not understanding technobabble, it's meant to be so confusing that you'll think it's clever and buy in
OP is a faggot, always, this is 10x correct for biz, in fact OP is also a lying faggot
blockchain is useless tech for anything other than bitcoin, nobody is willing to accept it but it's true, they keep the facade to enable useless blockchain companies and products to exist (you're free to look it up, they're all useless and do nothing)
if someone sounds brown, russian, or yellow, they're brown, russian, or yellow. Naturally, don't trust anyone brown, russian, or yellow. People born in shit know nothing but shit. I ain't racist but that's the truth.
if something sounds like a scam, it's a scam
if you don't like the name, ticker, logo, of a project, you're right to ignore it (if you haven't developed a sense for shit yet, give it a few weeks, guaranteed)

good luck I guess

>> No.17225014

also never read whitepapers it's a waste of time, it's just a long ad, the only whitepaper you should read is bitcoin's, 9 pages, no buzzwords, good read.

>> No.17225100

>Any tips for a cryptonoob?
prepare to get fleeced
if you don't want to get fleeced, buy chainlink, put it in cold storage and forget about it for a few years
the more often you move your money in this market, the more likely you are to lose your money

>> No.17225122

Put every penny you have in Link. Unironically

>> No.17225184
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>Any tips for a cryptonoob? Things you wished you knew years ago.

Crypto is actually safer than holding money in a bank.
It's still very early, 35 mil crypto user vs 7 Billion people.
Governments cant fight it so they most likely wont. (total bans)

What have you invested in before

>If everyone is lying, you just consider the opposite of what they say.

The safest is to just buy BTC and hold it.

VWRlc2g#4757 contact me on discord and I'll add you to a group we have.

>> No.17225237

I don’t know why this image is so amusing

>> No.17225259

Checked and based

>> No.17225436

>Things you wished you knew years ago.
to sell all my crypto while I still could. Now I'm poor.

>> No.17225719


Eth - Smartcontracts
LINK - Data (Oracle network, connectivity through APIs)
UBT - Integration (bridging enterprises to blockchain through ERPs and SAPs)

UBT and LINK have the greatest upside if your trying to make money, 1000x within 1 to 2 years. If you want a steady growth for the next two years then buy ETH

>> No.17225743


>> No.17225939
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