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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17217108 No.17217108 [Reply] [Original]

Describe a day in your life after you have financial freedom from your portfolio of assets appreciating over time.

>> No.17217112

i've got to find out, yet

>> No.17217132

Run playtests of my card game at conventions, work with hot college artists to get it looking good, swing down to some bar or frisbee league crap in the overpriced cities where everyone my age goes because they have high time preference and don't mind $2k in rent for a shitbox.

>> No.17217136

>Go spear fishing somewhere tropical and have the fish I catch for lunch made into different dishes.
>Go kite surfing after
>Fuck my big tiddy wife on the sand as the sun sets

I am but a simple man.

>> No.17217145

Imagine the smell

>> No.17217194

She's pretty cute, who is this jewess

>> No.17217201

>wake up fully rested, an entire day of opportunity awaits me
>because of ample free time I have an organized fridge full of ingredients to prepare myself a delicious breakfast
>can start my workout after breakfast at home because extra money allows me to just buy equipment instead of waiting in line at the gym
>personal dietician/physician helps tune my routine and keep everything on course without me having to think about it too much
>take a nice hot shower or bath if I'm feeling up to it
>relax in front of my computer, read the news, work on building up my skills in my hobbies (math and computer related stuff)
>go for a walk on the beach every now and then or a hike
>go to bed at night knowing my future is secure

I'll still probably be lonely and socially retarded but at least I'll have enough money where I can work on things. I want financial freedom so that I can actually grow in the areas where I'm severely lacking.

>> No.17217224

>wake up next to hooker, cum in her ass, tip $5, kick her out
>do giant rail of cocaine
>drink vodka redbulls all day
>brandish an assault rife out my apartment window every once in a while so people know not to steal my shit
>eat a bunch of mescaline
>order a pizza
>do another rail of coke
>forget about the pizza
>hire more hookers
>sleep whenever I pass out

>> No.17217227

Probably play jrpgs and do some compound lifts

>> No.17217237

Wake up when the fuck I want, eat a gargantuan breakfast when the fuck I want, workout when the fuck I want, create music when the fuck I want, eat more food when the fuck I want, meditate, take psychedelic drugs and sleep when the fuck I want.

>> No.17217251

i larp as an imam on public squares at college campuses preaching about how transexuals should be stoned to death

>> No.17217257


>> No.17217264
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>> No.17217270

Based af and quite productive.

>> No.17217272
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Fucking this I dont know how tranny fuckers do it just thinking about the man smell coming from a tranny is enough to make me gag.

>> No.17217586

natalie mars, look her up shes so hot and trad

>> No.17217717

overdose on cough syrup and tylenol. die in a pool of my own vomit on the floor of a rented apartment, bathed in the light of a monitor tracking my portfolio and an 85 inch tv streaming pornography. body is discovered after odor complaints. leave a large enough stain on the floor that the apartment super has to replace the floor. my sister lets the county cremate my body. my ashes sit on a shelf in a warehouse for a few months until they are disposed of with all of the other hobos. my estate goes to a the local animal rescue.

>> No.17217737

fuck twink ass white boiz with my big jewish cock

>> No.17217767

I would chimp out and post on the Internet, business as usual

>> No.17217778

>wake up whenever
>browse stuff for a couple hours while still lying in bed
>take a nap
>wake up whenever
>send message to my jamaican cook, telling him I'll be hungry in a couple hours
>get out of bed and go for a late afternoon/evening walk
>come back to eat psychedelic food
>watch youtube videos while stoned out of my mind
>order a tranny online, fuck its butt in an altered state
>rinse and repeat

>> No.17217824

>wake up at sunrise in my dome house in the middle of a large thousand acre property
>check my chainlink wallet
>up another 10,000,000% overnight
>my braaaapppp gf shits in my mouth
>continues to eat and shit (in my mouth) all morning
>poo into her mouth for the afternoon
>go to bed at sunset

>> No.17217834
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>wake up in somewhat luxury apartment
>get out of bed
>start working since I want to keep my financial freedom
>go outside for food being happy knowing I'm financially free
>go home
>do more work
>work some more

>> No.17217861
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>have a gf

>> No.17217869

Wow that sounds like a totally cool lifestyle, I wish I had an ethnic live-in s̵l̵a̵v̵e̵ cook who could help drug me into an altered (satanic) state so I don't have to face the fact I'm fucking a man's ass

Your life is on a SUPER good track, bro! Keep it up!

>> No.17217894

You sound triggered

>> No.17217916

look the manager square in the eye and tell him to go fuck himself
buy some chicken wings and a beer at 11am
take a nap w/ my ac running in the car
wake up, study some math
smile at a qt, ask if i can draw her
drink some rye whiskey
take a flight to fuckign mexico
get beheaded

>> No.17218245

Wake up. Rise out of my California King Size bed. Cross the carpet to my private bathroom. Take a shit while scrolling /biz/. Shitpost. Wander down to kitchen. Put some casserole in a cast iron pan to heat up in the oven. Make a sandwich and heat up some soup. Rip dabs from a bong. Eat. Wash it all down with delicious beer. Rip another bongtoke of shatter. Walk outside. Feel the grass under my feet, the sunlight on my face, the breeze on my skin. Look around for a minute. Smoke a joint. Wander a little bit outside. Check my phone. Nothing requires attention, because I've got all of my ducks in a row. Go back inside. Go to bed.

>> No.17218374

She’s beautiful

>> No.17218508

>wake up whenever i want
>Sleep whenever
>Eat this eat that
You people are dumb. If you don't practice self-discipline you'll all be blown the fuck out in no time.

>> No.17218552
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>wake up at buttcrack of dawn
>tend to my farm animals
>milk the cows
>check on crops
>go back to sleep for another hour or so
>wake up again
>make music with my friend who lives with me (or play vidya if we’re not feeling it)
>drive down to the city for jiu jitsu in the afternoon
>lift with my friend after getting back
>consoom massive dinner of dairy, meat, and vegetal harvested from my land
>play more vidya with friend until bed

>> No.17218570

Why practice even a modicum of self-discipline when I can fuck trannies and get high all day? Obviously pursuing every single one of my earthly desires without heed of consequence is true freedom. I am free, king of my domain, and you are a triggered slave

>> No.17218732

if you think you can keep up this for more than a year and not get depreressed or addicted to drugs you are delusional.

>> No.17218733

I'm a programmer

I would make video games 20 hrs a week and just chill the rest, slay pussy

>> No.17218751


>> No.17218775

Wake up and play vidya. Just like now.

>> No.17219568
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>> No.17219614

Every morning after making breakfast with my wife i would go to my garage/workshop with my morning coffee and work on props like Adam savage or continue restoring a VW beetle and a dodge charger.
Then we would go out for dinner after my wife is done painting for the day. (She does fine art and illustration).

>> No.17219623

>financial freedom
>still work
lmao cuck

>> No.17219679

he looks like a nice person

>> No.17219723

>Wake up in my secluded house nestled deep within the Appalachians
>Eat a quick breakfast, straight into the workout
>Shitpost for 16 hours
>Fall into a deep slumber
Repeat indefinitely

>> No.17219747
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>> No.17219780
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>The year is 2025.

I woke up at exactly 6:00. I need no alarm clock. Two women woke me by sucking my cock. I gave .00000001 link to each of the women as a tip. Three women helped me into the shower, all while caressing me and drooling at my link wallet. They also came instantly after seeing my balance.

I left my 50 acre mansion and got in my gold-plated 2030 Lamborghini Murcielago (custom made for me after the dealer saw my link) and another one of my bitches was waiting in the passenger seat. She was in the car all night, because she couldn't sleep without me having penetrated her. She hopped on me and started riding my dick while I squeezed her tits and drove with my knees. In a whim, I arrived at the gym. I threw the bitch off me, and she quickly returned to the passenger seat, where she would sit until I got back. When I got out the car, I flexed. My bulging, huge, muscles ripped my Gucci shirt off, and six women lined up. We had an orgy, which didn't last too long. Each woman climaxed when my cock came within five inches of her pussy, and went into an eternal state of euphoria after seeing my link wallet. I came, and transferred .00000000001 link to each of the women.

After benching seven hundred kilograms, I squatted four hundred kilograms. I started doing my 100 laps, but I got a phone call. It was a conference call with nineteen supermodels. They orgasmed after hearing my voice. My bitch in the car was getting lonely, so I went back. She sucked me off as I took the drive back home. I left her in the car, transferred .000000001 link to her, opened the diamond-encrusted knob and went inside

>> No.17219784

Eat a lot
Play wc3
Study/write music or draw
Lift weights
Eat a lot
Sleep another 12 hours

>> No.17219932

Beautiful anon

>> No.17219944

that is mt life right now

>> No.17219994

>wake up fully rested, an entire day of opportunity awaits me
You should be getting a good night sleep regardless. Turn off netflix and stop browsing /biz/ so late

>> No.17220025

t.NEET who's never worked on a farm. It's more work than a wagie job unironically. You'd never handle it if you complain about muh 40 hour shekelberg career

>> No.17220028
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Wake up
Two 10mg Valium two oxycodone 80 mg
Drive my masarati mc 12 to Mac Donald's get egg Mac muffin and two pancakes
Drive home
Gamble 10 million on bitmex
Cash out 100 million in crypto after being up 19 %
Start drinking champagne and eating lobster
Cocaine and meth
Spend 20 million on eBay on comics,DVDs,watches, occult books,sports cards ,magic cards and film memrobillia.
Start smoking weed more cocaine
Sniff some China white
Watch TV smoking weed till I fall asleep

>> No.17220074

Same here but I would hire programmers and just guide them to complete my dream game

>> No.17220086

Imagine my dick, cooming on a chick's face, FOREVER.

>> No.17220093


>> No.17220113


>> No.17220518

People need to look into other projects like XRP & Tachyon protocol etc, the obsession with BTC and ETH will make people lose.

>> No.17221034


>> No.17221437

sauce please?